21557 ワード
//package xtracker
package main
import (
func main() {
err := startTracker("", []string{"test.torrent"})
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Tracker returned error:", err)
func startTracker(addr string, torrentFiles []string) (err error) {
t := tracker.NewTracker()
// TODO(jackpal) Allow caller to choose port number
t.Addr = addr
dial := proxy.FromEnvironment()
for _, torrentFile := range torrentFiles {
var metaInfo *torrent.MetaInfo
metaInfo, err = torrent.GetMetaInfo(dial, torrentFile)
if err != nil {
name := metaInfo.Info.Name
if name == "" {
name = path.Base(torrentFile)
err = t.Register(metaInfo.InfoHash, name)
if err != nil {
go func() {
quitChan := listenSigInt()
select {
case quitChan:
log.Printf("got control-C")
err = t.ListenAndServe()
if err != nil {
func listenSigInt() chan os.Signal {
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, os.Kill)
return c
//package xbt
package main
import (
var (
cpuprofile = "" //If not empty, collects CPU profile samples and writes the profile to the given file before the program exits
memprofile = "" //If not empty, writes memory heap allocations to the given file before the program exits
createTorrent = "" //If not empty, creates a torrent file from the given root. Writes to stdout
createTracker = "" //Creates a tracker serving the given torrent file on the given address. Example --createTracker=:8080 to serve on port 8080.
port = 7777 //Port to listen on. 0 means pick random port. Note that 6881 is blacklisted by some trackers.
fileDir = "." //path to directory where files are stored
seedRatio = math.Inf(0) //Seed until ratio >= this value before quitting.
useDeadlockDetector = false //Panic and print stack dumps when the program is stuck.
useLPD = false //Use Local Peer Discovery
useUPnP = false //Use UPnP to open port in firewall.
useNATPMP = false //Use NAT-PMP to open port in firewall.
gateway = "" //IP Address of gateway.
useDHT = false //Use DHT to get peers.
trackerlessMode = false //Do not get peers from the tracker. Good for testing DHT mode.
proxyAddress = "" //Address of a SOCKS5 proxy to use.
initialCheck = true //Do an initial hash check on files when adding torrents.
useSFTP = "" //SFTP connection string, to store torrents over SFTP. e.g. 'username:[email protected]:22/path/'
useRamCache = 0 //Size in MiB of cache in ram, to reduce traffic on torrent storage.
useHdCache = 0 //Size in MiB of cache in OS temp directory, to reduce traffic on torrent storage.
execOnSeeding = "" //Command to execute when torrent has fully downloaded and has begun seeding.
quickResume = false //Save torrenting data to resume faster. '-initialCheck' should be set to false, to prevent hash check on resume.
maxActive = 16 //How many torrents should be active at a time. Torrents added beyond this value are queued.
memoryPerTorrent = -1 //Maximum memory (in MiB) per torrent used for Active Pieces. 0 means minimum. -1 (default) means unlimited.
torrentFiles []string
func parseTorrentFlags() (flags *torrent.TorrentFlags, err error) {
dialer := proxy.FromEnvironment()
flags = &torrent.TorrentFlags{
Dial: dialer,
Port: port,
FileDir: fileDir,
SeedRatio: seedRatio,
UseDeadlockDetector: useDeadlockDetector,
UseLPD: useLPD,
UseDHT: useDHT,
UseUPnP: useUPnP,
TrackerlessMode: trackerlessMode,
// IP address of gateway
Gateway: gateway,
InitialCheck: initialCheck,
FileSystemProvider: torrent.OsFsProvider{},
Cacher: nil,
ExecOnSeeding: execOnSeeding,
QuickResume: quickResume,
MaxActive: maxActive,
MemoryPerTorrent: memoryPerTorrent,
func main() {
torrentFiles = []string{"test.torrent"}
torrentFlags, err := parseTorrentFlags()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Could not parse flags:", err)
err = torrent.RunTorrents(torrentFlags, torrentFiles)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Could not run torrents", err)
//package maketorrent
package main
import (
var (
createTorrent = "sbt_client.with-apt-boost" //If not empty, creates a torrent file from the given root. Writes to stdout
createTracker = "" //Creates a tracker serving the given torrent file on the given address. Example --createTracker=:8080 to serve on port 8080.
func main() {
err := torrent.WriteMetaInfoBytes(createTorrent, createTracker, os.Stdout)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Could not create torrent file:", err)