
ファイルmは共役勾配法関数の試験に用いられる.テストファイルは、関数fと引数xを定義し、反復初期値x 0と許容誤差を与える必要があります.ϵ .関数にshow_が設定されていますdetail変数は、各ステップの反復情報を表示するかどうかを制御するために使用されます.
% test conjungate gradient method
% by TomHeaven, [email protected], 2015.08.25

%% define function and variable
syms x1 x2;
%f = xs^2+2*ys^2-2*xs*ys + 2*ys + 2;
f = (x1-1)^4 + (x1 - x2)^2;
%f = (1-x1)^2 + 2*(x2 - x1^2)^2;
x = {x1, x2};

% initial value
x0 = [0 0];
% tolerance
epsilon = 1e-1;

%% call conjungate gradient method
show_detail = true;
[bestf, bestx, count] = conjungate_gradient(f, x, x0, epsilon, show_detail);
% print result
fprintf('bestx = %s, bestf = %f, count = %d
, num2str(bestx), bestf, count);

function [fv, bestx, iter_num] = conjungate_gradient(f, x, x0, epsilon, show_detail)
%% conjungate gradient method
% by TomHeaven, [email protected], 2015.08.25
% Input: 
%   f - syms function
%   x - row cell arrow for input syms variables
%   $x_0$ - init point
%   epsilon - tolerance
%   show_detail - a boolean value for wether to print details
% Output:
%   fv - minimum f value
%   bestx - mimimum point
%   iter_num - iteration count

%% init
syms lambdas  % suffix s indicates this is a symbol variable

% n is the dimension
n = length(x);

% compute differential of function f stored in cell nf
nf = cell(1, n); % using row cells, column cells will result in error
for i = 1 : n
    nf{i} = diff(f, x{i});

% $
abla f(x_0)$
nfv = subs(nf, x, x0); % init $
abla f(x_k)$
nfv_pre = nfv; % init count, k and xv for x value. count = 0; k = 0; xv = x0; % initial search direction d = - nfv; % show initial info if show_detail fprintf('Initial:
); fprintf('f = %s, x0 = %s, epsilon = %f

, char(f), num2str(x0), epsilon); end %% loop while (norm(nfv) > epsilon) %% one-dimensional search % define $x_{k+1} = x_{k} + \lambda d$ xv = xv+lambdas*d; % define $\phi$ and do 1-dim search phi = subs(f, x, xv); nphi = diff(phi); % $
abla \phi$
lambda = solve(nphi); % get rid of complex and minus solution lambda = double(lambda); if length(lambda) > 1 lambda = lambda(abs(imag(lambda)) < 1e-5); lambda = lambda(lambda > 0); lambda = lambda(1); end % if $\lambda$ is too small, stop iteration if lambda < 1e-5 break; end %% update % update $x_{k+1} = x_{k} + \lambda d$ xv = subs(xv, lambdas, lambda); % convert sym to double xv = double(xv); % compute the differential nfv = subs(nf, x, xv); % update counters count = count + 1; k = k + 1; % compute alpha based on FR formula alpha = sumsqr(nfv) / sumsqr(nfv_pre); % show iteration info if show_detail fprintf('Iteration: %d
, count); fprintf('x(%d) = %s, lambda = %f
, count, num2str(xv), lambda); fprintf('nf(x) = %s, norm(nf) = %f
, num2str(double(nfv)), norm(double(nfv))); fprintf('d = %s, alpha = %f
, num2str(double(d)), double(alpha)); fprintf('
); end % update conjungate direction d = -nfv + alpha * d; % save the previous $$
abla f(x_k)$$
nfv_pre = nfv; % reset the conjungate direction and k if k >= n if k >= n k = 0; d = - nfv; end end % while %% output fv = double(subs(f, x, xv)); bestx = double(xv); iter_num = count; end

>> testConjungateGradient
f = (x1 - x2)^2 + (x1 - 1)^4, x0 = 0  0, epsilon = 0.100000

Iteration: 1
x(1) = 0.41025           0, lambda = 0.102561
nf(x) = 1.08e-16    -0.82049, norm(nf) = 0.820491
d = 4  0, alpha = 0.042075

Iteration: 2
x(2) = 0.52994     0.58355, lambda = 0.711218
nf(x) = -0.52265     0.10721, norm(nf) = 0.533528
d = 0.1683     0.82049, alpha = 0.422831

Iteration: 3
x(3) = 0.63914     0.56115, lambda = 0.208923
nf(x) = -0.031994    -0.15597, norm(nf) = 0.159223
d = 0.52265    -0.10721, alpha = 0.089062

Iteration: 4
x(4) = 0.76439     0.79465, lambda = 1.594673
nf(x) = -0.11285    0.060533, norm(nf) = 0.128062
d = 0.078542     0.14643, alpha = 0.646892

Iteration: 5
x(5) = 0.79174     0.77998, lambda = 0.242379
nf(x) = -0.012614   -0.023517, norm(nf) = 0.026686
d = 0.11285   -0.060533, alpha = 0.043425

bestx = 0.79174     0.77998, bestf = 0.002019, count = 5

epsilon = 1e-8;

Iteration: 6
x(6) = 0.9026      0.9122, lambda = 6.329707
nf(x) = -0.022884    0.019188, norm(nf) = 0.029864
d = 0.017515    0.020888, alpha = 1.252319

Iteration: 7
x(7) = 0.90828     0.90744, lambda = 0.247992
nf(x) = -0.0014077  -0.0016788, norm(nf) = 0.002191
d = 0.022884   -0.019188, alpha = 0.005382

Iteration: 8
x(8) = 0.97476     0.97586, lambda = 43.429293
nf(x) = -0.0022668   0.0022025, norm(nf) = 0.003161
d = 0.0015309   0.0015756, alpha = 2.080989

Iteration: 9
x(9) = 0.97533     0.97531, lambda = 0.249812
nf(x) = -2.9597e-05 -3.0461e-05, norm(nf) = 0.000042
d = 0.0022668  -0.0022025, alpha = 0.000181

Iteration: 10
x(10) = 0.99709     0.99712, lambda = 725.188481
nf(x) = -5.2106e-05  5.2008e-05, norm(nf) = 0.000074
d = 3.0006e-05  3.0063e-05, alpha = 3.004594

Iteration: 11
x(11) = 0.9971      0.9971, lambda = 0.249997
nf(x) = -4.8571e-08 -4.8663e-08, norm(nf) = 0.000000
d = 5.2106e-05 -5.2008e-05, alpha = 0.000001

Iteration: 12
x(12) = 0.99992     0.99992, lambda = 57856.826721
nf(x) = -9.3751e-08  9.3748e-08, norm(nf) = 0.000000
d = 4.8616e-08  4.8617e-08, alpha = 3.718503

Iteration: 13
x(13) = 0.99992     0.99992, lambda = 0.250000
nf(x) = -1.1858e-12 -1.1855e-12, norm(nf) = 0.000000
d = 9.3751e-08 -9.3748e-08, alpha = 0.000000

bestx = 0.99992     0.99992, bestf = 0.000000, count = 13
