iOS IAPテスト、あなたの品物がすでに買ったことをヒントにします

2336 ワード

This In-App Purchase has already been bought. It will be restored for free.

では、今はどんな状況ですか.とてもわかりにくいです.私と同じ問題に直面した開発者、This In-App Purchase Has Aready Been Boughtを発見してよかった.
Apple has designed the payment queue in such a way as to enable apps to fulfill a purchase before completing - with finishTransaction being the indication that fulfillment is complete. In the case that a failure occurs during fulfillment, the app can recover when SKPaymentQueue calls the app’s observer again.
This is all good and fine - except many developers have encountered a situation where this process breaks down. Their SKPaymentTransactionObserver is never called again, and the user is presented with the dreaded “already bought” dialog and no apparent way to fix the problem. SKPaymentTransactionObserverは呼び出されず、 のダイアログボックスが表示されます.
A library (in my case Firebase analytics) is adding its own SKPaymentTransactionObserver before your app adds its own observer. As a result, SKPaymentQueue is calling that observer first, and by the time your observer is added, as far as the payment queue is concerned it has already delivered the notification and there’s nothing left to do.
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    //  InAppPurchase
    let iap = InAppPurchase.default
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        //  Transaction Observer
        //  Firebase 
        return true
