
2106 ワード

// Name        : Test02.cpp
// Author      : peterli
// Version     :
// Copyright   : Your copyright notice
// Description : Hello World in C++, Ansi-style

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct circuit
	char yjtype;
	int number;
	int startnode;
	int endnode;
	int control;
	double argument;


void flush()
	char temp;
	while((temp = getchar()) != '
' && temp != EOF); } int main() { int numNode = 0; int i = 0; double tempDouble = 0.0l; printf("please input the number of node:
numNode ="); _flushall(); scanf("%d",&numNode); struct circuit* node = (struct circuit*)calloc(numNode,sizeof(struct circuit)); for(i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { printf("the %dth Node
",i+1); _flushall(); printf("Node.yjtype: "); _flushall(); scanf("%c",&node[i].yjtype); printf("Node.number: "); _flushall(); scanf("%d",&node[i].number); printf("Node.startnode: "); _flushall(); scanf("%d",&node[i].startnode); printf("Node.endnode: "); _flushall(); scanf("%d",&node[i].endnode); printf("Node.control: "); _flushall(); scanf("%d",&node[i].control); printf("Node.argument: "); _flushall(); scanf("%lf",&node[i].argument); //scanf("%lf",&tempDouble); //node[i].argument = tempDouble; } for(i = 0; i < numNode; i++) { printf("
the %dth Node
",i+1); printf("Node.yjtype:%c
",node[i].yjtype); printf("Node.number:%d
",node[i].number); printf("Node.startnode:%d
",node[i].startnode); printf("Node.endnode:%d
",node[i].endnode); printf("Node.control:%d
",node[i].control); printf("Node.argument:%f
",node[i].argument); _flushall(); } return 0; }