Directional changes

Directional changes

What is DC(Directional changes)?

  • An approach to summarize price changes other than time series
  • How to?

  • Market prices are sampled based on the DC greater than PEXTP_{EXT}PEXT​ by at least thetathetatheta
  • thetathetatheta is the threshold predetermined by the observer
  • usually expressec as percentage
  • Formally, a DC event is detected when we come across a price PcP_cPc​ that satisfies below:∣Pc−PEXTPEXT∣≥theta\left|\dfrac{P_c - P_{EXT}}{P_{EXT}}\right|\ge theta∣∣∣∣∣​PEXT​Pc​−PEXT​​∣∣∣∣∣​≥theta
  • Terminology

    Extreme point / DCC point

  • If the inequality just above holds,
  • TermDescriptionExample in figureExtreme pointthe time at PEXTP_{EXT}PEXT​points AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, EEE, FFF, GGGDCC pointthe time at PcP_{c}Pc​points A0.1A^{0.1}A0.1, B0.1B^{0.1}B0.1, C0.1C^{0.1}C0.1, D0.1D^{0.1}D0.1, E0.1E^{0.1}E0.1, F0.1F^{0.1}F0.1, G0.1G^{0.1}G0.1
  • Note that whilst an extreme point is the end of the one trend, it is also the start point of the next trend
  • An extreme point is only recognized in hindsight; precisely at the DCC point
  • DC event / OS event

  • DC means "Directional Change"and OS does "Overshoot"
  • TermDescriptionExample in figureDC event-starts with an extreme point-ends with a DCC pointintervals [A,A0.1][A,A^{0.1}][A,A0.1], [B,B0.1][B,B^{0.1}][B,B0.1], …\dots…, [G,G0.1][G,G^{0.1}][G,G0.1]DCC point-starts at the DCC point-ends at the next extreme pointntervals [A0.1,B][A^{0.1},B][A0.1,B], [B0.1,C][B^{0.1},C][B0.1,C], …\dots…, [E0.1,F][E^{0.1},F][E0.1,F]
  • Note that for a given time series and a predetermined threshold, the DC summary is unique
  • Implementation in Python

  • Original version
  • THETA_bakhach=0.1
    data_points = market_index['close_scaled'].tolist()
    pext = data_points[0]
    vals = []
    breakpoints = []
    yHat = []
    for idx, pc in enumerate(data_points):
        if idx == 0:
        val = (pc - pext)/pext
        dif = pc - pext
    	if abs(val) > THETA_bakhach:
            pext = pc
    # endpoint
    breakpoints.append(len(data_points) - 1)
    vals.append((data_points[-1] - yHat[-1])/yHat[-1])

    The right-end point is so ugly!! So, add some correction using amount of change .
  • Merging adjacent trends
  • THETA_bakhach=0.1
    DELTA_bakhach=(max(market_index['close_scaled'])-min(market_index['close_scaled'])) * 0.08 #0.08
    data_points = market_index['close_scaled'].tolist()
    pext = data_points[0]
    vals = []
    breakpoints = []
    yHat = []
    for idx, pc in enumerate(data_points):
        if idx == 0:
        # val = abs((pc - pext)/pext)
        val = (pc - pext)/pext
        dif = pc - pext
        if abs(val) > THETA_bakhach:
            pext = pc
    # endpoint
    breakpoints.append(len(data_points) - 1)
    vals.append((data_points[-1] - yHat[-1])/yHat[-1])
    rm_idx = []
    for vi in range(len(vals))[1:]:
        fs = np.sign(vals[vi - 1])
        cs = np.sign(vals[vi])
        if fs == cs:
    vals_new = [j for i, j in enumerate(vals) if i not in rm_idx]
    breakpoints_new = [j for i, j in enumerate(breakpoints) if i not in rm_idx]
    yHat_new = [j for i, j in enumerate(yHat) if i not in rm_idx]

    The problem in right-end part is solved now! However, it seems that a lot of unnecessary DC has been detected. For this, add a correction merging adjacent trends.
  • Add δ\deltaδ for observing change amount
  • THETA_bakhach=0.1
    DELTA_bakhach=(max(market_index['close_scaled'])-min(market_index['close_scaled'])) * 0.08
    data_points = market_index['close_scaled'].tolist()
    pext = data_points[0]
    vals = []
    breakpoints = []
    yHat = []
    for idx, pc in enumerate(data_points):
        if idx == 0:
        # val = abs((pc - pext)/pext)
        val = (pc - pext)/pext
        dif = pc - pext
        # if abs(dif) > DELTA_bakhach:
        if abs(val) > THETA_bakhach or abs(dif) > DELTA_bakhach:
            pext = pc
    # endpoint
    breakpoints.append(len(data_points) - 1)
    vals.append((data_points[-1] - yHat[-1])/yHat[-1])
    rm_idx = []
    for vi in range(len(vals))[1:]:
        fs = np.sign(vals[vi - 1])
        cs = np.sign(vals[vi])
        if fs == cs:
    vals_new = [j for i, j in enumerate(vals) if i not in rm_idx]
    breakpoints_new = [j for i, j in enumerate(breakpoints) if i not in rm_idx]
    yHat_new = [j for i, j in enumerate(yHat) if i not in rm_idx]

    Finally, the detected trends look great!


  • Bakhach, A., Tsang, E.P., & Jalalian, H.R. (2016). Forecasting directional changes in the FX markets. 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 1-8.