
167229 ワード





salt-master:/srv/salt/test # cat test.sls
    - name: echo a
    - require:
      - cmd: test-require-b

    - name: echo b
    - require:
      - cmd: test-require-c

    - name: echo c
    - require:
      - cmd: test-require-a

salt-master:/srv/salt/test # 

salt-master:/srv/salt/test # salt 'test248*' state.sls test.test
          ID: test-require-c
        Name: echo c
      Result: False
     Comment: Recursive requisite found
          ID: test-require-b
        Name: echo b
      Result: False
     Comment: One or more requisite failed: test.test.test-require-c
          ID: test-require-a
        Name: echo a
      Result: False
     Comment: One or more requisite failed: test.test.test-require-b

Succeeded: 0
Failed:    3
Total:     3
salt-master:/srv/salt/test #



call_chunk(self, low, running, chunks)
    def call_chunk(self, low, running, chunks):
        Check if a chunk has any requires, execute the requires and then
        the chunk
        low = self._mod_aggregate(low, running, chunks)
        tag = _gen_tag(low)
        if not low.get('prerequired'):
        requisites = ['require', 'watch', 'prereq', 'onfail', 'onchanges']
        if not low.get('__prereq__'):
            status, reqs = self.check_requisite(low, running, chunks, True)
            status, reqs = self.check_requisite(low, running, chunks)
        if status == 'unmet':
            lost = {}
            reqs = []
            for requisite in requisites:
                lost[requisite] = []
                if requisite not in low:
                for req in low[requisite]:
                    req = trim_req(req)
                    found = False
                    for chunk in chunks:
                        req_key = next(iter(req))
                        req_val = req[req_key]
                        if req_val is None:
                        if req_key == 'sls':
                            # Allow requisite tracking of entire sls files
                            if fnmatch.fnmatch(chunk['__sls__'], req_val):
                                if requisite == 'prereq':
                                    chunk['__prereq__'] = True
                                found = True
                        if (fnmatch.fnmatch(chunk['name'], req_val) or
                            fnmatch.fnmatch(chunk['__id__'], req_val)):
                            if chunk['state'] == req_key:
                                if requisite == 'prereq':
                                    chunk['__prereq__'] = True
                                elif requisite == 'prerequired':
                                    chunk['__prerequired__'] = True
                                found = True
                    if not found:
            if lost['require'] or lost['watch'] or lost['prereq'] or lost['onfail'] or lost['onchanges'] or lost.get('prerequired'):
                comment = 'The following requisites were not found:
' for requisite, lreqs in six.iteritems(lost): if not lreqs: continue comment += \ '{0}{1}:
'.format(' ' * 19, requisite) for lreq in lreqs: req_key = next(iter(lreq)) req_val = lreq[req_key] comment += \ '{0}{1}: {2}
'.format(' ' * 23, req_key, req_val) running[tag] = {'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': comment, '__run_num__': self.__run_num, '__sls__': low['__sls__']} self.__run_num += 1 self.event(running[tag], len(chunks), fire_event=low.get('fire_event')) return running for chunk in reqs: # Check to see if the chunk has been run, only run it if # it has not been run already ctag = _gen_tag(chunk) if ctag not in running: if ctag in if chunk.get('__prerequired__'): # Prereq recusive, run this chunk with prereq on if tag not in self.pre: low['__prereq__'] = True self.pre[ctag] =, chunks, running) return running else: return running elif ctag not in running: log.error('Recursive requisite found') running[tag] = { 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': 'Recursive requisite found', '__run_num__': self.__run_num, '__sls__': low['__sls__']} self.__run_num += 1 self.event(running[tag], len(chunks), fire_event=low.get('fire_event')) return running running = self.call_chunk(chunk, running, chunks) if self.check_failhard(chunk, running): running['__FAILHARD__'] = True return running if low.get('__prereq__'): status, reqs = self.check_requisite(low, running, chunks) self.pre[tag] =, chunks, running) if not self.pre[tag]['changes'] and status == 'change': self.pre[tag]['changes'] = {'watch': 'watch'} self.pre[tag]['result'] = None else: running = self.call_chunk(low, running, chunks) if self.check_failhard(chunk, running): running['__FAILHARD__'] = True return running elif status == 'met': if low.get('__prereq__'): self.pre[tag] =, chunks, running) else: running[tag] =, chunks, running) elif status == 'fail': # if the requisite that failed was due to a prereq on this low state # show the normal error if tag in self.pre: running[tag] = self.pre[tag] running[tag]['__run_num__'] = self.__run_num running[tag]['__sls__'] = low['__sls__'] # otherwise the failure was due to a requisite down the chain else: # determine what the requisite failures where, and return # a nice error message failed_requisites = set() # look at all requisite types for a failure for req_lows in six.itervalues(reqs): for req_low in req_lows: req_tag = _gen_tag(req_low) req_ret = self.pre.get(req_tag, running.get(req_tag)) # if there is no run output for the requisite it # can't be the failure if req_ret is None: continue # If the result was False (not None) it was a failure if req_ret['result'] is False: # use SLS.ID for the key-- so its easier to find key = '{sls}.{_id}'.format(sls=req_low['__sls__'], _id=req_low['__id__']) failed_requisites.add(key) _cmt = 'One or more requisite failed: {0}'.format( ', '.join(str(i) for i in failed_requisites) ) running[tag] = { 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': _cmt, '__run_num__': self.__run_num, '__sls__': low['__sls__'] } self.__run_num += 1 elif status == 'change' and not low.get('__prereq__'): ret =, chunks, running) if not ret['changes'] and not ret.get('skip_watch', False): low = low.copy() low['sfun'] = low['fun'] low['fun'] = 'mod_watch' low['__reqs__'] = reqs ret =, chunks, running) running[tag] = ret elif status == 'pre': pre_ret = {'changes': {}, 'result': True, 'comment': 'No changes detected', '__run_num__': self.__run_num, '__sls__': low['__sls__']} running[tag] = pre_ret self.pre[tag] = pre_ret self.__run_num += 1 elif status == 'onfail': running[tag] = {'changes': {}, 'result': True, 'comment': 'State was not run because onfail req did not change', '__run_num__': self.__run_num, '__sls__': low['__sls__']} self.__run_num += 1 elif status == 'onchanges': running[tag] = {'changes': {}, 'result': True, 'comment': 'State was not run because none of the onchanges reqs changed', '__run_num__': self.__run_num, '__sls__': low['__sls__']} self.__run_num += 1 else: if low.get('__prereq__'): self.pre[tag] =, chunks, running) else: running[tag] =, chunks, running) if tag in running: self.event(running[tag], len(chunks), fire_event=low.get('fire_event')) return running

    def verify_data(self, data):
        Verify the data, return an error statement if something is wrong
        errors = []
        if 'state' not in data:
            errors.append('Missing "state" data')
        if 'fun' not in data:
            errors.append('Missing "fun" data')
        if 'name' not in data:
            errors.append('Missing "name" data')
        if data['name'] and not isinstance(data['name'], six.string_types):
                'ID {0!r} in SLS {1!r} is not formed as a string, but is '
                'a {2}'.format(
                    data['name'], data['__sls__'], type(data['name']).__name__)
        if errors:
            return errors
        full = data['state'] + '.' + data['fun']
        if full not in self.states:
            if '__sls__' in data:
                    'State \'{0}\' was not found in SLS \'{1}\''.format(
                reason = self.states.missing_fun_string(full)
                if reason:
                    errors.append('Reason: {0}'.format(reason))
                        'Specified state \'{0}\' was not found'.format(
            # First verify that the parameters are met
            aspec = salt.utils.args.get_function_argspec(self.states[full])
            arglen = 0
            deflen = 0
            if isinstance(aspec.args, list):
                arglen = len(aspec.args)
            if isinstance(aspec.defaults, tuple):
                deflen = len(aspec.defaults)
            for ind in range(arglen - deflen):
                if aspec.args[ind] not in data:
                        'Missing parameter {0} for state {1}'.format(
        # If this chunk has a recursive require, then it will cause a
        # recursive loop when executing, check for it
        reqdec = ''
        if 'require' in data:
            reqdec = 'require'
        if 'watch' in data:
            # Check to see if the service has a mod_watch function, if it does
            # not, then just require
            # to just require extend the require statement with the contents
            # of watch so that the mod_watch function is not called and the
            # requisite capability is still used
            if '{0}.mod_watch'.format(data['state']) not in self.states:
                if 'require' in data:
                    data['require'] = data.pop('watch')
                reqdec = 'require'
                reqdec = 'watch'
        if reqdec:
            for req in data[reqdec]:
                reqfirst = next(iter(req))
                if data['state'] == reqfirst:
                    if (fnmatch.fnmatch(data['name'], req[reqfirst])
                            or fnmatch.fnmatch(data['__id__'], req[reqfirst])):
                        err = ('Recursive require detected in SLS {0} for'
                               ' require {1} in ID {2}').format(
        return errors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The module used to execute states in salt. A state is unlike a module
execution in that instead of just executing a command it ensure that a
certain state is present on the system.

The data sent to the state calls is as follows:
    { 'state': '',
      'fun': '',
      'name': ''
      'argn': ''

# Import python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import sys
import copy
import site
import fnmatch
import logging
import datetime
import traceback
import re

# Import salt libs
import salt.utils
import salt.loader
import salt.minion
import salt.pillar
import salt.fileclient
import salt.utils.event
import salt.utils.url
import salt.syspaths as syspaths
from salt.utils import context, immutabletypes
from salt.template import compile_template, compile_template_str
from salt.exceptions import SaltRenderError, SaltReqTimeoutError, SaltException
from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict, DefaultOrderedDict

# Import third party libs
# pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module,redefined-builtin
import salt.ext.six as six
from salt.ext.six.moves import range
# pylint: enable=import-error,no-name-in-module,redefined-builtin

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# These are keywords passed to state module functions which are to be used
# by salt in this state module and not on the actual state module function


def _odict_hashable(self):
    return id(self)

OrderedDict.__hash__ = _odict_hashable

def split_low_tag(tag):
    Take a low tag and split it back into the low dict that it came from
    state, id_, name, fun = tag.split('_|-')

    return {'state': state,
            '__id__': id_,
            'name': name,
            'fun': fun}

def _gen_tag(low):
    Generate the running dict tag string from the low data structure
    return '{0[state]}_|-{0[__id__]}_|-{0[name]}_|-{0[fun]}'.format(low)

def _l_tag(name, id_):
    low = {'name': 'listen_{0}'.format(name),
           '__id__': 'listen_{0}'.format(id_),
           'state': 'Listen_Error',
           'fun': 'Listen_Error'}
    return _gen_tag(low)

def trim_req(req):
    Trim any function off of a requisite
    reqfirst = next(iter(req))
    if '.' in reqfirst:
        return {reqfirst.split('.')[0]: req[reqfirst]}
    return req

def state_args(id_, state, high):
    Return a set of the arguments passed to the named state
    args = set()
    if id_ not in high:
        return args
    if state not in high[id_]:
        return args
    for item in high[id_][state]:
        if not isinstance(item, dict):
        if len(item) != 1:
    return args

def find_name(name, state, high):
    Scan high data for the id referencing the given name
    ext_id = ''
    if name in high:
        ext_id = name
        # We need to scan for the name
        for nid in high:
            if state in high[nid]:
                if isinstance(
                    for arg in high[nid][state]:
                        if not isinstance(arg, dict):
                        if len(arg) != 1:
                        if arg[next(iter(arg))] == name:
                            ext_id = nid
    return ext_id

def format_log(ret):
    Format the state into a log message
    msg = ''
    if isinstance(ret, dict):
        # Looks like the ret may be a valid state return
        if 'changes' in ret:
            # Yep, looks like a valid state return
            chg = ret['changes']
            if not chg:
                if ret['comment']:
                    msg = ret['comment']
                    msg = 'No changes made for {0[name]}'.format(ret)
            elif isinstance(chg, dict):
                if 'diff' in chg:
                    if isinstance(chg['diff'], six.string_types):
                        msg = 'File changed:
{0}'.format(chg['diff']) if all([isinstance(x, dict) for x in six.itervalues(chg)]): if all([('old' in x and 'new' in x) for x in six.itervalues(chg)]): msg = 'Made the following changes:
' for pkg in chg: old = chg[pkg]['old'] if not old and old not in (False, None): old = 'absent' new = chg[pkg]['new'] if not new and new not in (False, None): new = 'absent' msg += '{0!r} changed from {1!r} to ' \ '{2!r}
'.format(pkg, old, new) if not msg: msg = str(ret['changes']) if ret['result'] is True or ret['result'] is None: else: log.error(msg) else: # catch unhandled data def master_compile(master_opts, minion_opts, grains, id_, saltenv): ''' Compile the master side low state data, and build the hidden state file ''' st_ = MasterHighState(master_opts, minion_opts, grains, id_, saltenv) return st_.compile_highstate() def ishashable(obj): try: hash(obj) except TypeError: return False return True class StateError(Exception): ''' Custom exception class. ''' pass class Compiler(object): ''' Class used to compile and manage the High Data structure ''' def __init__(self, opts, renderers): self.opts = opts self.rend = renderers # We need __setstate__ and __getstate__ to avoid pickling errors since # 'self.rend' contains a function reference which is not picklable. # These methods are only used when pickling so will not be used on # non-Windows platforms. def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__(state['opts']) def __getstate__(self): return {'opts': self.opts} def render_template(self, template, **kwargs): ''' Enforce the states in a template ''' high = compile_template( template, self.rend, self.opts['renderer'], **kwargs) if not high: return high return self.pad_funcs(high) def pad_funcs(self, high): ''' Turns dot delimited function refs into function strings ''' for name in high: if not isinstance(high[name], dict): if isinstance(high[name], six.string_types): # Is this is a short state? It needs to be padded! if '.' in high[name]: comps = high[name].split('.') if len(comps) >= 2: # Merge the comps comps[1] = '.'.join(comps[1:len(comps)]) high[name] = { # '__sls__': template, # '__env__': None, comps[0]: [comps[1]] } continue continue skeys = set() for key in sorted(high[name]): if key.startswith('_'): continue if not isinstance(high[name][key], list): continue if '.' in key: comps = key.split('.') if len(comps) >= 2: # Merge the comps comps[1] = '.'.join(comps[1:len(comps)]) # Salt doesn't support state files such as: # # /etc/redis/redis.conf: # file.managed: # - user: redis # - group: redis # - mode: 644 # file.comment: # - regex: ^requirepass if comps[0] in skeys: continue high[name][comps[0]] = high[name].pop(key) high[name][comps[0]].append(comps[1]) skeys.add(comps[0]) continue skeys.add(key) return high def verify_high(self, high): ''' Verify that the high data is viable and follows the data structure ''' errors = [] if not isinstance(high, dict): errors.append('High data is not a dictionary and is invalid') reqs = {} for name, body in six.iteritems(high): if name.startswith('__'): continue if not isinstance(name, six.string_types): errors.append( 'ID {0!r} in SLS {1!r} is not formed as a string, but is ' 'a {2}'.format(name, body['__sls__'], type(name).__name__) ) if not isinstance(body, dict): err = ('The type {0} in {1} is not formatted as a dictionary' .format(name, body)) errors.append(err) continue for state in body: if state.startswith('__'): continue if not isinstance(body[state], list): errors.append( 'State {0!r} in SLS {1!r} is not formed as a list' .format(name, body['__sls__']) ) else: fun = 0 if '.' in state: fun += 1 for arg in body[state]: if isinstance(arg, six.string_types): fun += 1 if ' ' in arg.strip(): errors.append(('The function "{0}" in state ' '"{1}" in SLS "{2}" has ' 'whitespace, a function with whitespace is ' 'not supported, perhaps this is an argument ' 'that is missing a ":"').format( arg, name, body['__sls__'])) elif isinstance(arg, dict): # The arg is a dict, if the arg is require or # watch, it must be a list. # # Add the requires to the reqs dict and check them # all for recursive requisites. argfirst = next(iter(arg)) if argfirst in ('require', 'watch', 'prereq', 'onchanges'): if not isinstance(arg[argfirst], list): errors.append(('The {0}' ' statement in state {1!r} in SLS {2!r} ' 'needs to be formed as a list').format( argfirst, name, body['__sls__'] )) # It is a list, verify that the members of the # list are all single key dicts. else: reqs[name] = {'state': state} for req in arg[argfirst]: if not isinstance(req, dict): err = ('Requisite declaration {0}' ' in SLS {1} is not formed as a' ' single key dictionary').format( req, body['__sls__']) errors.append(err) continue req_key = next(iter(req)) req_val = req[req_key] if '.' in req_key: errors.append(( 'Invalid requisite type {0!r} ' 'in state {1!r}, in SLS ' '{2!r}. Requisite types must ' 'not contain dots, did you ' 'mean {3!r}?'.format( req_key, name, body['__sls__'], req_key[:req_key.find('.')] ) )) if not ishashable(req_val): errors.append(( 'Illegal requisite "{0}", ' 'is SLS {1}
' ).format( str(req_val), body['__sls__'])) continue # Check for global recursive requisites reqs[name][req_val] = req_key # I am going beyond 80 chars on # purpose, this is just too much # of a pain to deal with otherwise if req_val in reqs: if name in reqs[req_val]: if reqs[req_val][name] == state: if reqs[req_val]['state'] == reqs[name][req_val]: err = ('A recursive ' 'requisite was found, SLS ' '"{0}" ID "{1}" ID "{2}"' ).format( body['__sls__'], name, req_val ) errors.append(err) # Make sure that there is only one key in the # dict if len(list(arg)) != 1: errors.append(('Multiple dictionaries ' 'defined in argument of state {0!r} in SLS' ' {1!r}').format( name, body['__sls__'])) if not fun: if state == 'require' or state == 'watch': continue errors.append(('No function declared in state {0!r} in' ' SLS {1!r}').format(state, body['__sls__'])) elif fun > 1: errors.append( 'Too many functions declared in state {0!r} in ' 'SLS {1!r}'.format(state, body['__sls__']) ) return errors def order_chunks(self, chunks): ''' Sort the chunk list verifying that the chunks follow the order specified in the order options. ''' cap = 1 for chunk in chunks: if 'order' in chunk: if not isinstance(chunk['order'], int): continue chunk_order = chunk['order'] if chunk_order > cap - 1 and chunk_order > 0: cap = chunk_order + 100 for chunk in chunks: if 'order' not in chunk: chunk['order'] = cap continue if not isinstance(chunk['order'], (int, float)): if chunk['order'] == 'last': chunk['order'] = cap + 1000000 else: chunk['order'] = cap if 'name_order' in chunk: chunk['order'] = chunk['order'] + chunk.pop('name_order') / 10000.0 if chunk['order'] < 0: chunk['order'] = cap + 1000000 + chunk['order'] chunks.sort(key=lambda chunk: (chunk['order'], '{0[state]}{0[name]}{0[fun]}'.format(chunk))) return chunks def compile_high_data(self, high): ''' "Compile" the high data as it is retrieved from the CLI or YAML into the individual state executor structures ''' chunks = [] for name, body in six.iteritems(high): if name.startswith('__'): continue for state, run in six.iteritems(body): funcs = set() names = set() if state.startswith('__'): continue chunk = {'state': state, 'name': name} if '__sls__' in body: chunk['__sls__'] = body['__sls__'] if '__env__' in body: chunk['__env__'] = body['__env__'] chunk['__id__'] = name for arg in run: if isinstance(arg, six.string_types): funcs.add(arg) continue if isinstance(arg, dict): for key, val in six.iteritems(arg): if key == 'names': names.update(val) continue else: chunk.update(arg) if names: name_order = 1 for entry in names: live = copy.deepcopy(chunk) if isinstance(entry, dict): low_name = next(six.iterkeys(entry)) live['name'] = low_name live.update(entry[low_name][0]) else: live['name'] = entry live['name_order'] = name_order name_order = name_order + 1 for fun in funcs: live['fun'] = fun chunks.append(live) else: live = copy.deepcopy(chunk) for fun in funcs: live['fun'] = fun chunks.append(live) chunks = self.order_chunks(chunks) return chunks def apply_exclude(self, high): ''' Read in the __exclude__ list and remove all excluded objects from the high data ''' if '__exclude__' not in high: return high ex_sls = set() ex_id = set() exclude = high.pop('__exclude__') for exc in exclude: if isinstance(exc, str): # The exclude statement is a string, assume it is an sls ex_sls.add(exc) if isinstance(exc, dict): # Explicitly declared exclude if len(exc) != 1: continue key = next(six.iterkeys(exc)) if key == 'sls': ex_sls.add(exc['sls']) elif key == 'id': ex_id.add(exc['id']) # Now the excludes have been simplified, use them if ex_sls: # There are sls excludes, find the associtaed ids for name, body in six.iteritems(high): if name.startswith('__'): continue if body.get('__sls__', '') in ex_sls: ex_id.add(name) for id_ in ex_id: if id_ in high: high.pop(id_) return high class State(object): ''' Class used to execute salt states ''' def __init__(self, opts, pillar=None, jid=None): if 'grains' not in opts: opts['grains'] = salt.loader.grains(opts) self.opts = opts self._pillar_override = pillar self.opts['pillar'] = self._gather_pillar() self.state_con = {} self.load_modules() = set() self.mod_init = set() self.pre = {} self.__run_num = 0 self.jid = jid self.instance_id = str(id(self)) def _gather_pillar(self): ''' Whenever a state run starts, gather the pillar data fresh ''' pillar = salt.pillar.get_pillar( self.opts, self.opts['grains'], self.opts['id'], self.opts['environment'], pillar=self._pillar_override, pillarenv=self.opts.get('pillarenv') ) ret = pillar.compile_pillar() if self._pillar_override and isinstance(self._pillar_override, dict): ret.update(self._pillar_override) return ret def _mod_init(self, low): ''' Check the module initialization function, if this is the first run of a state package that has a mod_init function, then execute the mod_init function in the state module. ''' # ensure that the module is loaded try: self.states['{0}.{1}'.format(low['state'], low['fun'])] # pylint: disable=W0106 except KeyError: return minit = '{0}.mod_init'.format(low['state']) if low['state'] not in self.mod_init: if minit in self.states._dict: mret = self.states[minit](low) if not mret: return self.mod_init.add(low['state']) def _mod_aggregate(self, low, running, chunks): ''' Execute the aggregation systems to runtime modify the low chunk ''' agg_opt = self.functions['config.option']('state_aggregate') if low.get('aggregate') is True: agg_opt = low['aggregate'] if agg_opt is True: agg_opt = [low['state']] else: return low if low['state'] in agg_opt and not low.get('__agg__'): agg_fun = '{0}.mod_aggregate'.format(low['state']) if agg_fun in self.states: try: low = self.states[agg_fun](low, chunks, running) low['__agg__'] = True except TypeError: log.error('Failed to execute aggregate for state {0}'.format(low['state'])) return low def _run_check(self, low_data): ''' Check that unless doesn't return 0, and that onlyif returns a 0. ''' ret = {'result': False} cmd_opts = {} if 'shell' in self.opts['grains']: cmd_opts['shell'] = self.opts['grains'].get('shell') if 'onlyif' in low_data: if not isinstance(low_data['onlyif'], list): low_data_onlyif = [low_data['onlyif']] else: low_data_onlyif = low_data['onlyif'] for entry in low_data_onlyif: cmd = self.functions['cmd.retcode']( entry, ignore_retcode=True, python_shell=True, **cmd_opts) log.debug('Last command return code: {0}'.format(cmd)) if cmd != 0 and ret['result'] is False: ret.update({'comment': 'onlyif execution failed', 'skip_watch': True, 'result': True}) return ret elif cmd == 0: ret.update({'comment': 'onlyif execution succeeded', 'result': False}) return ret if 'unless' in low_data: if not isinstance(low_data['unless'], list): low_data_unless = [low_data['unless']] else: low_data_unless = low_data['unless'] for entry in low_data_unless: cmd = self.functions['cmd.retcode']( entry, ignore_retcode=True, python_shell=True, **cmd_opts) log.debug('Last command return code: {0}'.format(cmd)) if cmd == 0 and ret['result'] is False: ret.update({'comment': 'unless execution succeeded', 'skip_watch': True, 'result': True}) elif cmd != 0: ret.update({'comment': 'unless execution failed', 'result': False}) return ret # No reason to stop, return ret return ret def _run_check_cmd(self, low_data): ''' Alter the way a successful state run is determined ''' ret = {'result': False} cmd_opts = {} if 'shell' in self.opts['grains']: cmd_opts['shell'] = self.opts['grains'].get('shell') for entry in low_data['check_cmd']: cmd = self.functions['cmd.retcode']( entry, ignore_retcode=True, python_shell=True, **cmd_opts) log.debug('Last command return code: {0}'.format(cmd)) if cmd == 0 and ret['result'] is False: ret.update({'comment': 'check_cmd determined the state succeeded', 'result': True}) elif cmd != 0: ret.update({'comment': 'check_cmd determined the state failed', 'result': False}) return ret return ret def load_modules(self, data=None): ''' Load the modules into the state ''''Loading fresh modules for state activity') self.utils = salt.loader.utils(self.opts) self.functions = salt.loader.minion_mods(self.opts, self.state_con, utils=self.utils) if isinstance(data, dict): if data.get('provider', False): if isinstance(data['provider'], str): providers = [{data['state']: data['provider']}] elif isinstance(data['provider'], list): providers = data['provider'] else: providers = {} for provider in providers: for mod in provider: funcs = salt.loader.raw_mod(self.opts, provider[mod], self.functions) if funcs: for func in funcs: f_key = '{0}{1}'.format( mod, func[func.rindex('.'):] ) self.functions[f_key] = funcs[func] self.states = salt.loader.states(self.opts, self.functions, self.utils) self.rend = salt.loader.render(self.opts, self.functions, states=self.states) def module_refresh(self): ''' Refresh all the modules ''' log.debug('Refreshing modules...') if self.opts['grains'].get('os') != 'MacOS': # In case a package has been installed into the current python # process 'site-packages', the 'site' module needs to be reloaded in # order for the newly installed package to be importable. try: reload(site) except RuntimeError: log.error('Error encountered during module reload. Modules were not reloaded.') self.load_modules() if not self.opts.get('local', False) and self.opts.get('multiprocessing', True): self.functions['saltutil.refresh_modules']() def check_refresh(self, data, ret): ''' Check to see if the modules for this state instance need to be updated, only update if the state is a file or a package and if it changed something. If the file function is managed check to see if the file is a possible module type, e.g. a python, pyx, or .so. Always refresh if the function is recurse, since that can lay down anything. ''' _reload_modules = False if data.get('reload_grains', False): log.debug('Refreshing grains...') self.opts['grains'] = salt.loader.grains(self.opts) _reload_modules = True if data.get('reload_pillar', False): log.debug('Refreshing pillar...') self.opts['pillar'] = self._gather_pillar() _reload_modules = True if data.get('reload_modules', False) or _reload_modules: # User explicitly requests a reload self.module_refresh() return if not ret['changes']: return if data['state'] == 'file': if data['fun'] == 'managed': if data['name'].endswith( ('.py', '.pyx', '.pyo', '.pyc', '.so')): self.module_refresh() elif data['fun'] == 'recurse': self.module_refresh() elif data['fun'] == 'symlink': if 'bin' in data['name']: self.module_refresh() elif data['state'] in ('pkg', 'ports'): self.module_refresh() def verify_ret(self, ret): ''' Verify the state return data ''' if not isinstance(ret, dict): raise SaltException( 'Malformed state return, return must be a dict' ) bad = [] for val in ['name', 'result', 'changes', 'comment']: if val not in ret: bad.append(val) if bad: raise SaltException( ('The following keys were not present in the state ' 'return: {0}' ).format(','.join(bad))) def verify_data(self, data): ''' Verify the data, return an error statement if something is wrong ''' errors = [] if 'state' not in data: errors.append('Missing "state" data') if 'fun' not in data: errors.append('Missing "fun" data') if 'name' not in data: errors.append('Missing "name" data') if data['name'] and not isinstance(data['name'], six.string_types): errors.append( 'ID {0!r} in SLS {1!r} is not formed as a string, but is ' 'a {2}'.format( data['name'], data['__sls__'], type(data['name']).__name__) ) if errors: return errors full = data['state'] + '.' + data['fun'] if full not in self.states: if '__sls__' in data: errors.append( 'State \'{0}\' was not found in SLS \'{1}\''.format( full, data['__sls__'] ) ) reason = self.states.missing_fun_string(full) if reason: errors.append('Reason: {0}'.format(reason)) else: errors.append( 'Specified state \'{0}\' was not found'.format( full ) ) else: # First verify that the parameters are met aspec = salt.utils.args.get_function_argspec(self.states[full]) arglen = 0 deflen = 0 if isinstance(aspec.args, list): arglen = len(aspec.args) if isinstance(aspec.defaults, tuple): deflen = len(aspec.defaults) for ind in range(arglen - deflen): if aspec.args[ind] not in data: errors.append( 'Missing parameter {0} for state {1}'.format( aspec.args[ind], full ) ) # If this chunk has a recursive require, then it will cause a # recursive loop when executing, check for it reqdec = '' if 'require' in data: reqdec = 'require' if 'watch' in data: # Check to see if the service has a mod_watch function, if it does # not, then just require # to just require extend the require statement with the contents # of watch so that the mod_watch function is not called and the # requisite capability is still used if '{0}.mod_watch'.format(data['state']) not in self.states: if 'require' in data: data['require'].extend(data.pop('watch')) else: data['require'] = data.pop('watch') reqdec = 'require' else: reqdec = 'watch' if reqdec: for req in data[reqdec]: reqfirst = next(iter(req)) if data['state'] == reqfirst: if (fnmatch.fnmatch(data['name'], req[reqfirst]) or fnmatch.fnmatch(data['__id__'], req[reqfirst])): err = ('Recursive require detected in SLS {0} for' ' require {1} in ID {2}').format( data['__sls__'], req, data['__id__']) errors.append(err) return errors def verify_high(self, high): ''' Verify that the high data is viable and follows the data structure ''' errors = [] if not isinstance(high, dict): errors.append('High data is not a dictionary and is invalid') reqs = {} for name, body in six.iteritems(high): try: if name.startswith('__'): continue except AttributeError: pass if not isinstance(name, six.string_types): errors.append( 'ID {0!r} in SLS {1!r} is not formed as a string, but ' 'is a {2}. It may need to be quoted.'.format( name, body['__sls__'], type(name).__name__) ) if not isinstance(body, dict): err = ('The type {0} in {1} is not formatted as a dictionary' .format(name, body)) errors.append(err) continue for state in body: if state.startswith('__'): continue if body[state] is None: errors.append( 'ID {0!r} in SLS {1!r} contains a short declaration ' '({2}) with a trailing colon. When not passing any ' 'arguments to a state, the colon must be omitted.' .format(name, body['__sls__'], state) ) continue if not isinstance(body[state], list): errors.append( 'State {0!r} in SLS {1!r} is not formed as a list' .format(name, body['__sls__']) ) else: fun = 0 if '.' in state: fun += 1 for arg in body[state]: if isinstance(arg, six.string_types): fun += 1 if ' ' in arg.strip(): errors.append(('The function "{0}" in state ' '"{1}" in SLS "{2}" has ' 'whitespace, a function with whitespace is ' 'not supported, perhaps this is an argument ' 'that is missing a ":"').format( arg, name, body['__sls__'])) elif isinstance(arg, dict): # The arg is a dict, if the arg is require or # watch, it must be a list. # # Add the requires to the reqs dict and check them # all for recursive requisites. argfirst = next(iter(arg)) if argfirst == 'names': if not isinstance(arg[argfirst], list): errors.append( 'The \'names\' argument in state ' '{0!r} in SLS {1!r} needs to be ' 'formed as a list' .format(name, body['__sls__']) ) if argfirst in ('require', 'watch', 'prereq', 'onchanges'): if not isinstance(arg[argfirst], list): errors.append( 'The {0} statement in state {1!r} in ' 'SLS {2!r} needs to be formed as a ' 'list'.format(argfirst, name, body['__sls__']) ) # It is a list, verify that the members of the # list are all single key dicts. else: reqs[name] = {'state': state} for req in arg[argfirst]: if not isinstance(req, dict): err = ('Requisite declaration {0}' ' in SLS {1} is not formed as a' ' single key dictionary').format( req, body['__sls__']) errors.append(err) continue req_key = next(iter(req)) req_val = req[req_key] if '.' in req_key: errors.append(( 'Invalid requisite type {0!r} ' 'in state {1!r}, in SLS ' '{2!r}. Requisite types must ' 'not contain dots, did you ' 'mean {3!r}?'.format( req_key, name, body['__sls__'], req_key[:req_key.find('.')] ) )) if not ishashable(req_val): errors.append(( 'Illegal requisite "{0}", ' 'please check your syntax.
' ).format(str(req_val))) continue # Check for global recursive requisites reqs[name][req_val] = req_key # I am going beyond 80 chars on # purpose, this is just too much # of a pain to deal with otherwise if req_val in reqs: if name in reqs[req_val]: if reqs[req_val][name] == state: if reqs[req_val]['state'] == reqs[name][req_val]: err = ('A recursive ' 'requisite was found, SLS ' '"{0}" ID "{1}" ID "{2}"' ).format( body['__sls__'], name, req_val ) errors.append(err) # Make sure that there is only one key in the # dict if len(list(arg)) != 1: errors.append( 'Multiple dictionaries defined in ' 'argument of state {0!r} in SLS {1!r}' .format(name, body['__sls__']) ) if not fun: if state == 'require' or state == 'watch': continue errors.append( 'No function declared in state {0!r} in SLS {1!r}' .format(state, body['__sls__']) ) elif fun > 1: errors.append( 'Too many functions declared in state {0!r} in ' 'SLS {1!r}'.format(state, body['__sls__']) ) return errors def verify_chunks(self, chunks): ''' Verify the chunks in a list of low data structures ''' err = [] for chunk in chunks: err += self.verify_data(chunk) return err def order_chunks(self, chunks): ''' Sort the chunk list verifying that the chunks follow the order specified in the order options. ''' cap = 1 for chunk in chunks: if 'order' in chunk: if not isinstance(chunk['order'], int): continue chunk_order = chunk['order'] if chunk_order > cap - 1 and chunk_order > 0: cap = chunk_order + 100 for chunk in chunks: if 'order' not in chunk: chunk['order'] = cap continue if not isinstance(chunk['order'], (int, float)): if chunk['order'] == 'last': chunk['order'] = cap + 1000000 else: chunk['order'] = cap if 'name_order' in chunk: chunk['order'] = chunk['order'] + chunk.pop('name_order') / 10000.0 if chunk['order'] < 0: chunk['order'] = cap + 1000000 + chunk['order'] chunks.sort(key=lambda chunk: (chunk['order'], '{0[state]}{0[name]}{0[fun]}'.format(chunk))) return chunks def compile_high_data(self, high): ''' "Compile" the high data as it is retrieved from the CLI or YAML into the individual state executor structures ''' chunks = [] for name, body in six.iteritems(high): if name.startswith('__'): continue for state, run in six.iteritems(body): funcs = set() names = set() if state.startswith('__'): continue chunk = {'state': state, 'name': name} if '__sls__' in body: chunk['__sls__'] = body['__sls__'] if '__env__' in body: chunk['__env__'] = body['__env__'] chunk['__id__'] = name for arg in run: if isinstance(arg, six.string_types): funcs.add(arg) continue if isinstance(arg, dict): for key, val in six.iteritems(arg): if key == 'names': names.update(val) elif key == 'state': # Don't pass down a state override continue elif (key == 'name' and not isinstance(val, six.string_types)): # Invalid name, fall back to ID chunk[key] = name else: chunk[key] = val if names: name_order = 1 for entry in names: live = copy.deepcopy(chunk) if isinstance(entry, dict): low_name = next(six.iterkeys(entry)) live['name'] = low_name live.update(entry[low_name][0]) else: live['name'] = entry live['name_order'] = name_order name_order = name_order + 1 for fun in funcs: live['fun'] = fun chunks.append(live) else: live = copy.deepcopy(chunk) for fun in funcs: live['fun'] = fun chunks.append(live) chunks = self.order_chunks(chunks) return chunks def reconcile_extend(self, high): ''' Pull the extend data and add it to the respective high data ''' errors = [] if '__extend__' not in high: return high, errors ext = high.pop('__extend__') for ext_chunk in ext: for name, body in six.iteritems(ext_chunk): if name not in high: state_type = next( x for x in body if not x.startswith('__') ) # Check for a matching 'name' override in high data id_ = find_name(name, state_type, high) if id_: name = id_ else: errors.append( 'Cannot extend ID \'{0}\' in \'{1}:{2}\'. It is not ' 'part of the high state.
' 'This is likely due to a missing include statement ' 'or an incorrectly typed ID.
Ensure that a ' 'state with an ID of \'{0}\' is available
in ' 'environment \'{1}\' and to SLS \'{2}\''.format( name, body.get('__env__', 'base'), body.get('__sls__', 'base')) ) continue for state, run in six.iteritems(body): if state.startswith('__'): continue if state not in high[name]: high[name][state] = run continue # high[name][state] is extended by run, both are lists for arg in run: update = False for hind in range(len(high[name][state])): if isinstance(arg, six.string_types) and isinstance(high[name][state][hind], six.string_types): # replacing the function, replace the index high[name][state].pop(hind) high[name][state].insert(hind, arg) update = True continue if isinstance(arg, dict) and isinstance(high[name][state][hind], dict): # It is an option, make sure the options match argfirst = next(iter(arg)) if argfirst == next(iter(high[name][state][hind])): # If argfirst is a requisite then we must merge # our requisite with that of the target state if argfirst in STATE_REQUISITE_KEYWORDS: high[name][state][hind][argfirst].extend(arg[argfirst]) # otherwise, its not a requisite and we are just extending (replacing) else: high[name][state][hind] = arg update = True if (argfirst == 'name' and next(iter(high[name][state][hind])) == 'names'): # If names are overwritten by name use the name high[name][state][hind] = arg if not update: high[name][state].append(arg) return high, errors def apply_exclude(self, high): ''' Read in the __exclude__ list and remove all excluded objects from the high data ''' if '__exclude__' not in high: return high ex_sls = set() ex_id = set() exclude = high.pop('__exclude__') for exc in exclude: if isinstance(exc, str): # The exclude statement is a string, assume it is an sls ex_sls.add(exc) if isinstance(exc, dict): # Explicitly declared exclude if len(exc) != 1: continue key = next(six.iterkeys(exc)) if key == 'sls': ex_sls.add(exc['sls']) elif key == 'id': ex_id.add(exc['id']) # Now the excludes have been simplified, use them if ex_sls: # There are sls excludes, find the associated ids for name, body in six.iteritems(high): if name.startswith('__'): continue sls = body.get('__sls__', '') if not sls: continue for ex_ in ex_sls: if fnmatch.fnmatch(sls, ex_): ex_id.add(name) for id_ in ex_id: if id_ in high: high.pop(id_) return high def requisite_in(self, high): ''' Extend the data reference with requisite_in arguments ''' req_in = set([ 'require_in', 'watch_in', 'onfail_in', 'onchanges_in', 'use', 'use_in', 'prereq', 'prereq_in', ]) req_in_all = req_in.union( set([ 'require', 'watch', 'onfail', 'onchanges', ])) extend = {} errors = [] for id_, body in six.iteritems(high): if not isinstance(body, dict): continue for state, run in six.iteritems(body): if state.startswith('__'): continue for arg in run: if isinstance(arg, dict): # It is not a function, verify that the arg is a # requisite in statement if len(arg) < 1: # Empty arg dict # How did we get this far? continue # Split out the components key = next(iter(arg)) if key not in req_in: continue rkey = key.split('_')[0] items = arg[key] if isinstance(items, dict): # Formatted as a single req_in for _state, name in six.iteritems(items): # Not a use requisite_in found = False if name not in extend: extend[name] = {} if '.' in _state: errors.append(( 'Invalid requisite in {0}: {1} for ' '{2}, in SLS {3!r}. Requisites must ' 'not contain dots, did you mean {4!r}?' .format( rkey, _state, name, body['__sls__'], _state[:_state.find('.')] ) )) _state = _state.split(".")[0] if _state not in extend[name]: extend[name][_state] = [] extend[name]['__env__'] = body['__env__'] extend[name]['__sls__'] = body['__sls__'] for ind in range(len(extend[name][_state])): if next(iter( extend[name][_state][ind])) == rkey: # Extending again extend[name][_state][ind][rkey].append( {state: id_} ) found = True if found: continue # The rkey is not present yet, create it extend[name][_state].append( {rkey: [{state: id_}]} ) if isinstance(items, list): # Formed as a list of requisite additions for ind in items: if not isinstance(ind, dict): # Malformed req_in continue if len(ind) < 1: continue _state = next(iter(ind)) name = ind[_state] if '.' in _state: errors.append(( 'Invalid requisite in {0}: {1} for ' '{2}, in SLS {3!r}. Requisites must ' 'not contain dots, did you mean {4!r}?' .format( rkey, _state, name, body['__sls__'], _state[:_state.find('.')] ) )) _state = _state.split(".")[0] if key == 'prereq_in': # Add prerequired to origin if id_ not in extend: extend[id_] = {} if state not in extend[id_]: extend[id_][state] = [] extend[id_][state].append( {'prerequired': [{_state: name}]} ) if key == 'prereq': # Add prerequired to prereqs ext_id = find_name(name, _state, high) if not ext_id: continue if ext_id not in extend: extend[ext_id] = {} if _state not in extend[ext_id]: extend[ext_id][_state] = [] extend[ext_id][_state].append( {'prerequired': [{state: id_}]} ) continue if key == 'use_in': # Add the running states args to the # use_in states ext_id = find_name(name, _state, high) if not ext_id: continue ext_args = state_args(ext_id, _state, high) if ext_id not in extend: extend[ext_id] = {} if _state not in extend[ext_id]: extend[ext_id][_state] = [] ignore_args = req_in_all.union(ext_args) for arg in high[id_][state]: if not isinstance(arg, dict): continue if len(arg) != 1: continue if next(iter(arg)) in ignore_args: continue # Don't use name or names if next(six.iterkeys(arg)) == 'name': continue if next(six.iterkeys(arg)) == 'names': continue extend[ext_id][_state].append(arg) continue if key == 'use': # Add the use state's args to the # running state ext_id = find_name(name, _state, high) if not ext_id: continue loc_args = state_args(id_, state, high) if id_ not in extend: extend[id_] = {} if state not in extend[id_]: extend[id_][state] = [] ignore_args = req_in_all.union(loc_args) for arg in high[ext_id][_state]: if not isinstance(arg, dict): continue if len(arg) != 1: continue if next(iter(arg)) in ignore_args: continue # Don't use name or names if next(six.iterkeys(arg)) == 'name': continue if next(six.iterkeys(arg)) == 'names': continue extend[id_][state].append(arg) continue found = False if name not in extend: extend[name] = {} if _state not in extend[name]: extend[name][_state] = [] extend[name]['__env__'] = body['__env__'] extend[name]['__sls__'] = body['__sls__'] for ind in range(len(extend[name][_state])): if next(iter( extend[name][_state][ind])) == rkey: # Extending again extend[name][_state][ind][rkey].append( {state: id_} ) found = True if found: continue # The rkey is not present yet, create it extend[name][_state].append( {rkey: [{state: id_}]} ) high['__extend__'] = [] for key, val in six.iteritems(extend): high['__extend__'].append({key: val}) req_in_high, req_in_errors = self.reconcile_extend(high) errors.extend(req_in_errors) return req_in_high, errors def call(self, low, chunks=None, running=None): ''' Call a state directly with the low data structure, verify data before processing. ''' start_time ='Running state [{0}] at time {1}'.format(low['name'], start_time.time().isoformat())) errors = self.verify_data(low) if errors: ret = { 'result': False, 'name': low['name'], 'changes': {}, 'comment': '', } for err in errors: ret['comment'] += '{0}
'.format(err) ret['__run_num__'] = self.__run_num self.__run_num += 1 format_log(ret) self.check_refresh(low, ret) return ret else: ret = {'result': False, 'name': low['name'], 'changes': {}} if not low.get('__prereq__'): 'Executing state {0[state]}.{0[fun]} for {0[name]}'.format( low ) ) if 'provider' in low: self.load_modules(low) state_func_name = '{0[state]}.{0[fun]}'.format(low) cdata = salt.utils.format_call( self.states[state_func_name], low, initial_ret={'full': state_func_name}, expected_extra_kws=STATE_INTERNAL_KEYWORDS ) inject_globals = { # Pass a copy of the running dictionary, the low state chunks and # the current state dictionaries. # We pass deep copies here because we don't want any misbehaving # state module to change these at runtime. '__low__': immutabletypes.freeze(low), '__running__': immutabletypes.freeze(running) if running else {}, '__instance_id__': self.instance_id, '__lowstate__': immutabletypes.freeze(chunks) if chunks else {} } if low.get('__prereq__'): test = sys.modules[self.states[cdata['full']].__module__].__opts__['test'] sys.modules[self.states[cdata['full']].__module__].__opts__['test'] = True try: # Let's get a reference to the salt environment to use within this # state call. # # If the state function accepts an 'env' keyword argument, it # allows the state to be overridden(we look for that in cdata). If # that's not found in cdata, we look for what we're being passed in # the original data, namely, the special dunder __env__. If that's # not found we default to 'base' if ('unless' in low and '{0[state]}.mod_run_check'.format(low) not in self.states) or \ ('onlyif' in low and '{0[state]}.mod_run_check'.format(low) not in self.states): ret.update(self._run_check(low)) if 'saltenv' in low: inject_globals['__env__'] = str(low['saltenv']) elif isinstance(cdata['kwargs'].get('env', None), six.string_types): # User is using a deprecated env setting which was parsed by # format_call. # We check for a string type since module functions which # allow setting the OS environ also make use of the "env" # keyword argument, which is not a string inject_globals['__env__'] = str(cdata['kwargs']['env']) elif '__env__' in low: # The user is passing an alternative environment using __env__ # which is also not the appropriate choice, still, handle it inject_globals['__env__'] = str(low['__env__']) else: # Let's use the default environment inject_globals['__env__'] = 'base' if 'result' not in ret or ret['result'] is False: with context.func_globals_inject(self.states[cdata['full']], **inject_globals): ret = self.states[cdata['full']](*cdata['args'], **cdata['kwargs']) if 'check_cmd' in low and '{0[state]}.mod_run_check_cmd'.format(low) not in self.states: ret.update(self._run_check_cmd(low)) self.verify_ret(ret) except Exception: trb = traceback.format_exc() # There are a number of possibilities to not have the cdata # populated with what we might have expected, so just be smart # enough to not raise another KeyError as the name is easily # guessable and fallback in all cases to present the real # exception to the user if len(cdata['args']) > 0: name = cdata['args'][0] elif 'name' in cdata['kwargs']: name = cdata['kwargs']['name'] else: name = low.get('name', low.get('__id__')) ret = { 'result': False, 'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'comment': 'An exception occurred in this state: {0}'.format( trb) } finally: if low.get('__prereq__'): sys.modules[self.states[cdata['full']].__module__].__opts__[ 'test'] = test # If format_call got any warnings, let's show them to the user if 'warnings' in cdata: ret.setdefault('warnings', []).extend(cdata['warnings']) if 'provider' in low: self.load_modules() if low.get('__prereq__'): low['__prereq__'] = False return ret ret['__run_num__'] = self.__run_num self.__run_num += 1 format_log(ret) self.check_refresh(low, ret) finish_time = ret['start_time'] = start_time.time().isoformat() delta = (finish_time - start_time) # duration in milliseconds.microseconds ret['duration'] = (delta.seconds * 1000000 + delta.microseconds)/1000.0'Completed state [{0}] at time {1}'.format(low['name'], finish_time.time().isoformat())) return ret def call_chunks(self, chunks): ''' Iterate over a list of chunks and call them, checking for requires. ''' running = {} for low in chunks: if '__FAILHARD__' in running: running.pop('__FAILHARD__') return running tag = _gen_tag(low) if tag not in running: running = self.call_chunk(low, running, chunks) if self.check_failhard(low, running): return running = set() return running def check_failhard(self, low, running): ''' Check if the low data chunk should send a failhard signal ''' tag = _gen_tag(low) if (low.get('failhard', False) or self.opts['failhard'] and tag in running): return not running[tag]['result'] return False def check_requisite(self, low, running, chunks, pre=False): ''' Look into the running data to check the status of all requisite states ''' present = False # If mod_watch is not available make it a require if 'watch' in low: if '{0}.mod_watch'.format(low['state']) not in self.states: if 'require' in low: low['require'].extend(low.pop('watch')) else: low['require'] = low.pop('watch') else: present = True if 'require' in low: present = True if 'prerequired' in low: present = True if 'prereq' in low: present = True if 'onfail' in low: present = True if 'onchanges' in low: present = True if not present: return 'met', () reqs = { 'require': [], 'watch': [], 'prereq': [], 'onfail': [], 'onchanges': []} if pre: reqs['prerequired'] = [] for r_state in reqs: if r_state in low and low[r_state] is not None: for req in low[r_state]: req = trim_req(req) found = False for chunk in chunks: req_key = next(iter(req)) req_val = req[req_key] if req_val is None: continue if req_key == 'sls': # Allow requisite tracking of entire sls files if fnmatch.fnmatch(chunk['__sls__'], req_val): found = True reqs[r_state].append(chunk) continue if (fnmatch.fnmatch(chunk['name'], req_val) or fnmatch.fnmatch(chunk['__id__'], req_val)): if chunk['state'] == req_key: found = True reqs[r_state].append(chunk) if not found: return 'unmet', () fun_stats = set() for r_state, chunks in six.iteritems(reqs): if r_state == 'prereq': run_dict = self.pre else: run_dict = running for chunk in chunks: tag = _gen_tag(chunk) if tag not in run_dict: fun_stats.add('unmet') continue if r_state == 'onfail': if run_dict[tag]['result'] is True: fun_stats.add('onfail') continue else: if run_dict[tag]['result'] is False: fun_stats.add('fail') continue if r_state == 'onchanges': if not run_dict[tag]['changes']: fun_stats.add('onchanges') else: fun_stats.add('onchangesmet') continue if r_state == 'watch' and run_dict[tag]['changes']: fun_stats.add('change') continue if r_state == 'prereq' and run_dict[tag]['result'] is None: fun_stats.add('premet') if r_state == 'prereq' and not run_dict[tag]['result'] is None: fun_stats.add('pre') else: fun_stats.add('met') if 'unmet' in fun_stats: status = 'unmet' elif 'fail' in fun_stats: status = 'fail' elif 'pre' in fun_stats: if 'premet' in fun_stats: status = 'met' else: status = 'pre' elif 'onfail' in fun_stats: status = 'onfail' elif 'onchanges' in fun_stats and 'onchangesmet' not in fun_stats: status = 'onchanges' elif 'change' in fun_stats: status = 'change' else: status = 'met' return status, reqs def event(self, chunk_ret, length, fire_event=False): ''' Fire an event on the master bus If `fire_event` is set to True an event will be sent with the chunk name in the tag and the chunk result in the event data. If `fire_event` is set to a string such as `mystate/is/finished`, an event will be sent with the string added to the tag and the chunk result in the event data. If the `state_events` is set to True in the config, then after the chunk is evaluated an event will be set up to the master with the results. ''' if not self.opts.get('local') and (self.opts.get('state_events', True) or fire_event) and self.opts.get('master_uri'): ret = {'ret': chunk_ret} if fire_event is True: tag = salt.utils.event.tagify( [self.jid, self.opts['id'], str(chunk_ret['name'])], 'state_result' ) elif isinstance(fire_event, six.string_types): tag = salt.utils.event.tagify( [self.jid, self.opts['id'], str(fire_event)], 'state_result' ) else: tag = salt.utils.event.tagify( [self.jid, 'prog', self.opts['id'], str(chunk_ret['__run_num__'])], 'job' ) ret['len'] = length preload = {'jid': self.jid} self.functions['event.fire_master'](ret, tag, preload=preload) def call_chunk(self, low, running, chunks): ''' Check if a chunk has any requires, execute the requires and then the chunk ''' low = self._mod_aggregate(low, running, chunks) self._mod_init(low) tag = _gen_tag(low) if not low.get('prerequired'): requisites = ['require', 'watch', 'prereq', 'onfail', 'onchanges'] if not low.get('__prereq__'): requisites.append('prerequired') status, reqs = self.check_requisite(low, running, chunks, True) else: status, reqs = self.check_requisite(low, running, chunks) if status == 'unmet': lost = {} reqs = [] for requisite in requisites: lost[requisite] = [] if requisite not in low: continue for req in low[requisite]: req = trim_req(req) found = False for chunk in chunks: req_key = next(iter(req)) req_val = req[req_key] if req_val is None: continue if req_key == 'sls': # Allow requisite tracking of entire sls files if fnmatch.fnmatch(chunk['__sls__'], req_val): if requisite == 'prereq': chunk['__prereq__'] = True reqs.append(chunk) found = True continue if (fnmatch.fnmatch(chunk['name'], req_val) or fnmatch.fnmatch(chunk['__id__'], req_val)): if chunk['state'] == req_key: if requisite == 'prereq': chunk['__prereq__'] = True elif requisite == 'prerequired': chunk['__prerequired__'] = True reqs.append(chunk) found = True if not found: lost[requisite].append(req) if lost['require'] or lost['watch'] or lost['prereq'] or lost['onfail'] or lost['onchanges'] or lost.get('prerequired'): comment = 'The following requisites were not found:
' for requisite, lreqs in six.iteritems(lost): if not lreqs: continue comment += \ '{0}{1}:
'.format(' ' * 19, requisite) for lreq in lreqs: req_key = next(iter(lreq)) req_val = lreq[req_key] comment += \ '{0}{1}: {2}
'.format(' ' * 23, req_key, req_val) running[tag] = {'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': comment, '__run_num__': self.__run_num, '__sls__': low['__sls__']} self.__run_num += 1 self.event(running[tag], len(chunks), fire_event=low.get('fire_event')) return running for chunk in reqs: # Check to see if the chunk has been run, only run it if # it has not been run already ctag = _gen_tag(chunk) if ctag not in running: if ctag in if chunk.get('__prerequired__'): # Prereq recusive, run this chunk with prereq on if tag not in self.pre: low['__prereq__'] = True self.pre[ctag] =, chunks, running) return running else: return running elif ctag not in running: log.error('Recursive requisite found') running[tag] = { 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': 'Recursive requisite found', '__run_num__': self.__run_num, '__sls__': low['__sls__']} self.__run_num += 1 self.event(running[tag], len(chunks), fire_event=low.get('fire_event')) return running running = self.call_chunk(chunk, running, chunks) if self.check_failhard(chunk, running): running['__FAILHARD__'] = True return running if low.get('__prereq__'): status, reqs = self.check_requisite(low, running, chunks) self.pre[tag] =, chunks, running) if not self.pre[tag]['changes'] and status == 'change': self.pre[tag]['changes'] = {'watch': 'watch'} self.pre[tag]['result'] = None else: running = self.call_chunk(low, running, chunks) if self.check_failhard(chunk, running): running['__FAILHARD__'] = True return running elif status == 'met': if low.get('__prereq__'): self.pre[tag] =, chunks, running) else: running[tag] =, chunks, running) elif status == 'fail': # if the requisite that failed was due to a prereq on this low state # show the normal error if tag in self.pre: running[tag] = self.pre[tag] running[tag]['__run_num__'] = self.__run_num running[tag]['__sls__'] = low['__sls__'] # otherwise the failure was due to a requisite down the chain else: # determine what the requisite failures where, and return # a nice error message failed_requisites = set() # look at all requisite types for a failure for req_lows in six.itervalues(reqs): for req_low in req_lows: req_tag = _gen_tag(req_low) req_ret = self.pre.get(req_tag, running.get(req_tag)) # if there is no run output for the requisite it # can't be the failure if req_ret is None: continue # If the result was False (not None) it was a failure if req_ret['result'] is False: # use SLS.ID for the key-- so its easier to find key = '{sls}.{_id}'.format(sls=req_low['__sls__'], _id=req_low['__id__']) failed_requisites.add(key) _cmt = 'One or more requisite failed: {0}'.format( ', '.join(str(i) for i in failed_requisites) ) running[tag] = { 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': _cmt, '__run_num__': self.__run_num, '__sls__': low['__sls__'] } self.__run_num += 1 elif status == 'change' and not low.get('__prereq__'): ret =, chunks, running) if not ret['changes'] and not ret.get('skip_watch', False): low = low.copy() low['sfun'] = low['fun'] low['fun'] = 'mod_watch' low['__reqs__'] = reqs ret =, chunks, running) running[tag] = ret elif status == 'pre': pre_ret = {'changes': {}, 'result': True, 'comment': 'No changes detected', '__run_num__': self.__run_num, '__sls__': low['__sls__']} running[tag] = pre_ret self.pre[tag] = pre_ret self.__run_num += 1 elif status == 'onfail': running[tag] = {'changes': {}, 'result': True, 'comment': 'State was not run because onfail req did not change', '__run_num__': self.__run_num, '__sls__': low['__sls__']} self.__run_num += 1 elif status == 'onchanges': running[tag] = {'changes': {}, 'result': True, 'comment': 'State was not run because none of the onchanges reqs changed', '__run_num__': self.__run_num, '__sls__': low['__sls__']} self.__run_num += 1 else: if low.get('__prereq__'): self.pre[tag] =, chunks, running) else: running[tag] =, chunks, running) if tag in running: self.event(running[tag], len(chunks), fire_event=low.get('fire_event')) return running def call_listen(self, chunks, running): ''' Find all of the listen routines and call the associated mod_watch runs ''' listeners = [] crefs = {} for chunk in chunks: crefs[(chunk['state'], chunk['name'])] = chunk crefs[(chunk['state'], chunk['__id__'])] = chunk if 'listen' in chunk: listeners.append({(chunk['state'], chunk['name']): chunk['listen']}) if 'listen_in' in chunk: for l_in in chunk['listen_in']: for key, val in six.iteritems(l_in): listeners.append({(key, val): [{chunk['state']: chunk['name']}]}) mod_watchers = [] errors = {} for l_dict in listeners: for key, val in six.iteritems(l_dict): for listen_to in val: if not isinstance(listen_to, dict): continue for lkey, lval in six.iteritems(listen_to): if (lkey, lval) not in crefs: rerror = {_l_tag(lkey, lval): { 'comment': 'Referenced state {0}: {1} does not exist'.format(lkey, lval), 'name': 'listen_{0}:{1}'.format(lkey, lval), 'result': False, 'changes': {} }} errors.update(rerror) continue to_tag = _gen_tag(crefs[(lkey, lval)]) if to_tag not in running: continue if running[to_tag]['changes']: if key not in crefs: rerror = {_l_tag(key[0], key[1]): {'comment': 'Referenced state {0}: {1} does not exist'.format(key[0], key[1]), 'name': 'listen_{0}:{1}'.format(key[0], key[1]), 'result': False, 'changes': {}}} errors.update(rerror) continue chunk = crefs[key] low = chunk.copy() low['sfun'] = chunk['fun'] low['fun'] = 'mod_watch' low['__id__'] = 'listener_{0}'.format(low['__id__']) for req in STATE_REQUISITE_KEYWORDS: if req in low: low.pop(req) mod_watchers.append(low) ret = self.call_chunks(mod_watchers) running.update(ret) for err in errors: errors[err]['__run_num__'] = self.__run_num self.__run_num += 1 running.update(errors) return running def call_high(self, high): ''' Process a high data call and ensure the defined states. ''' errors = [] # If there is extension data reconcile it high, ext_errors = self.reconcile_extend(high) errors += ext_errors errors += self.verify_high(high) if errors: return errors high, req_in_errors = self.requisite_in(high) errors += req_in_errors high = self.apply_exclude(high) # Verify that the high data is structurally sound if errors: return errors # Compile and verify the raw chunks chunks = self.compile_high_data(high) # Check for any disabled states disabled = {} if 'state_runs_disabled' in self.opts['grains']: _chunks = copy.deepcopy(chunks) for low in _chunks: state_ = '{0}.{1}'.format(low['state'], low['fun']) for pat in self.opts['grains']['state_runs_disabled']: if fnmatch.fnmatch(state_, pat): comment = ( 'The state function "{0}" is currently disabled by "{1}", ' 'to re-enable, run state.enable {1}.' ).format( state_, pat, ) _tag = _gen_tag(low) disabled[_tag] = {'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': comment, '__run_num__': self.__run_num, '__sls__': low['__sls__']} self.__run_num += 1 chunks.remove(low) break # If there are extensions in the highstate, process them and update # the low data chunks if errors: return errors ret = dict(list(disabled.items()) + list(self.call_chunks(chunks).items())) ret = self.call_listen(chunks, ret) def _cleanup_accumulator_data(): accum_data_path = os.path.join( salt.utils.get_accumulator_dir(self.opts['cachedir']), self.instance_id ) try: os.remove(accum_data_path) log.debug('Deleted accumulator data file {0}'.format( accum_data_path) ) except OSError: log.debug('File {0} does not exist, no need to cleanup.'.format( accum_data_path) ) _cleanup_accumulator_data() return ret def render_template(self, high, template): errors = [] if not high: return high, errors if not isinstance(high, dict): errors.append( 'Template {0} does not render to a dictionary'.format(template) ) return high, errors invalid_items = ('include', 'exclude', 'extends') for item in invalid_items: if item in high: errors.append( 'The \'{0}\' declaration found on \'{1}\' is invalid when ' 'rendering single templates'.format(item, template) ) return high, errors for name in high: if not isinstance(high[name], dict): if isinstance(high[name], six.string_types): # Is this is a short state, it needs to be padded if '.' in high[name]: comps = high[name].split('.') high[name] = { # '__sls__': template, # '__env__': None, comps[0]: [comps[1]] } continue errors.append( 'ID {0} in template {1} is not a dictionary'.format( name, template ) ) continue skeys = set() for key in sorted(high[name]): if key.startswith('_'): continue if high[name][key] is None: errors.append( 'ID {0!r} in template {1} contains a short ' 'declaration ({2}) with a trailing colon. When not ' 'passing any arguments to a state, the colon must be ' 'omitted.'.format(name, template, key) ) continue if not isinstance(high[name][key], list): continue if '.' in key: comps = key.split('.') # Salt doesn't support state files such as: # # /etc/redis/redis.conf: # file.managed: # - user: redis # - group: redis # - mode: 644 # file.comment: # - regex: ^requirepass if comps[0] in skeys: errors.append( 'ID {0!r} in template {1!r} contains multiple ' 'state declarations of the same type' .format(name, template) ) continue high[name][comps[0]] = high[name].pop(key) high[name][comps[0]].append(comps[1]) skeys.add(comps[0]) continue skeys.add(key) return high, errors def call_template(self, template): ''' Enforce the states in a template ''' high = compile_template( template, self.rend, self.opts['renderer']) if not high: return high high, errors = self.render_template(high, template) if errors: return errors return self.call_high(high) def call_template_str(self, template): ''' Enforce the states in a template, pass the template as a string ''' high = compile_template_str( template, self.rend, self.opts['renderer']) if not high: return high high, errors = self.render_template(high, '') if errors: return errors return self.call_high(high) class BaseHighState(object): ''' The BaseHighState is an abstract base class that is the foundation of running a highstate, extend it and add a self.state object of type State. When extending this class, please note that ``self.client`` and ``self.matcher`` should be instantiated and handled. ''' def __init__(self, opts): self.opts = self.__gen_opts(opts) self.iorder = 10000 self.avail = self.__gather_avail() self.serial = salt.payload.Serial(self.opts) self.building_highstate = {} def __gather_avail(self): ''' Gather the lists of available sls data from the master ''' avail = {} for saltenv in self._get_envs(): avail[saltenv] = self.client.list_states(saltenv) return avail def __gen_opts(self, opts): ''' The options used by the High State object are derived from options on the minion and the master, or just the minion if the high state call is entirely local. ''' # If the state is intended to be applied locally, then the local opts # should have all of the needed data, otherwise overwrite the local # data items with data from the master if 'local_state' in opts: if opts['local_state']: return opts mopts = self.client.master_opts() if not isinstance(mopts, dict): # An error happened on the master opts['renderer'] = 'yaml_jinja' opts['failhard'] = False opts['state_top'] = salt.utils.url.create('top.sls') opts['nodegroups'] = {} opts['file_roots'] = {'base': [syspaths.BASE_FILE_ROOTS_DIR]} else: opts['renderer'] = mopts['renderer'] opts['failhard'] = mopts.get('failhard', False) if mopts['state_top'].startswith('salt://'): opts['state_top'] = mopts['state_top'] elif mopts['state_top'].startswith('/'): opts['state_top'] = salt.utils.url.create(mopts['state_top'][1:]) else: opts['state_top'] = salt.utils.url.create(mopts['state_top']) opts['state_top_saltenv'] = mopts.get('state_top_saltenv', None) opts['nodegroups'] = mopts.get('nodegroups', {}) opts['state_auto_order'] = mopts.get( 'state_auto_order', opts['state_auto_order']) opts['file_roots'] = mopts['file_roots'] opts['top_file_merging_strategy'] = mopts.get('top_file_merging_strategy', opts.get('top_file_merging_strategy')) opts['env_order'] = mopts.get('env_order', opts.get('env_order', [])) opts['default_top'] = mopts.get('default_top', opts.get('default_top')) opts['state_events'] = mopts.get('state_events') opts['state_aggregate'] = mopts.get('state_aggregate', opts.get('state_aggregate', False)) opts['jinja_lstrip_blocks'] = mopts.get('jinja_lstrip_blocks', False) opts['jinja_trim_blocks'] = mopts.get('jinja_trim_blocks', False) return opts def _get_envs(self): ''' Pull the file server environments out of the master options ''' envs = ['base'] if 'file_roots' in self.opts: envs.extend(list(self.opts['file_roots'])) client_envs = self.client.envs() env_order = self.opts.get('env_order', []) client_envs = self.client.envs() if env_order and client_envs: client_env_list = self.client.envs() env_intersection = set(env_order).intersection(client_env_list) final_list = [] for ord_env in env_order: if ord_env in env_intersection: final_list.append(ord_env) return set(final_list) elif env_order: return set(env_order) else: for cenv in client_envs: if cenv not in envs: envs.append(cenv) return set(envs) def get_tops(self): ''' Gather the top files ''' tops = DefaultOrderedDict(list) include = DefaultOrderedDict(list) done = DefaultOrderedDict(list) found = 0 # did we find any contents in the top files? # Gather initial top files if self.opts['top_file_merging_strategy'] == 'same' and \ not self.opts['environment']: if not self.opts['default_top']: raise SaltRenderError('Top file merge strategy set to same, but no default_top ' 'configuration option was set') self.opts['environment'] = self.opts['default_top'] if self.opts['environment']: contents = self.client.cache_file( self.opts['state_top'], self.opts['environment'] ) if contents: found = 1 tops[self.opts['environment']] = [ compile_template( contents, self.state.rend, self.state.opts['renderer'], saltenv=self.opts['environment'] ) ] elif self.opts['top_file_merging_strategy'] == 'merge': found = 0 if self.opts.get('state_top_saltenv', False): saltenv = self.opts['state_top_saltenv'] contents = self.client.cache_file( self.opts['state_top'], saltenv ) if contents: found = found + 1 else: log.debug('No contents loaded for env: {0}'.format(saltenv)) tops[saltenv].append( compile_template( contents, self.state.rend, self.state.opts['renderer'], saltenv=saltenv ) ) else: for saltenv in self._get_envs(): contents = self.client.cache_file( self.opts['state_top'], saltenv ) if contents: found = found + 1 else: log.debug('No contents loaded for env: {0}'.format(saltenv)) tops[saltenv].append( compile_template( contents, self.state.rend, self.state.opts['renderer'], saltenv=saltenv ) ) if found > 1: log.warning('Top file merge strategy set to \'merge\' and multiple top files found. ' 'Top file merging order is undefined; ' 'for better results use \'same\' option') if found == 0: log.error('No contents found in top file') # Search initial top files for includes for saltenv, ctops in six.iteritems(tops): for ctop in ctops: if 'include' not in ctop: continue for sls in ctop['include']: include[saltenv].append(sls) ctop.pop('include') # Go through the includes and pull out the extra tops and add them while include: pops = [] for saltenv, states in six.iteritems(include): pops.append(saltenv) if not states: continue for sls_match in states: for sls in fnmatch.filter(self.avail[saltenv], sls_match): if sls in done[saltenv]: continue tops[saltenv].append( compile_template( self.client.get_state( sls, saltenv ).get('dest', False), self.state.rend, self.state.opts['renderer'], saltenv=saltenv ) ) done[saltenv].append(sls) for saltenv in pops: if saltenv in include: include.pop(saltenv) return tops def merge_tops(self, tops): ''' Cleanly merge the top files ''' top = DefaultOrderedDict(OrderedDict) for ctops in six.itervalues(tops): for ctop in ctops: for saltenv, targets in six.iteritems(ctop): if saltenv == 'include': continue try: for tgt in targets: if tgt not in top[saltenv]: top[saltenv][tgt] = ctop[saltenv][tgt] continue matches = [] states = set() for comp in top[saltenv][tgt]: if isinstance(comp, dict): matches.append(comp) if isinstance(comp, six.string_types): states.add(comp) top[saltenv][tgt] = matches top[saltenv][tgt].extend(list(states)) except TypeError: raise SaltRenderError('Unable to render top file. No targets found.') return top def verify_tops(self, tops): ''' Verify the contents of the top file data ''' errors = [] if not isinstance(tops, dict): errors.append('Top data was not formed as a dict') # No further checks will work, bail out return errors for saltenv, matches in six.iteritems(tops): if saltenv == 'include': continue if not isinstance(saltenv, six.string_types): errors.append( 'Environment {0} in top file is not formed as a ' 'string'.format(saltenv) ) if saltenv == '': errors.append('Empty saltenv statement in top file') if not isinstance(matches, dict): errors.append( 'The top file matches for saltenv {0} are not ' 'formatted as a dict'.format(saltenv) ) for slsmods in six.itervalues(matches): if not isinstance(slsmods, list): errors.append('Malformed topfile (state declarations not ' 'formed as a list)') continue for slsmod in slsmods: if isinstance(slsmod, dict): # This value is a match option for val in six.itervalues(slsmod): if not val: errors.append( 'Improperly formatted top file matcher ' 'in saltenv {0}: {1} file'.format( slsmod, val ) ) elif isinstance(slsmod, six.string_types): # This is a sls module if not slsmod: errors.append( 'Environment {0} contains an empty sls ' 'index'.format(saltenv) ) return errors def get_top(self): ''' Returns the high data derived from the top file ''' tops = self.get_tops() return self.merge_tops(tops) def top_matches(self, top): ''' Search through the top high data for matches and return the states that this minion needs to execute. Returns: {'saltenv': ['state1', 'state2', ...]} ''' matches = {} # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop for saltenv, body in six.iteritems(top): if self.opts['environment']: if saltenv != self.opts['environment']: continue for match, data in six.iteritems(body): def _filter_matches(_match, _data, _opts): if isinstance(_data, six.string_types): _data = [_data] if self.matcher.confirm_top( _match, _data, _opts ): if saltenv not in matches: matches[saltenv] = [] for item in _data: if 'subfilter' in item: _tmpdata = item.pop('subfilter') for match, data in six.iteritems(_tmpdata): _filter_matches(match, data, _opts) if isinstance(item, six.string_types): matches[saltenv].append(item) _filter_matches(match, data, self.opts['nodegroups']) ext_matches = self.client.ext_nodes() for saltenv in ext_matches: if saltenv in matches: matches[saltenv] = list( set(ext_matches[saltenv]).union(matches[saltenv])) else: matches[saltenv] = ext_matches[saltenv] # pylint: enable=cell-var-from-loop return matches def load_dynamic(self, matches): ''' If autoload_dynamic_modules is True then automatically load the dynamic modules ''' if not self.opts['autoload_dynamic_modules']: return if self.opts.get('local', False): syncd = self.state.functions['saltutil.sync_all'](list(matches), refresh=False) else: syncd = self.state.functions['saltutil.sync_all'](list(matches), refresh=False) if syncd['grains']: self.opts['grains'] = salt.loader.grains(self.opts) self.state.opts['pillar'] = self.state._gather_pillar() self.state.module_refresh() def render_state(self, sls, saltenv, mods, matches, local=False): ''' Render a state file and retrieve all of the include states ''' errors = [] if not local: state_data = self.client.get_state(sls, saltenv) fn_ = state_data.get('dest', False) else: fn_ = sls if not os.path.isfile(fn_): errors.append( 'Specified SLS {0} on local filesystem cannot ' 'be found.'.format(sls) ) if not fn_: errors.append( 'Specified SLS {0} in saltenv {1} is not ' 'available on the salt master or through a configured ' 'fileserver'.format(sls, saltenv) ) state = None try: state = compile_template( fn_, self.state.rend, self.state.opts['renderer'], saltenv, sls, rendered_sls=mods ) except SaltRenderError as exc: msg = 'Rendering SLS \'{0}:{1}\' failed: {2}'.format( saltenv, sls, exc ) log.critical(msg) errors.append(msg) except Exception as exc: msg = 'Rendering SLS {0} failed, render error: {1}'.format( sls, exc ) log.critical( msg, # Show the traceback if the debug logging level is enabled exc_info_on_loglevel=logging.DEBUG ) errors.append('{0}
{1}'.format(msg, traceback.format_exc())) try: mods.add('{0}:{1}'.format(saltenv, sls)) except AttributeError: pass if state: if not isinstance(state, dict): errors.append( 'SLS {0} does not render to a dictionary'.format(sls) ) else: include = [] if 'include' in state: if not isinstance(state['include'], list): err = ('Include Declaration in SLS {0} is not formed ' 'as a list'.format(sls)) errors.append(err) else: include = state.pop('include') self._handle_extend(state, sls, saltenv, errors) self._handle_exclude(state, sls, saltenv, errors) self._handle_state_decls(state, sls, saltenv, errors) for inc_sls in include: # inc_sls may take the form of: # '' : ''} # {: ''} # {'_xenv': ''} xenv_key = '_xenv' if isinstance(inc_sls, dict): env_key, inc_sls = inc_sls.popitem() else: env_key = saltenv if env_key not in self.avail: msg = ('Nonexistent saltenv {0!r} found in include ' 'of {1!r} within SLS \'{2}:{3}\'' .format(env_key, inc_sls, saltenv, sls)) log.error(msg) errors.append(msg) continue if inc_sls.startswith('.'): levels, include = \ re.match(r'^(\.+)(.*)$', inc_sls).groups() level_count = len(levels) p_comps = sls.split('.') if state_data.get('source', '').endswith('/init.sls'): p_comps.append('init') if level_count > len(p_comps): msg = ('Attempted relative include of {0!r} ' 'within SLS \'{1}:{2}\' ' 'goes beyond top level package ' .format(inc_sls, saltenv, sls)) log.error(msg) errors.append(msg) continue inc_sls = '.'.join(p_comps[:-level_count] + [include]) if env_key != xenv_key: if matches is None: matches = [] # Resolve inc_sls in the specified environment if env_key in matches or fnmatch.filter(self.avail[env_key], inc_sls): resolved_envs = [env_key] else: resolved_envs = [] else: # Resolve inc_sls in the subset of environment matches resolved_envs = [ aenv for aenv in matches if fnmatch.filter(self.avail[aenv], inc_sls) ] # An include must be resolved to a single environment, or # the include must exist in the current environment if len(resolved_envs) == 1 or saltenv in resolved_envs: # Match inc_sls against the available states in the # resolved env, matching wildcards in the process. If # there were no matches, then leave inc_sls as the # target so that the next recursion of render_state # will recognize the error. sls_targets = fnmatch.filter( self.avail[saltenv], inc_sls ) or [inc_sls] for sls_target in sls_targets: r_env = resolved_envs[0] if len(resolved_envs) == 1 else saltenv mod_tgt = '{0}:{1}'.format(r_env, sls_target) if mod_tgt not in mods: nstate, err = self.render_state( sls_target, r_env, mods, matches ) if nstate: self.merge_included_states(state, nstate, errors) state.update(nstate) if err: errors.extend(err) else: msg = '' if not resolved_envs: msg = ('Unknown include: Specified SLS {0}: {1} is not available on the salt ' 'master in saltenv(s): {2} ' ).format(env_key, inc_sls, ', '.join(matches) if env_key == xenv_key else env_key) elif len(resolved_envs) > 1: msg = ('Ambiguous include: Specified SLS {0}: {1} is available on the salt master ' 'in multiple available saltenvs: {2}' ).format(env_key, inc_sls, ', '.join(resolved_envs)) log.critical(msg) errors.append(msg) try: self._handle_iorder(state) except TypeError: log.critical('Could not render SLS {0}. Syntax error detected.'.format(sls)) else: state = {} return state, errors def _handle_iorder(self, state): ''' Take a state and apply the iorder system ''' if self.opts['state_auto_order']: for name in state: for s_dec in state[name]: if not isinstance(s_dec, six.string_types): # PyDSL OrderedDict? continue if not isinstance(state[name], dict): # Include's or excludes as lists? continue if not isinstance(state[name][s_dec], list): # Bad syntax, let the verify seq pick it up later on continue found = False if s_dec.startswith('_'): continue for arg in state[name][s_dec]: if isinstance(arg, dict): if len(arg) > 0: if next(six.iterkeys(arg)) == 'order': found = True if not found: if not isinstance(state[name][s_dec], list): # quite certainly a syntax error, managed elsewhere continue state[name][s_dec].append( {'order': self.iorder} ) self.iorder += 1 return state def _handle_state_decls(self, state, sls, saltenv, errors): ''' Add sls and saltenv components to the state ''' for name in state: if not isinstance(state[name], dict): if name == '__extend__': continue if name == '__exclude__': continue if isinstance(state[name], six.string_types): # Is this is a short state, it needs to be padded if '.' in state[name]: comps = state[name].split('.') state[name] = {'__sls__': sls, '__env__': saltenv, comps[0]: [comps[1]]} continue errors.append( 'ID {0} in SLS {1} is not a dictionary'.format(name, sls) ) continue skeys = set() for key in state[name]: if key.startswith('_'): continue if not isinstance(state[name][key], list): continue if '.' in key: comps = key.split('.') # Salt doesn't support state files such as: # # /etc/redis/redis.conf: # file.managed: # - source: salt://redis/redis.conf # - user: redis # - group: redis # - mode: 644 # file.comment: # - regex: ^requirepass if comps[0] in skeys: errors.append( 'ID {0!r} in SLS {1!r} contains multiple state ' 'declarations of the same type'.format(name, sls) ) continue state[name][comps[0]] = state[name].pop(key) state[name][comps[0]].append(comps[1]) skeys.add(comps[0]) continue skeys.add(key) if '__sls__' not in state[name]: state[name]['__sls__'] = sls if '__env__' not in state[name]: state[name]['__env__'] = saltenv def _handle_extend(self, state, sls, saltenv, errors): ''' Take the extend dec out of state and apply to the highstate global dec ''' if 'extend' in state: ext = state.pop('extend') if not isinstance(ext, dict): errors.append(('Extension value in SLS {0!r} is not a ' 'dictionary').format(sls)) return for name in ext: if not isinstance(ext[name], dict): errors.append(('Extension name {0!r} in SLS {1!r} is ' 'not a dictionary' .format(name, sls))) continue if '__sls__' not in ext[name]: ext[name]['__sls__'] = sls if '__env__' not in ext[name]: ext[name]['__env__'] = saltenv for key in ext[name]: if key.startswith('_'): continue if not isinstance(ext[name][key], list): continue if '.' in key: comps = key.split('.') ext[name][comps[0]] = ext[name].pop(key) ext[name][comps[0]].append(comps[1]) state.setdefault('__extend__', []).append(ext) def _handle_exclude(self, state, sls, saltenv, errors): ''' Take the exclude dec out of the state and apply it to the highstate global dec ''' if 'exclude' in state: exc = state.pop('exclude') if not isinstance(exc, list): err = ('Exclude Declaration in SLS {0} is not formed ' 'as a list'.format(sls)) errors.append(err) state.setdefault('__exclude__', []).extend(exc) def render_highstate(self, matches): ''' Gather the state files and render them into a single unified salt high data structure. ''' highstate = self.building_highstate all_errors = [] mods = set() statefiles = [] for saltenv, states in six.iteritems(matches): for sls_match in states: try: statefiles = fnmatch.filter(self.avail[saltenv], sls_match) except KeyError: all_errors.extend(['No matching salt environment for environment {0!r} found'.format(saltenv)]) # if we did not found any sls in the fileserver listing, this # may be because the sls was generated or added later, we can # try to directly execute it, and if it fails, anyway it will # return the former error if not statefiles: statefiles = [sls_match] for sls in statefiles: r_env = '{0}:{1}'.format(saltenv, sls) if r_env in mods: continue state, errors = self.render_state( sls, saltenv, mods, matches) if state: self.merge_included_states(highstate, state, errors) for i, error in enumerate(errors[:]): if 'is not available' in error: # match SLS foobar in environment this_sls = 'SLS {0} in saltenv'.format( sls_match) if this_sls in error: errors[i] = ( 'No matching sls found for {0!r} ' 'in env {1!r}'.format(sls_match, saltenv)) all_errors.extend(errors) self.clean_duplicate_extends(highstate) return highstate, all_errors def clean_duplicate_extends(self, highstate): if '__extend__' in highstate: highext = [] for items in (six.iteritems(ext) for ext in highstate['__extend__']): for item in items: if item not in highext: highext.append(item) highstate['__extend__'] = [{t[0]: t[1]} for t in highext] def merge_included_states(self, highstate, state, errors): # The extend members can not be treated as globally unique: if '__extend__' in state: highstate.setdefault('__extend__', []).extend(state.pop('__extend__')) if '__exclude__' in state: highstate.setdefault('__exclude__', []).extend(state.pop('__exclude__')) for id_ in state: if id_ in highstate: if highstate[id_] != state[id_]: errors.append(( 'Detected conflicting IDs, SLS' ' IDs need to be globally unique.
The' ' conflicting ID is {0!r} and is found in SLS' ' \'{1}:{2}\' and SLS \'{3}:{4}\'').format( id_, highstate[id_]['__env__'], highstate[id_]['__sls__'], state[id_]['__env__'], state[id_]['__sls__']) ) try: highstate.update(state) except ValueError: errors.append( 'Error when rendering state with contents: {0}'.format(state) ) def _check_pillar(self, force=False): ''' Check the pillar for errors, refuse to run the state if there are errors in the pillar and return the pillar errors ''' if force: return True if '_errors' in self.state.opts['pillar']: return False return True def matches_whitelist(self, matches, whitelist): ''' Reads over the matches and returns a matches dict with just the ones that are in the whitelist ''' if not whitelist: return matches ret_matches = {} if not isinstance(whitelist, list): whitelist = whitelist.split(',') for env in matches: for sls in matches[env]: if sls in whitelist: ret_matches[env] = ret_matches[env] if env in ret_matches else [] ret_matches[env].append(sls) return ret_matches def call_highstate(self, exclude=None, cache=None, cache_name='highstate', force=False, whitelist=None): ''' Run the sequence to execute the salt highstate for this minion ''' # Check that top file exists tag_name = 'no_|-states_|-states_|-None' ret = {tag_name: { 'result': False, 'comment': 'No states found for this minion', 'name': 'No States', 'changes': {}, '__run_num__': 0, }} cfn = os.path.join( self.opts['cachedir'], '{0}.cache.p'.format(cache_name) ) if cache: if os.path.isfile(cfn): with salt.utils.fopen(cfn, 'rb') as fp_: high = self.serial.load(fp_) return self.state.call_high(high) # File exists so continue err = [] try: top = self.get_top() except SaltRenderError as err: ret[tag_name]['comment'] = 'Unable to render top file: ' ret[tag_name]['comment'] += err.error return ret except Exception: trb = traceback.format_exc() err.append(trb) return err err += self.verify_tops(top) matches = self.top_matches(top) if not matches: msg = ('No Top file or external nodes data matches found') ret[tag_name]['comment'] = msg return ret matches = self.matches_whitelist(matches, whitelist) self.load_dynamic(matches) if not self._check_pillar(force): err += ['Pillar failed to render with the following messages:'] err += self.state.opts['pillar']['_errors'] else: high, errors = self.render_highstate(matches) if exclude: if isinstance(exclude, str): exclude = exclude.split(',') if '__exclude__' in high: high['__exclude__'].extend(exclude) else: high['__exclude__'] = exclude err += errors if err: return err if not high: return ret cumask = os.umask(0o77) try: if salt.utils.is_windows(): # Make sure cache file isn't read-only self.state.functions['']('attrib -R "{0}"'.format(cfn), output_loglevel='quiet') with salt.utils.fopen(cfn, 'w+b') as fp_: try: self.serial.dump(high, fp_) except TypeError: # Can't serialize pydsl pass except (IOError, OSError): msg = 'Unable to write to "state.highstate" cache file {0}' log.error(msg.format(cfn)) os.umask(cumask) return self.state.call_high(high) def compile_highstate(self): ''' Return just the highstate or the errors ''' err = [] top = self.get_top() err += self.verify_tops(top) matches = self.top_matches(top) high, errors = self.render_highstate(matches) err += errors if err: return err return high def compile_low_chunks(self): ''' Compile the highstate but don't run it, return the low chunks to see exactly what the highstate will execute ''' top = self.get_top() matches = self.top_matches(top) high, errors = self.render_highstate(matches) # If there is extension data reconcile it high, ext_errors = self.state.reconcile_extend(high) errors += ext_errors # Verify that the high data is structurally sound errors += self.state.verify_high(high) high, req_in_errors = self.state.requisite_in(high) errors += req_in_errors high = self.state.apply_exclude(high) if errors: return errors # Compile and verify the raw chunks chunks = self.state.compile_high_data(high) return chunks class HighState(BaseHighState): ''' Generate and execute the salt "High State". The High State is the compound state derived from a group of template files stored on the salt master or in the local cache. ''' # a stack of active HighState objects during a state.highstate run stack = [] def __init__(self, opts, pillar=None, jid=None): self.opts = opts self.client = salt.fileclient.get_file_client(self.opts) BaseHighState.__init__(self, opts) self.state = State(self.opts, pillar, jid) self.matcher = salt.minion.Matcher(self.opts) # tracks all pydsl state declarations globally across sls files self._pydsl_all_decls = {} # a stack of current rendering Sls objects, maintained and used by the pydsl renderer. self._pydsl_render_stack = [] def push_active(self): self.stack.append(self) @classmethod def clear_active(cls): # Nuclear option # # Blow away the entire stack. Used primarily by the test runner but also # useful in custom wrappers of the HighState class, to reset the stack # to a fresh state. cls.stack = [] @classmethod def pop_active(cls): cls.stack.pop() @classmethod def get_active(cls): try: return cls.stack[-1] except IndexError: return None class MasterState(State): ''' Create a State object for master side compiling ''' def __init__(self, opts, minion): State.__init__(self, opts) def load_modules(self, data=None): ''' Load the modules into the state ''''Loading fresh modules for state activity') # Load a modified client interface that looks like the interface used # from the minion, but uses remote execution # self.functions = salt.client.FunctionWrapper( self.opts, self.opts['id'] ) # Load the states, but they should not be used in this class apart # from inspection self.utils = salt.loader.utils(self.opts) self.states = salt.loader.states(self.opts, self.functions, self.utils) self.rend = salt.loader.render(self.opts, self.functions, states=self.states) class MasterHighState(HighState): ''' Execute highstate compilation from the master ''' def __init__(self, master_opts, minion_opts, grains, id_, saltenv=None, env=None): if isinstance(env, six.string_types): salt.utils.warn_until( 'Boron', 'Passing a salt environment should be done using \'saltenv\' ' 'not \'env\'. This functionality will be removed in Salt ' 'Boron.' ) # Backwards compatibility saltenv = env # Force the fileclient to be local opts = copy.deepcopy(minion_opts) opts['file_client'] = 'local' opts['file_roots'] = master_opts['master_roots'] opts['renderer'] = master_opts['renderer'] opts['state_top'] = master_opts['state_top'] opts['id'] = id_ opts['grains'] = grains HighState.__init__(self, opts) class RemoteHighState(object): ''' Manage gathering the data from the master ''' def __init__(self, opts, grains): self.opts = opts self.grains = grains self.serial = salt.payload.Serial(self.opts) # self.auth = salt.crypt.SAuth(opts) = salt.transport.Channel.factory(self.opts['master_uri']) def compile_master(self): ''' Return the state data from the master ''' load = {'grains': self.grains, 'opts': self.opts, 'cmd': '_master_state'} try: return, tries=3, timeout=72000) except SaltReqTimeoutError: return {}
