GObject 06: A subclass of GObject

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This time GObject refers to the type named GObject in the GObject library.  Don't be confused.
The type GObject is supposed to be the base class of other user-defined classes.
  • GObject has reference counting and deallocate the instance when reference count reaches zero.
  • GObject allows users to add properties to their subclasses.
  • GObject also has "signal"support for asynchronized event handling which is roughly analog to "event"in C#.
  • Here is a subclass of GObject.  The reference counting feature is demonstrated.
    /* A subclass of GObject. */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <glib-object.h>
    typedef struct {
        GObject something_as_boilerplate;
        int an_instance_member;
    } myinstance_t;
    typedef struct {
        GObjectClass something_as_boilerplate;
    } myclass_t;
    void my_instance_init_func(myinstance_t *instance, gpointer data) {
        instance->an_instance_member = 42;
    void my_class_init_func(myclass_t* klass, gpointer data) {
    GType get_my_typeid() {
        static my_type_id = 0;
        if(my_type_id==0) {
            GTypeInfo my_type_info = {
                sizeof(myclass_t),  //class_size;
                NULL,               //base_init;
                NULL,               //base_finalize;
                /* classed types, instantiated types */
                (GClassInitFunc)my_class_init_func, //class_init;
                NULL,               //class_finalize;
                NULL,               //class_data;
                /* instantiated types */
                0,                  //n_preallocs;
                (GInstanceInitFunc)my_instance_init_func, //instance_init;
                /* value handling */
                NULL,               //value_table;
            my_type_id = g_type_register_static(
        return my_type_id;
    void weak_ref_notifying_func(gpointer data, GObject* where_it_was) {
        printf("My object has died.
    "); } int main() { g_type_init(); printf("Type id: %d
    ",get_my_typeid()); printf("Type name: %s
    ",g_type_name(get_my_typeid())); myinstance_t *instance = (myinstance_t*)g_object_new(get_my_typeid(),NULL); printf("Member: %d
    ",instance->an_instance_member); printf("Is instance of GObject? %s
    ", G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE(instance, G_TYPE_OBJECT)?"yes":"no"); g_object_weak_ref( G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST(instance,G_TYPE_OBJECT,GObject), (GWeakNotify)weak_ref_notifying_func, NULL); g_object_ref(instance); printf("Member: %d
    ",instance->an_instance_member); // 2 refs, valid. g_object_unref(instance); printf("Member: %d
    ",instance->an_instance_member); // 1 ref, still valid. g_object_unref(instance); printf("Member: %d
    ",instance->an_instance_member); // No longer valid. return 0; }

    Since it is a subclass of GObject, the class struct and the instance struct begin with GObjectClass and GObject, respectively.  This type is not registered as a fundamental type, either.
    You should create instances of GObject (as well as its subclasses) using g_object_new function.  You may also pass additional "properties"to be set during initialization.  This will be discussed later.
    You may use g_object_ref and g_object_unref to increase or decrease the reference count, respectively.
    A weak reference is a reference that refers to an object while not counted in its reference count.  If there is a strong reference to an object, this object cannot be deallocated, which is not expected in some situation.  A weak reference will ge notified when the (strong) reference count of an object reaches zero and is deallocated so that the weak reference can respond to such an event.