register_shutdown_function vs __destruct


class T1
    function __construct()
        register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, 'shutdown_func'));
    function shutdown_func() {
        $fp = fopen("/tmp/t1.txt", "w+");
        fputs($fp, " 
"); fclose($fp); } }; $obj = new T1(); while (true) { // do nothing } : Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/hanyh/workspace/website/t1.php on line 19 : hanyh@hanyh:~/workspace/git/django-pagination$ more /tmp/t1.txt <?php class T2 { function __destruct() { $fp = fopen("/tmp/t2.txt", "w+"); fputs($fp, "
"); fclose($fp); } }; $obj = new T2(); while (true) { // do nothing } : Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/hanyh/workspace/website/t2.php on line 13 : hanyh@hanyh:~/workspace/git/django-pagination$ more /tmp/t2.txt /tmp/t2.txt: , register_shutdown_function , 。 , register_shutdown_function。