Day 045

Udemy Python Bootcamp Day 045

Beautiful Soup Module

Beautiful Soup is a Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files and they're responsible for structuring data like the data in a website using there tags.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# import lxml

with open("website.html", encoding="utf-8") as file:
    contents =

soup = BeautifulSoup(contents, "html.parser")

<title>Awesomee's Personal Site</title>
Awesomee's Personal Site
print(soup) : print all html fileprint(soup.prettify()) : print indented all html fileprint(soup.p) : print first <p> print(soup.a) : print first <a>

Finding and Selecting Particular Elements

all_anchor_tags = soup.find_all(name="a")

for tag in all_anchor_tags:
for tag in all_anchor_tags:

[<a href="">The App Brewery</a>, <a href="">My Hobbies</a>, <a href="">Contact Me</a>]
The App Brewery
My Hobbies
Contact Me
heading = soup.find(name="h1", id="name")

section_heading = soup.find(name="h3", class_="heading")

<h1 id="name">Awesomee</h1>
<h3 class="heading">Books and Teaching</h3>
Books and Teaching
Books and Teaching
company_url = soup.select_one(selector="p a")
selector="p a" is the CSS selector. It doesn't just stick to the HTML selectors. Also can use the class or the id in your CSS selector.
name = soup.select_one(selector="#name")

headings =".heading")

<h1 id="name">Awesomee</h1>
[<h3 class="heading">Books and Teaching</h3>, <h3 class="heading">Other Pages</h3>]

Scraping a Live Website

print article's title and article's link of largest number of votes
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

response = requests.get("")
yc_web_page = response.text

soup = BeautifulSoup(yc_web_page, "html.parser")
articles = soup.find_all(name="a", class_="titlelink")
article_texts = []
article_links = []
for article_tag in articles:
    text = article_tag.getText()
    link = article_tag.get("href")

article_upvotes = [int(score.getText().split()[0]) for score in soup.find_all(name="span", class_="score")]

largest_number = max(article_upvotes)
largest_index = article_upvotes.index(largest_number)


Reverse the order in list

  • list[::-1]
  • revered_list = [list[n] for n in range(len(list) - 1, 0, -1)]
  • Is Web Scraping Legal?

    Remember to look at to see what can do and can't do with their website. So before you scrap a website, always go to the root of their URL and check out their robots.txt and follow the ethical codes of conduct when you're trying to commercialize a project.

    100 Movies that You Must Watch

    import requests
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    URL = ""
    response = requests.get(URL)
    website_html = response.text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(website_html, "html.parser")
    all_movies = soup.find_all(name="h3", class_="title")
    movie_titles = [movie.getText() for movie in all_movies]
    movies = movie_titles[::-1]
    with open("movie.txt", "w") as file:
        for movie in movies:

    with open("movie.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
        for movie in movies:
    1) The Godfather
    2) The Empire Strikes Back
    3) The Dark Knight
    4) The Shawshank Redemption
    5) Pulp Fiction
    6) Goodfellas
    7) Raiders Of The Lost Ark
    8) Jaws
    9) Star Wars
    10) The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring
    11) Back To The Future
    12: The Godfather Part II
    13) Blade Runner
    14) Alien
    15) Aliens
    16) The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King
    17) Fight Club
    18) Inception
    19) Jurassic Park
    20) Die Hard
    21) 2001: A Space Odyssey
    22) Apocalypse Now
    23) The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers
    24) The Matrix
    25) Terminator 2: Judgment Day
    26) Heat
    27) The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
    28) Casablanca
    29) The Big Lebowski
    30) Seven
    31) Taxi Driver
    32) The Usual Suspects
    33) Schindler's List
    34) Guardians Of The Galaxy
    35) The Shining
    36) The Departed
    37) The Thing
    38) Mad Max: Fury Road
    39) Saving Private Ryan
    40) 12 Angry Men
    41) Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
    42) There Will Be Blood
    43) One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
    44) Gladiator
    45) Drive
    46) Citizen Kane
    47) Interstellar
    48) The Silence Of The Lambs
    49) Trainspotting
    50) Lawrence Of Arabia
    51) It's A Wonderful Life
    52) Once Upon A Time In The West
    53) Psycho
    54) Vertigo
    55) Pan's Labyrinth
    56) Reservoir Dogs
    57) Whiplash
    58) Inglourious Basterds
    59) E.T. – The Extra Terrestrial
    60) American Beauty
    61) Forrest Gump
    62) La La Land
    63) Donnie Darko
    64) L.A. Confidential
    65) Avengers Assemble
    66) Return Of The Jedi
    67) Memento
    68) Ghostbusters
    69) Singin' In The Rain
    70) The Lion King
    71) Hot Fuzz
    72) Rear Window
    73) Seven Samurai
    74) Mulholland Dr.
    75) Fargo
    76) A Clockwork Orange
    77) Toy Story
    78) Oldboy
    79) Captain America: Civil War
    15) Spirited Away
    81) The Social Network
    82) Some Like It Hot
    83) True Romance
    84) Rocky
    85) Léon
    86) Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
    87) Predator
    88) The Exorcist
    89) Shaun Of The Dead
    90) No Country For Old Men
    91) The Prestige
    92) The Terminator
    93) The Princess Bride
    94) Lost In Translation
    95) Arrival
    96) Good Will Hunting
    97) Titanic
    98) Amelie
    99) Raging Bull
    100) Stand By Me