QueryPath Method Summary_方法速査マニュアル
6071 ワード
QueryPath __construct() Constructor.
QueryPath add() Add more elements to the current set of matches.
QueryPath addClass() Add a class to all elements in the current QueryPath.
QueryPath after() Insert the given data after each element in the current QueryPath object.
QueryPath andSelf() Combine the current and previous set of matched objects.
QueryPath append() Insert the given markup as the last child.
QueryPath appendTo() Append the current elements to the destination passed into the function.
mixed attr() Get/set an attribute.
QueryPath before() Insert the given data before each element in the current set of matches.
QueryPath branch() Branch the base QueryPath into another one with the same matches.
QueryPath children() Get the children of the elements in the QueryPath object.
QueryPath cloneAll() Perform a deep clone of each node in the QueryPath.
QueryPath closest() Find the closest element matching the selector.
QueryPath contents() Get all child nodes (not just elements) of all items in the matched set.
QueryPath css() Set/get a CSS value for the current element(s).
QueryPath deepest() Reduce the set of matches to the deepest child node in the tree.
array deepestNode() A depth-checking function. Typically, it only needs to be invoked with the first parameter. The rest are used for recursion.
QueryPath each() Run a callback on each item in the list of items.
QueryPath eachLambda() An each() iterator that takes a lambda function.
QueryPath end() Revert to the previous set of matches.
QueryPath eq() Reduce the matched set to just one.
QueryPath filter() Filter a list down to only elements that match the selector.
QueryPath filterCallback() Filter based on a callback function.
QueryPath filterLambda() Filter based on a lambda function.
QueryPath find() Given a CSS Selector, find matching items.
mixed get() Get one or all elements from this object.
Iterable getIterator() Get an iterator for the matches in this object.
array getOptions() Get the effective options for the current QueryPath object.
boolean hasAttr() Check to see if the given attribute is present.
boolean hasClass() Returns TRUE if any of the elements in the QueryPath have the specified class.
mixed html() Set or get the markup for an element.
mixed index() Get an item's index.
string innerHTML() Fetch the HTML contents INSIDE of the first QueryPath item.
string innerXHTML() Fetch child (inner) nodes of the first match.
string innerXML() Fetch child (inner) nodes of the first match.
QueryPath insertAfter() Insert the contents of the current QueryPath after the nodes in the destination QueryPath object.
QueryPath insertBefore() Insert the current elements into the destination document.
boolean is() Given a selector, this checks to see if the current set has one or more matches.
void isXMLish() Determine whether a given string looks like XML or not.
QueryPath map() Run a function on each item in a set.
QueryPath next() Get the next sibling of each element in the QueryPath.
QueryPath nextAll() Get all siblings after an element.
QueryPath not() Filter a list to contain only items that do NOT match.
QueryPath parent() Get the immediate parent of each element in the QueryPath.
QueryPath parents() Get all ancestors of each element in the QueryPath.
void peers()
mixed prepareInsert() Prepare an item for insertion into a DOM.
QueryPath prepend() Insert the given markup as the first child.
QueryPath prependTo() Take all nodes in the current object and prepend them to the children nodes of each matched node in the passed-in QueryPath object.
QueryPath prev() Get the next sibling before each element in the QueryPath.
QueryPath prevAll() Get the previous siblings for each element in the QueryPath.
QueryPath remove() Remove any items from the list if they match the selector.
QueryPath removeAttr() Remove the named attribute from all elements in the current QueryPath.
QueryPath removeChildren() Remove all child nodes.
QueryPath removeClass() Remove the named class from any element in the QueryPath that has it.
QueryPath replaceAll() This replaces everything that matches the selector with the first value in the current list.
QueryPath replaceWith() Replace the existing element(s) in the list with a new one.
QueryPath siblings() Get a list of siblings for elements currently wrapped by this object.
int size() Get the number of elements currently wrapped by this object.
QueryPath slice() Narrow the items in this object down to only a slice of the starting items.
string tag() The tag name of the first element in the list.
mixed text() Get or set the text contents of a node.
string textImplode() Retrieve the text of each match and concatenate them with the given separator.
QueryPath top() Select the root element of the document.
mixed val() Set or get the value of an element's 'value' attribute.
QueryPath wrap() Wrap each element inside of the given markup.
QueryPath wrapAll() Wrap all elements inside of the given markup.
QueryPath wrapInner() Wrap the child elements of each item in the list with the given markup.
QueryPath writeHTML() Writes HTML to output.
QueryPath writeXHTML() Write an XHTML file to output.
QueryPath writeXML() Send the XML document to the client.
mixed xhtml() Set or get XHTML markup for an element or elements.
mixed xml() Set or get the XML markup for an element or elements.
QueryPath xpath() Execute an XPath query and store the results in the QueryPath.
void __call() Call extension methods.
void __clone() Clone the QueryPath.