BOJ 1157
641 ワード

const input = require('fs').readFileSync('./input.txt').toString().trim()
let answer;
let alpha = input.toUpperCase()
const sH = new Map();
for(let x of alpha) {
if(sH.has(x)) sH.set(x, sH.get(x) + 1)
else sH.set(x, 1)
let max = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
for(let [key, val] of sH) {
if(val > max) {
max = val;
answer = key;
else if(val == max) {
answer = '?'
new Map()でkey、valを作成し、inputのデータと比較して、どれが一番多いかを比較します.Reference
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