Install TCPDF on drupal

Install TCPDF on drupal:
1、download TCPDF from,know more about TCPDF from 2、unzip tcpdf and place it in drupal everywhere as you wish 3、configure tcpdf path:       (1) open tcpdf->config->tcpdf_config.php       (2) rewrite "K_PATH_MAIN"and "K_PATH_URL"path to make sure tcpdf knows where to place itself,eg:

	 * installation path (/var/www/tcpdf/)


	define ("K_PATH_MAIN", "E:/apache_htdocs/");



	 * url path (http://localhost/tcpdf/)


	define ("K_PATH_URL", "http://localhost/"); 
4、if you want to use tcpdf to create pdf file,just include tcpdf in your php page,in drupal thatcan be done like this:
// palce tcpdf in base path of drupal

   if (!class_exists('TCPDF')) {

  require_once drupal_get_path('',''). 'tcpdf/tcpdf.php';



// place tcpdf in theme which is used

if (!class_exists('TCPDF')) {

  include_once path_to_theme(). '/tcpdf/tcpdf.php';



// place tcpdf in modules

if (!class_exists('TCPDF')) {

  $path = drupal_get_path('module','tcpdf');

  require_once($path . '/tcpdf.php');

5、then you can use tcpdf as you wish,the beginning usually like this:
class shippingPDF extends TCPDF{

	 	public function Header() {


  		public function Footer() {



	function createPDF(){

		$pdf = new shippingPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4', true);



		$pdf->Output(file_directory_temp().'/shipping.pdf', 'F');

