☀️ BE TIL Day 17 0405

⬇️ Main Note

🌼 Building CRUD API

🌿 Type settings

export class Product {
  @Field(() => String)
  id: string;

  @Field(() => String)
  name: string;

  @Field(() => Int)
  price: number;

  @Column({ default: false }) // mysql에 들어가는 부분
  @Field(() => Boolean)
  isSoldout: boolean;
  • isSoldout is in a boolean type, which the default value is written as false.
  • When isSoldout changes into true, then the user cannot edit the product.
  • 🌿 Entity Query Settings

    🌼 Try-Catch

    async checkSoldout({ productId }) { // checking with the productId that was sent from resolver
         try {
           const product = await this.productRepository.findOne({
             where: { id: productId },
           console.log('logic check');
         } catch (error) {
           throw error.message;
         } finally {
           // logic here is anyway executed whatever there is an error or not
        if (product.isSoldout) // ===if (product.isSoldout === true)
          throw new UnprocessableEntityException('이미 판매 완료된 상품입니다');
      	// ===> condensed version of...
      	// if (product.isSoldout) {
        //   throw new HttpException(
        //     '이미 판매가 완료된 상품입니다',
        //     HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, // 422 error
        //   );
        // }
    ⬇️ command shortcutcommand + shift + L => select all the identical words