7667 ワード


  • Disks and Files
    CPU -> CPU Cache -> DRAM -> Disk
    Capacity ($/GB) : Harddisk >> Flash SSD

  • Disks
    e.g. elevator disk scheduling algorithms
    Update-in-place, No atomic write, Fsync

  • Accessing a Disk Page
    1)Seek time(headから所望の軌跡まで腕を動かす)
    2)Rotational Delay(rpmに応じて必要なBlockに移動)

  • Arranging Pages on Disk
    「Next」block concept:同じトラック、柱面、または隣接する位置(順番)

  • Techniques to Hid IO Bottlenecks
    2) Caching
    3) IO overlapping (CPU works while IO is performing)
    -> Multiple threads

  • ディスクの機能強化

  • メインメモリにすべて格納しないのはなぜですか?
    dram sizeとpowerの関係はexp形式である

  • RAID
    SLED (Single Large Expensive Disk)
    RAID 0 : nonredundant striping (IOPS, Bandwidth)
    RAID 1:ミラーディスク(セキュリティ、以前は故障しやすい)
    cf) Tesla Battery and Rocket Tech (engine)
  • DISK-2

  • FILE (per table)
    1) Insert/delete/modify record
    2) Fetch a particular record (specified using record id)
    3) Scan all records (possibly wi
    To support record level operations

  • Heap File: Implemented as a List
    Each page contains 2 ‘pointers’ plus data. (prev, next)

  • Heap File: Using a Page Directory

  • Oracle:
    Tablespace, Segments, Extents, and Blocks

  • Table:論理DBMSのファイル

  • Segment:各テーブル、各インデックスにセグメント(物理概念)があります(ファイルポーリングテーブル)

  • Extent:セグメントを追加するときに物理的に割り当てられる単位(連続するディスクブロック)

  • Block(ページとも呼ばれる):サイズ設定可能

  • user_tables
  • COLUMN table_name FORMAT a10
    COLUMN tablespace_name FORMAT a10
    select table_name, tablespace_name, blocks, pct_free, avg_row_len, avg_space
    from user_tables
    where table_name = 'TEST'; /* TEST table in Ch9-Script.sql */

    664*10+1410-8 KB(1ページサイズ)
  • dba_segments
  • conn scott/tiger as sysdba
    COLUMN segment_name FORMAT a10
    COLUMN segment_type FORMAT a10
    SELECT segment_name, segment_type, header_file, header_block, 
    blocks,extents, max_extents
    FROM dba_segments
    WHERE segment_name = 'TEST';
  • dba_extents
  • COLUMN segment_name FORMAT a10
    COLUMN tablespace_name FORMAT a10
    SELECT segment_name, tablespace_name, extent_id, file_id, block_id, blocks
    FROM dba_extents
    WHERE segment_name = 'TEST';

    8 KB*8=64 KBのextension

  • Page Formats: Fixed Length Records

    record id = //can fetch a record using its record_id

  • Page Formats: Variable Length Records
    Tuple-Oriented, Slotted Page Structure

  • Block Dump in Oracle
  • conn scott/tiger as sysdba
    select header_file, header_block, bytes, blocks
    from dba_segments
    where segment_name = ‘EMP';
    alter system dump datafile 4 block min 27 block max 30;
    --- Check the trace file in admin/udump/xxx.trc file.

  • ディスク・ページの「一般」データLayout:Row-store(行ごとに格納)

  • その他のLayouts:C-StoreとPax(カラム別)

  • Record Format:Fixed Length(初期アドレス+サイズx)/Variable Length(すべてアクセスする必要があります)

  • Row Layout in Oracle

    オーバーフロー時に0 xFEを含む

  • Column Value in Oracle
  • =============== SQL DUMP function ===========
    // dump() show s how a data value is stored in disk
    select dump(a)
    from test
    where a = 1000;
    Typ=2 Len=2: 194,11 Integer value 1000: type 2: int, column lengh 2 byte
     data value 1000 is represented as (194, 11)

  • System Catalogs(or Data Dictionary)

  • Full Table Scan: An Access Method
    Oracle 9.2は、1000個ずつではなく、16個ずつ読み取ります.(でも実際は10.398)
    Cost = 1000/10.4 + 1 = 98

  • OLAP vs. OLTP
    On-Line { Analytical vs. Transactional} Processing

  • Point or Range Query
    On-Line Transactional Processing

  • Index-based Table Access


  • DISK-3

  • Disk Space Management
    allocate/de-allocate a page
    read/write a page

  • Buffer Management in a DBMS

  • Buffer pool information table:
    pin cnt:バッファが使用中であることを示す

  • Buffer Replacement Policy
    Hit vs. miss
    Hit ratio = # of hits/( # of page requests to buffer cache)
    Problem: for the given (future) references, which victim should be chosen for highest hit ratio (i.e. least # of IOs)?

  • Frame is chosen for replacement by a replacement policy
    Random, FIFO, LRU, MRU, LFU, Clock etc.

  • For a given workload, one replacement policy, A, achieves 90% hit ratio and the other, B, does 91%.
    How much improvement? 1% or 10%?

  • Least Recently Used (LRU)
    For each page in buffer pool, keep track of time last unpinned
    Replace the frame that has the oldest (earliest) time

  • Problem of LRU - sequential flooding
    MRU much better in this situation

  • “Clock” Algorithm
    An approximation of LRU
  • do for each page in cycle {
    if (pincount == 0 && ref bit is on)
    turn off ref bit;
    else if (pincount == 0 && ref bit is off)
    choose this page for replacement;
    } until a page is chosen

  • Belady’s MIN Algorithm
    Theoretical optimal buffer replacement algorithm

  • CPU-IO Overlapping
    3 States: CPU Bound, IO Bound, Balanced

  • サーバでHDDとSSDを混在させて容量/価格を管理

  • Five minute rule