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<h3>리그 오브 레전드</h3>
<span class="genre">MOBA</span>
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<span class="genre">RPG</span>
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<span class="count">3</span>
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<h3>FIFA 온라인 4</h3>
<span class="genre">스포츠</span>
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<span class="count">4</span>
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<h3>배틀그라운드 배틀그라운드 배틀그라운드 배틀그라운드</h3>
<span class="genre">서바이벌 슈팅</span>
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<span class="count">5</span>
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<span class="genre">MMORPG</span>
<p class="time">2021.06.29 업데이트</p>
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<h2>급상승 게임 라운지 TOP5</h2>
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<h3>리그 오브 레전드</h3>
<span class="genre">MOBA</span>
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<span class="count red">2</span>
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<span class="genre">RPG</span>
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<span class="count">3</span>
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<i class="chk"></i>
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<h3>FIFA 온라인 4</h3>
<span class="genre">스포츠</span>
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<div class="count_wrap">
<span class="count">4</span>
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<h3>배틀그라운드 배틀그라운드 배틀그라운드 배틀그라운드</h3>
<span class="genre">서바이벌 슈팅</span>
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<span class="count">5</span>
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<img src="https://via.placeholder.com/55x55">
<i class="chk"></i>
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<span class="genre">MMORPG</span>
<p class="time">2021.06.29 10:00 업데이트</p>
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<h2>e스포츠 주요 뉴스</h2>
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<li><a href="#">[창간 기획] LCK 윤수빈-이정현 아나운서가 말하는 e스포츠…2부</a></li>
<li><a href="#">[창간 기획] LCK 아나운서가 말하는 e스포츠…2부</a></li>
<li><a href="#">[창간 기획] LCK 윤수빈-이정현 아나운서가 말하는 e스포츠…2부</a></li>
<li><a href="#">[창간 기획] LCK 윤수빈-이정현 아나운서가 말하는 e스포츠…2부</a></li>
<li><a href="#">[창간 기획] LCK 윤수빈-이정현</a></li>
<li><a href="#">[창간 기획] LCK 윤수빈-이정현</a></li>
<li><a href="#">[창간 기획] LCK 아나운서가 말하는 e스포츠…2부</a></li>
<li><a href="#">[창간 기획] LCK 윤수빈-이정현 아나운서가 말하는 e스포츠…2부</a></li>
<li><a href="#">[창간 기획] LCK e스포츠…2부</a></li>
<li><a href="#">[창간 기획] LCK 윤수빈-이정현 아나운서가 말하는 e스포츠…2부</a></li>
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<h2>이번 주 신생 라운지</h2>
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<h3>골프스타 모바일</h3>
<span>스포츠, 모바일</span>
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<h3>골프스타 모바일</h3>
<span>스포츠, 모바일</span>
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