4218 ワード
A small frog wants to get to the other side of the road. The frog is currently located at position X and wants to get to a position greater than or equal to Y. The small frog always jumps a fixed distance, D.
Count the minimal number of jumps that the small frog must perform to reach its target.
Write a function:public func solution(_ X : Int, _ Y : Int, _ D : Int) -> Int
that, given three integers X, Y and D, returns the minimal number of jumps from position X to a position equal to or greater than Y.
For example, given: X = 10 Y = 85 D = 30
the function should return 3, because the frog will be positioned as follows:
public func solution(_ X : Int, _ Y : Int, _ D : Int) -> Int
X = 10 Y = 85 D = 30
答案用紙 public func solution(_ X : Int, _ Y : Int, _ D : Int) -> Int {
let remainder = (Y - X) % D
return ((Y - X) / D) + (0 < remainder ? 1 : 0)
public func solution(_ X : Int, _ Y : Int, _ D : Int) -> Int {
let remainder = (Y - X) % D
return ((Y - X) / D) + (0 < remainder ? 1 : 0)
を残りで割った.なしで0処理します.Tasks Details

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