LifeSports Application(ReactNative & Nest.js) - 12. map-service

38162 ワード

#1 map-service


図1)mapデータ要求->2)map-serviceとwayfing-service communication->3)データナビゲーション->4)戻り結果->5)は、順次クライアントに結果を表示する.

#2 map-service project

nest new map-service
cd map-service
nest generate module maps
nest generate service maps
  • ./src/app.controller.ts
  • import { Controller, Get, HttpStatus, Param, Query } from "@nestjs/common";
    import { statusConstants } from "./constants/status.constant";
    import { MapsService } from "./maps/maps.service";
    export class AppController {
        constructor(private readonly mapsService: MapsService) {}
        public async getAll(): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const result: any = await this.mapsService.getAll();
                if(result.status === statusConstants.ERROR) {
                    return await Object.assign({
                        status: HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                        payload: null,
                        message: "Error message: " + result.message
                const responseMaps: Array<ResponseMaps> = [];
                for(const el of result.payload) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.OK,
                    payload: responseMaps,
                    message: "Get list of map"
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Error message: " + err
        public async getOne(@Param('_id') _id: string): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const result: any = await this.mapsService.getOne(_id);
                if(result.status === statusConstants.ERROR)  {
                    return await Object.assign({
                        status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                        payload: null,
                        message: "Error message: " + result.message,
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.OK,
                    payload: Builder(ResponseMaps)._id(result.payload._id)
                    message: "Get data by _id"
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Error Message: " + err
        public async getListByTypeNm(@Param('type_nm') type_nm: string): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const result: any = await this.mapsService.getListByTypeNm(type_nm);
                if(result.status === statusConstants.ERROR) {
                    return await Object.assign({
                        status: HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                        payload: null,
                        message: "Error message: " + result.message
                const responseMaps: Array<ResponseMaps> = [];
                for(const el of result.payload) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.OK,
                    payload: responseMaps,
                    message: "Get list of map"
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Error message: " + err
        public async getListByGuNm(@Param('gu_nm') gu_nm: string) : Promise<any> {
            try {
                const result: any = await this.mapsService.getListByGuNm(gu_nm);
                if(result.status === statusConstants.ERROR) {
                    return await Object.assign({
                        status: HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                        payload: null,
                        message: "Error message: " + result.message
                const responseMaps: Array<ResponseMaps> = [];
                for(const el of result.payload) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.OK,
                    payload: responseMaps,
                    message: "Get list of map"
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Error message: " + err
        public async getListGuNmAndTypeNm(@Query() query): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const result: any = await this.mapsService.getListGuNmAndTypeNm(query.gu_nm, query.type_nm);
                if(result.status === statusConstants.ERROR) {
                    return await Object.assign({
                        status: HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                        payload: null,
                        message: "Error message: " + result.message
                const responseMaps: Array<ResponseMaps> = [];
                for(const el of result.payload) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.OK,
                    payload: responseMaps,
                    message: "Get list of map"
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Error message: " + err
    npm install --save class-validator class-transformer builder-pattern
  • ./src/dto/map.dto.ts
  • import { IsNumber, IsString } from "class-validator";
    export class MapsDto {
        _id: string;
        ycode: Number;
        type_nm: string;
        gu_nm: string;
        parking_lot: string;
        bigo: string;
        xcode: Number;
        tel: string;
        addr: string;
        in_out: string;
        home_page: string;
        edu_yn: string;
        nm: string;
  • ./src/vo/response.maps.ts
  • export class ResponseMaps {
        _id: string;
        ycode: Number;
        type_nm: string;
        gu_nm: string;
        parking_lot: string;
        bigo: string;
        xcode: Number;
        tel: string;
        addr: string;
        in_out: string;
        home_page: string;
        edu_yn: string;
        nm: string;
  • ./src/constants/status.contants.ts
  • export const statusConstants = {
        ERROR: "ERROR",

    #3 TCP通信

    npm i --save @nestjs/microservices
  • ./src/maps/maps.module.ts
  • import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
    import { ClientsModule, Transport } from '@nestjs/microservices';
    import { MapsService } from './maps.service';
      imports: [
          name: 'wayfinding-service',
          transport: Transport.TCP
      providers: [MapsService],
      exports: [MapsService],
    export class MapsModule {}
  • ./src/main.ts
  • import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
    import { Transport } from '@nestjs/microservices';
    import { AppModule } from './app.module';
    async function bootstrap() {
      const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
      const microservice = app.connectMicroservice({
        transport: Transport.TCP
      await app.startAllMicroservices();
      await app.listen(7900);
  • ./src/app.controller.ts
  • import { Controller, Get, HttpStatus, Param, Query } from "@nestjs/common";
    import { Builder } from "builder-pattern";
    import { statusConstants } from "./constants/status.constant";
    import { MapsService } from "./maps/maps.service";
    import { ResponseMaps } from "./vo/response.maps";
    export class AppController {
        constructor(private readonly mapsService: MapsService) {}
        public getAll(): any {
            try {
                const result: any = this.mapsService.getAll();
                if(result.status !== HttpStatus.OK) {
                    return result;
                return result;
            } catch(err) {
                return Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Error message: " + err
        public async getOne(@Param('_id') _id: string): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const result: any = await this.mapsService.getOne(_id);
                if(result.status !== HttpStatus.OK) {
                    return result;
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.OK,
                    payload: Builder(ResponseMaps)._id(result.payload._id)
                    message: "Get data by _id"
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Error Message: " + err
        public async getListByTypeNm(@Param('type_nm') type_nm: string): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const result: any = await this.mapsService.getListByTypeNm(type_nm);
                if(result.status !== HttpStatus.OK) {
                    return result;
                const responseMaps: Array<ResponseMaps> = [];
                for(const el of result.payload) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.OK,
                    payload: responseMaps,
                    message: "Get list of map"
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Error message: " + err
        public async getListByGuNm(@Param('gu_nm') gu_nm: string) : Promise<any> {
            try {
                const result: any = await this.mapsService.getListByGuNm(gu_nm);
                if(result.status !== HttpStatus.OK) {
                    return result;
                const responseMaps: Array<ResponseMaps> = [];
                for(const el of result.payload) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.OK,
                    payload: responseMaps,
                    message: "Get list of map"
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Error message: " + err
        public async getListGuNmAndTypeNm(@Query() query): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const result: any = await this.mapsService.getListGuNmAndTypeNm(query.gu_nm, query.type_nm);
                if(result.status !== HttpStatus.OK) {
                    return result;
                const responseMaps: Array<ResponseMaps> = [];
                for(const el of result.payload) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.OK,
                    payload: responseMaps,
                    message: "Get list of map"
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Error message: " + err
  • ./src/maps/maps.service.ts
  • import { HttpStatus, Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
    import { ClientProxy } from '@nestjs/microservices';
    import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
    import { statusConstants } from 'src/constants/status.constant';
    export class MapsService {
        constructor(@Inject('wayfinding-service') private readonly client: ClientProxy) {}
        public getAll(): Observable<any> {
            try {
                return this.client.send({ cmd: 'GET_ALL' }, '');
            } catch(err) {
                return Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Map-service: " + err
        public async getOne(_id: string): Promise<any> {
            try {
                return this.client.send({ cmd: 'GET_ONE' }, _id);
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Map-service: " + err
        public async getListByTypeNm(type_nm: string): Promise<any> {
            try {
                return this.client.send({ cmd: 'GET_LIST_TYPE' }, type_nm);    
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Map-service: " + err
        public async getListByGuNm(gu_nm: string): Promise<any> {
            try {
                return this.client.send({ cmd: 'GET_LIST_GU' }, gu_nm);
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "map-service: " + err
        public async getListGuNmAndTypeNm(gu_nm: string, type_nm: string): Promise<any> {
            try {
                return this.client.send({ cmd: 'GET_LIST_GU_TYPE' }, [gu_nm, type_nm]);
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "map-service: " + err
  • ./src/app.controller.ts
  • import { Controller, HttpStatus } from '@nestjs/common';
    import { MessagePattern } from '@nestjs/microservices';
    import { Builder } from 'builder-pattern';
    import { statusConstants } from './constants/status.constant';
    import { ResponseMaps } from './vo/response.maps';
    import { WayfindingService } from './wayfinding/wayfinding.service';
    export class AppController {
        constructor(private readonly wayfindingService: WayfindingService) {}
        @MessagePattern({ cmd: 'GET_ALL' })
        public async getAll(data: any): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const result: any = await this.wayfindingService.getAll();
                if(result.status === statusConstants.ERROR) {
                    return await Object.assign({
                        status: HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                        payload: null,
                        message: "Error message: " + result.message
                const responseMaps: Array<ResponseMaps> = [];
                for(const el of result.payload) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.OK,
                    payload: responseMaps,
                    message: result.message
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Error message: " + err
        @MessagePattern({ cmd: 'GET_ONE' })
        public async getOne(data: any): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const result: any = await this.wayfindingService.getOne(data);
                if(result.status === statusConstants.ERROR)  {
                    return await Object.assign({
                        status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                        payload: null,
                        message: "Error message: " + result.message,
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.OK,
                    payload: Builder(ResponseMaps)._id(result.payload._id)
                    message: result.message
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Error Message: " + err
        @MessagePattern({ cmd: 'GET_LIST_TYPE' })
        public async getListByTypeNm(data: any): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const result: any = await this.wayfindingService.getListByTypeNm(data);
                if(result.status === statusConstants.ERROR) {
                    return await Object.assign({
                        status: HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                        payload: null,
                        message: "Error message: " + result.message
                const responseMaps: Array<ResponseMaps> = [];
                for(const el of result.payload) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.OK,
                    payload: responseMaps,
                    message: result.message,
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Error message: " + err,
        @MessagePattern({ cmd: 'GET_LIST_GU' })
        public async getListByGuNm(data: any) : Promise<any> {
            try {
                const result: any = await this.wayfindingService.getListByGuNm(data);
                if(result.status === statusConstants.ERROR) {
                    return await Object.assign({
                        status: HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                        payload: null,
                        message: "Error message: " + result.message
                const responseMaps: Array<ResponseMaps> = [];
                for(const el of result.payload) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.OK,
                    payload: responseMaps,
                    message: result.message,
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Error message: " + err
        @MessagePattern({ cmd: 'GET_LIST_GU_TYPE' })
        public async getListGuNmAndTypeNm(data: any): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const result: any = await this.wayfindingService.getListGuNmAndTypeNm(data[0], data[1]);
                if(result.status === statusConstants.ERROR) {
                    return await Object.assign({
                        status: HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                        payload: null,
                        message: "Error message: " + result.message
                const responseMaps: Array<ResponseMaps> = [];
                for(const el of result.payload) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.OK,
                    payload: responseMaps,
                    message: result.message,
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Error message: " + err
  • ./src/wayfinding/wayfinding.service.ts
  • import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
    import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
    import { Builder } from 'builder-pattern';
    import { Model } from 'mongoose';
    import { statusConstants } from 'src/constants/status.constant';
    import { MapsDto } from 'src/dto/maps.dto';
    import { Maps, MapsDocument } from 'src/schema/maps.schema';
    export class WayfindingService {
        constructor(@InjectModel( private mapsModel: Model<MapsDocument>,) {}
        public async getAll(): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const maps = await this.mapsModel.find();
                if(!maps) {
                    return await Object.assign({
                        status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                        payload: null,
                        message: "Wayfinding-service: Not data!"
                const result: Array<MapsDto> = [];
                for(const element of maps) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.SUCCESS,
                    payload: result,
                    message: "Success transaction"
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Wayfinding-service: " + err
        public async getOne(_id: string): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const map = await this.mapsModel.findById(_id);
                if(!map) {
                    return await Object.assign({
                        status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                        payload: null,
                        message: "Wayfinding-service: Not data!"
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.SUCCESS,
                    payload: Builder(MapsDto)._id(String(map._id))
                    message: "Success transaction"
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Wayfinding-service: " + err
        public async getListByTypeNm(type_nm: string): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const maps = await this.mapsModel.find({ type_nm: type_nm });
                if(!maps) {
                    return await Object.assign({
                        status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                        payload: null,
                        message: "Wayfinding-service: Not data!"
                const result: Array<MapsDto> = [];
                for(const element of maps) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.SUCCESS,
                    payload: result,
                    message: "Success transaction"
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Wayfinding-service: " + err
        public async getListByGuNm(gu_nm: string): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const maps = await this.mapsModel.find({ gu_nm: gu_nm });
                if(!maps) {
                    return await Object.assign({
                        status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                        payload: null,
                        message: "Wayfinding-service: Not data!"
                const result: Array<MapsDto> = [];
                for(const element of maps) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.SUCCESS,
                    payload: result,
                    message: "Success transaction"
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Wayfinding-service: " + err
        public async getListGuNmAndTypeNm(gu_nm: string, type_nm: string): Promise<any> {
            try {
                const maps = await this.mapsModel.find({ 
                    gu_nm: gu_nm,
                    type_nm: type_nm
                if(!maps) {
                    return await Object.assign({
                        status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                        payload: null,
                        message: "Wayfinding-service: Not data!"
                const result: Array<MapsDto> = [];
                for(const element of maps) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.SUCCESS,
                    payload: result,
                    message: "Success transaction"
            } catch(err) {
                return await Object.assign({
                    status: statusConstants.ERROR,
                    payload: null,
                    message: "Wayfinding-service: " + err


    1) GET/map-service/

    2) GET/map-service/map/:_id

    3) GET/map-service/maps/list-type-nm/:type_nm

    4) GET/map-service/maps/list-gu-nm/:gu_nm

    5) GET/map-service/maps/list-gu-type?gu_nm=:gu_nm&type_nm=:type_nm
