[OS] Scheduling2
Scheduling in Interactive systems
- Use round-robin scheduling within each class
Multiple queues
** I/O bound process takes over CPU for using it. And change it to Blocked state
->I/O ready stateを同じクラスに変更しました.
Shortest Process Next(important)
minimum average response time
make estimates based on past behavior and run the process with the shortest estimated running time.
- with a = 1/2, we get successive extimates of
Guarenteed scheduling
ratio = actual CPU time consumed/CPU time entitled
Lottery scheduling
Gives processes lottery tickets for various system resources, such as CPU time.
Fair-share scheduling
owner of the process not considered
in round robin
Scheduling in Real-time Systems
A real-time system must react appropriately to external events by the deadline
Having the right answer too late is often just as bad as not having it at all.
Hard real time - absolute deadlines must be met
Soft real time - misiing an occasional deadline is undesirable, but nevertheless tolerable.
Real time behavior - predictable
Scheduling real-time system(important)

Policy versus Mechanism
Thread scheduling in user level
- 50-msec process quantum
- threads run 5 msec/CPU burst
プロセス間での切り替えは不可能です.Thread schduling in kernel level
A thread block on I/O doesn't suspend the entire process
Possible scheduling of kernel level threads
- 50-msec process quantum
この問題について([OS] Scheduling2), 我々は、より多くの情報をここで見つけました https://velog.io/@easttwave/OS-Scheduling2テキストは自由に共有またはコピーできます。ただし、このドキュメントのURLは参考URLとして残しておいてください。
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