Week4 Day3
18885 ワード
📋 SequenceSequenceSequence tototo SequenceSequenceSequence withwithwith AttentionAttentionAttention
📌 Seq2SeqSeq2SeqSeq2Seq ModelModelModel
📌Seq2SeqSeq2SeqSeq2Seq ModelModelModel withwithwith AttentionAttentionAttention
class DotAttention(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
def forward(self, decoder_hidden, encoder_outputs): # (1, B, d_h), (S_L, B, d_h)
query = decoder_hidden.squeeze(0) # (B, d_h)
key = encoder_outputs.transpose(0, 1) # (B, S_L, d_h)
energy = torch.sum(torch.mul(key, query.unsqueeze(1)), dim=-1) # (B, S_L)
attn_scores = F.softmax(energy, dim=-1) # (B, S_L)
attn_values = torch.sum(torch.mul(encoder_outputs.transpose(0, 1), attn_scores.unsqueeze(2)), dim=1) # (B, d_h)
return attn_values, attn_scores
class Decoder(nn.Module):
def forward(self, batch, encoder_outputs, hidden):
outputs, hidden = self.rnn(batch_emb, hidden) # (1, B, d_h), (1, B, d_h)
attn_values, attn_scores = self.attention(hidden, encoder_outputs) # (B, d_h), (B, S_L)
concat_outputs = torch.cat((outputs, attn_values.unsqueeze(0)), dim=-1) # (1, B, 2d_h)
return self.output_linear(concat_outputs).squeeze(0), hidden # (B, V), (1, B, d_h)
📌 DifferenctDifferenctDifferenct AttentionAttentionAttention MechanismsMechanismsMechanisms
class ConcatAttention(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.w = nn.Linear(2*hidden_size, hidden_size, bias=False)
self.v = nn.Linear(hidden_size, 1, bias=False)
def forward(self, decoder_hidden, encoder_outputs): # (1, B, d_h), (S_L, B, d_h)
src_max_len = encoder_outputs.shape[0]
decoder_hidden = decoder_hidden.transpose(0, 1).repeat(1, src_max_len, 1) # (B, S_L, d_h)
encoder_outputs = encoder_outputs.transpose(0, 1) # (B, S_L, d_h)
concat_hiddens = torch.cat((decoder_hidden, encoder_outputs), dim=2) # (B, S_L, 2d_h)
energy = torch.tanh(self.w(concat_hiddens)) # (B, S_L, d_h)
attn_scores = F.softmax(self.v(energy), dim=1) # (B, S_L, 1)
attn_values = torch.sum(torch.mul(encoder_outputs, attn_scores), dim=1) # (B, d_h)
return attn_values, attn_scores
class Decoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, attention):
self.embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_size)
self.attention = attention
self.rnn = nn.GRU(
embedding_size + hidden_size,
self.output_linear = nn.Linear(hidden_size, vocab_size)
def forward(self, batch, encoder_outputs, hidden): # batch: (B), encoder_outputs: (S_L, B, d_h), hidden: (1, B, d_h)
batch_emb = self.embedding(batch) # (B, d_w)
batch_emb = batch_emb.unsqueeze(0) # (1, B, d_w)
attn_values, attn_scores = self.attention(hidden, encoder_outputs) # (B, d_h), (B, S_L)
concat_emb = torch.cat((batch_emb, attn_values.unsqueeze(0)), dim=-1) # (1, B, d_w+d_h)
outputs, hidden = self.rnn(concat_emb, hidden) # (1, B, d_h), (1, B, d_h)
return self.output_linear(outputs).squeeze(0), hidden # (B, V), (1, B, d_h)
📋 BeamBeamBeam searchsearchsearch
📌 BeamBeamBeam searchsearchsearch
📋 BLEUBLEUBLEU scorescorescore
📌 PrecisionPrecisionPrecision andandand RecallRecallRecall
📌 BiLingualBiLingualBiLingual EvaluationEvaluationEvaluation UnderstudyUnderstudyUnderstudy (BLEU)(BLEU)(BLEU)
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