
**************************************************************************** *Simple code for creating dropdown lists for columns in ALV grid output *Author : Swarna.S. * Published at SAPTechnical.COM ****************************************************************************
REPORT zalv_dropdowns. 
*Type pools declarations for ALV TYPE-POOLS : slis.
*data declarations for ALV container,ALV grid, Fieldcatalogues & layout DATA: g_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid, g_custom_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container, gt_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat, gs_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo.
*initialisation event INITIALIZATION.
*Start of selection event START-OF-SELECTION.
*Call to ALV CALL SCREEN 600.
*On this statement double click it takes you to the screen painter SE51. *Create a Custom container and name it CCONT and OK code as OK_CODE. *Save check and Activate the screen painter. *Now a normal screen with number 600 is created which holds the ALV grid. * PBO of the actual screen , Here we can give a title and customized menus * Here we also call the subroutine for ALV output. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * MODULE PBO OUTPUT * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE pbo OUTPUT. * set pf-status 'xxx'. * set titlebar 'MAIN100'. * Subroutine to display the output in alv PERFORM alv_output.
* PAI module of the screen created. In case we use an interactive ALV or *for additional functionalities we can create OK codes and * based on the user command we can do the coding.
*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * MODULE PAI INPUT * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE pai INPUT.
ENDMODULE. "pai INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form BUILD_FIELDCAT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
FORM build_fieldcat.
 DATA ls_fcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat.
*Build the field catalogue CALL FUNCTION 'LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE' EXPORTING i_structure_name = 'T517A' CHANGING ct_fieldcat = gt_fieldcat.
* To assign dropdown in the fieldcataogue LOOP AT gt_fieldcat INTO ls_fcat.
 CASE ls_fcat-fieldname.
 WHEN 'SLART'. *drdn-hndl = '1' is the first list box ls_fcat-drdn_hndl = '1'. ls_fcat-outputlen = 15. MODIFY gt_fieldcat FROM ls_fcat.
*drdn-hndl = '2' is the second list box
 ls_fcat-drdn_hndl = '2'. ls_fcat-outputlen = 15. MODIFY gt_fieldcat FROM ls_fcat.
ENDFORM. "build_fieldcat *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form ALV_OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM alv_output .
*Create object for container CREATE OBJECT g_custom_container EXPORTING container_name = 'CCONT'.
*create object for grid CREATE OBJECT g_grid EXPORTING i_parent = g_custom_container.
* Build fieldcat and set column *Assign a handle for the dropdown listbox. PERFORM build_fieldcat.
*Build layout PERFORM build_layout.
* Define a drop down table. PERFORM dropdown_table.
*fetch values from the T517A table SELECT * FROM t517a INTO TABLE gt_outtab.
*Display ALV output CALL METHOD g_grid->set_table_for_first_display EXPORTING is_layout = gs_layout CHANGING it_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat it_outtab = gt_outtab.
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form dropdown_table *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM dropdown_table.
*Declarations for drop down lists in ALV. DATA: lt_dropdown TYPE lvc_t_drop, ls_dropdown TYPE lvc_s_drop.
* First SLART listbox (handle '1'). ls_dropdown-handle = '1'. ls_dropdown-value = '01 Primary school'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
 ls_dropdown-handle = '1'. ls_dropdown-value = '02 Lower Secondary'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
 ls_dropdown-handle = '1'. ls_dropdown-value = '03 Upper Secondary'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown. 
 ls_dropdown-handle = '1'. ls_dropdown-value = '04 Professional School'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown. 
 ls_dropdown-handle = '1'. ls_dropdown-value = '05 College'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown. 
 ls_dropdown-handle = '1'. ls_dropdown-value = '06 University'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown. 
 ls_dropdown-handle = '1'. ls_dropdown-value = '09 Other Establishment'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
* Second ABART listbox (handle '2').
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '10 Primary School certificate'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown. 
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '20 Lower secondary/Junior high'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '30 High school diploma(B-levels)'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown. 
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '31 Vocational'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '32 Matriculation'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '40 Specialist vocational certificate'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '50 College degree Level1'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '51 College degree Level2'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '52 Masters degree'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '60 Univ Degree level1'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '61 Bachelors degree'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '62 Masters degree'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '63 Licenciate'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '64 Doctors Degree Ph.D'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '89 None'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
 ls_dropdown-handle = '2'. ls_dropdown-value = '90 Unknown'. APPEND ls_dropdown TO lt_dropdown.
*method to display the dropdown in ALV CALL METHOD g_grid->set_drop_down_table EXPORTING it_drop_down = lt_dropdown.
ENDFORM. " dropdown_table *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form build_layout *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* *layout for ALV output FORM build_layout .
 gs_layout-cwidth_opt = 'X'. gs_layout-grid_title = 'ALV DROPDOWN LISTS'. gs_layout-no_toolbar = 'X'.
ENDFORM. " build_layout