
2361 ワード

he Openfire build script will help you build and develop plugins. It looks for plugin development directories in the following format:
Plugin Structure

 |- plugin.xml      <- Plugin definition file

 |- readme.html     <- Optional readme file for plugin

 |- changelog.html  <- Optional changelog file for plugin

 |- logo_small.gif  <- Optional small (16x16) icon associated with the plugin (can also be a .png file)

 |- logo_large.gif  <- Optional large (32x32) icon associated with the plugin (can also be a .png file)

 |- classes/        <- Resources your plugin needs (i.e., a properties file)

 |- lib/            <- Libraries your plugin needs

 |- src/

     |- database    <- Optional database scripts for your plugin

     |- java        <- Java source code for your plugin

     |   |- com

     |       |- mycompany

     |           |- *.java

     |- web

         |- *.jsp      <- JSPs your plugin uses for the admin console

         |- images/    <- Any images your JSP pages need (optional)

         |- WEB-INF

             |- web.xml    <- Optional file where custom servlets can be registered


 |- plugin.xml      <- Plugin definition file

 |- readme.html     <- Optional readme file for plugin, which will be displayed to end users

 |- changelog.html  <- Optional changelog file for plugin, which will be displayed to end users

 |- logo_small.gif  <- Optional small (16x16) icon associated with the plugin (can also be a .png file)

 |- logo_large.gif  <- Optional large (32x32) icon associated with the plugin (can also be a .png file)

 |- classes/        <- Resources your plugin needs (i.e., a properties file)

 |- database/       <- Optional database schema files that your plugin needs

 |- i18n/           <- Optional i18n files to allow for internationalization of plugins.

 |- lib/            <- Libraries (JAR files) your plugin needs

 |- web             <- Resources for Admin Console integration, if any

     |- WEB-INF/

         |- web.xml           <- Generated web.xml containing compiled JSP entries

         |- web-custom.xml    <- Optional user-defined web.xml for custom servlets

     |- images/

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