Linked List

🔏 Linked List

: a set of ordered items. A node consists of data and link, and the link connects nodes.
  • Size is not limited
  • Insertion and deletion are efficient
  • ⚙ Operations in list

    Object : a group of ݊n ordered elements
    pos : index in list
    add_last(list, item) : Add ‘item’ to the end.
    add_first(list, item) : Add ‘item’ to the beginning.
    add(list, pos, item) : Add ‘item’ to ‘pos’.
    delete(list, pos) : Removes the element at ‘pos’.
    clear(list) : Removes all elements of the list.
    replace(list, pos, item) : Replace the element at ‘pos’ with ‘item’.
    is_in_list(list, item) : Check to see if ‘item’ is in the list.
    get_entry(list, pos) : Return the element at ‘pos’.
    Get_length(list) : Return the length of the list.
    Is_empty(list) : Check if the list is empty.
    Is_full(list) : Check if the list is full.
    Display(list) : Display all elements in the list.

    structure of List

    Node consists of entry and address
  • Data field (entry) - store the data value (element)
  • Link field (address) - stores the address (pointer) of next node
  • Head pointer : Variable that points to the first node in the list
    ▶ A node is created by allocating dynamic memory whenever necessary
    🔬 application in code using array

    🔴 simple Linked List

  • Link the data using one link field
  • The value of the last node's link is NULL.
  • 📥 Simple Linked List: Insertion

    📤 Simple Linked List: Deletion

    🔬 Simple Linked List Implementation

    : each node in Linked list can be defined using a structure
  • ListNode = data + link(pointer)
  • Node generation : using 'malloc' function
  • Setting data fields and link fields

  • Creating a second node and connecting it to the first node

  • Insertion function

    : Since the head pointer changes inside the function, we need apointer to the head pointer .
    🚩 insert in the middle of list
    If ‘*phead’ is not NULL, insert in the middle of list
    (1) Copy ‘p’->link to ‘new_node’->link.
    (2) Let p -> link point to new_node.

    🔬 code

    // phead: pointer to the head pointer of the list
    // p: preceding node
    // new_node: node to be inserted
    void insert_node(ListNode **phead, ListNode *p, ListNode *new_node)
    if( *phead == NULL ){
    new_node->link = NULL;
    *phead = new_node;
    else {
    if(p == NULL){
    printf(“The preceding node cannot be NULL.\n”);
    new_node->link = p->link;
    p->link = new_node;

    Deletion function

    : The link of ‘p’ is changed to point to the next node of ‘removed’.
    so change --> removed.list
    (since = address of next node of ‘removed’)

    🔬 code

    // phead : pointer to the head pointer
    // p: preceding node to be deleted
    // removed: node to be deleted
    void remove_node(ListNode **phead, ListNode *p, ListNode *removed)
    if( *phead == NULL ){
    printf(“The list is blank.\n”);
    else {
    if( p == NULL )
    printf(“The preceding node cannot be NULL.\n”);
    else {
    p->link = removed->link;