
1521 ワード

iFileHandle := FileOpen('d:\file.txt', fmOpenRead);
iFileLength := FileSeek(iFileHandle,1,0);

Buffer := PChar(AllocMem(iFileLength + 1));
// Buffer, 
iBytesRead := FileRead(iFileHandle, Buffer^, iFileLength+1);

function FileOpen(const FileName: string; Mode: LongWord): Integer; 関数変数Modeの値:fmCreate If the file exists,open for write access,otherwise,create a new file.Unlike the other constants, which are declared in the SysUtils unit, this constant is declared in tge classes unit. fmOpenRead Open for read access only. fmOpenWrite Open for write access only. fmOpenReadWrite Open for read and write access. fmShareCompat Compatible with the way FCBs are opened. Do not use this mode in cross-platform applications. fmShareExclusive Read and write access is denied. fmShareDenyWrite Write access is denied. fmShareDenyRead Read access is denied. Do not use this mode in cross-platform applications. fmShareDenyNone Allows full access for others.
function FileSeek(Handle, Offset, Origin: Integer): Integer; overload;
変数Originの値:0 The file pointer is positioned Offset bytes from the beginning of the file.1 The file pointer is positioned Offset bytes from its current position. 2 The file pointer is positioned Offset bytes from the end of the file.
割り当てメモリfunction AllocMem(Size:Cardinal):Pointer;