pvfs 2コードpvfs 2-ls.c

int do_list(
    char *full_path,
    char *start,
    int fs_id,
    struct options *opts,
    char *entry_buffer)
    int i = 0, printed_dot_info = 0;
    int ret = -1;
    int pvfs_dirent_incount;
    char *name = NULL, *cur_file = NULL;
    PVFS_handle cur_handle;
    PVFS_sysresp_lookup lk_response;
    PVFS_sysresp_readdirplus rdplus_response;
    PVFS_sysresp_getattr getattr_response;
    PVFS_credentials credentials;
    PVFS_object_ref ref;
    PVFS_ds_position token;
    uint64_t dir_version = 0;
    double begin = 0., end;
    subdir *current, *head = NULL, *tail = NULL;

    name = start;


    if (opts->list_recursive || opts->num_starts > 1)
",full_path,start); } ret = PVFS_sys_lookup(fs_id, name, &credentials, &lk_response, PVFS2_LOOKUP_LINK_NO_FOLLOW, NULL);// 。。。。 if(ret < 0) { PVFS_perror("PVFS_sys_lookup", ret); return -1; } ref.handle = lk_response.ref.handle; ref.fs_id = fs_id; pvfs_dirent_incount = MAX_NUM_DIRENTS; memset(&getattr_response,0,sizeof(PVFS_sysresp_getattr)); if (PVFS_sys_getattr(ref, PVFS_ATTR_SYS_ALL, &credentials, &getattr_response, NULL) == 0)// { if ((getattr_response.attr.objtype == PVFS_TYPE_METAFILE) || (getattr_response.attr.objtype == PVFS_TYPE_SYMLINK) || ((getattr_response.attr.objtype == PVFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY) && (opts->list_directory))) { char segment[128] = {0}; PVFS_sysresp_getparent getparent_resp; PINT_remove_base_dir(name, segment, 128); if (strcmp(segment,"") == 0) { snprintf(segment,128,"/"); } if (getattr_response.attr.objtype == PVFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { if (PVFS_sys_getparent(ref.fs_id, name, &credentials, &getparent_resp, NULL) == 0) { print_dot_and_dot_dot_info_if_required( getparent_resp.parent_ref); } } if (opts->list_long) { print_entry_attr(ref.handle, segment, &getattr_response.attr, opts, entry_buffer); } else { print_entry(segment, ref.handle, ref.fs_id, NULL, 0, opts, entry_buffer); } return 0; } } if (do_timing) begin = Wtime(); token = 0; do { memset(&rdplus_response, 0, sizeof(PVFS_sysresp_readdirplus)); ret = PVFS_sys_readdirplus( ref, (!token ? PVFS_READDIR_START : token), pvfs_dirent_incount, &credentials, (opts->list_long) ? PVFS_ATTR_SYS_ALL : PVFS_ATTR_SYS_ALL_NOSIZE, &rdplus_response, NULL);//readdirplus---------- if(ret < 0) { PVFS_perror("PVFS_sys_readdir", ret); return -1; } if (dir_version == 0) { dir_version = rdplus_response.directory_version; } else if (opts->list_verbose) { if (dir_version != rdplus_response.directory_version) { fprintf(stderr, "*** directory changed! listing may " "not be correct
"); dir_version = rdplus_response.directory_version; } } if (!printed_dot_info) { /* the list_all option prints files starting with .; the almost_all option skips the '.', '..' printing */ print_dot_and_dot_dot_info_if_required(ref); printed_dot_info = 1; } for(i = 0; i < rdplus_response.pvfs_dirent_outcount; i++) { cur_file = rdplus_response.dirent_array[i].d_name; cur_handle = rdplus_response.dirent_array[i].handle; print_entry(cur_file, cur_handle, fs_id, &rdplus_response.attr_array[i], rdplus_response.stat_err_array[i], opts, entry_buffer); PVFS_sys_attr *attr = &rdplus_response.attr_array[i]; if(attr->objtype == PVFS_TYPE_DIRECTORY && opts->list_recursive) { int path_len = strlen(start) + strlen(cur_file) + 1; current = (subdir *) malloc(sizeof(subdir)); /* Prevent duplicate slashes in path */ if(start[strlen(start)-1] == '/') { current->path = (char *) malloc(path_len); snprintf(current->path,path_len,"%s%s",start,cur_file); } else { current->path = (char *) malloc(path_len + 1); snprintf(current->path,path_len+1,"%s/%s",start,cur_file); } /* Update linked list of subdirectories to recurse */ current->next = NULL; if(!head) { head = current; tail = current; } else { tail->next = current; tail = current; } } } token = rdplus_response.token; if (rdplus_response.pvfs_dirent_outcount) { free(rdplus_response.dirent_array); rdplus_response.dirent_array = NULL; free(rdplus_response.stat_err_array); rdplus_response.stat_err_array = NULL; for (i = 0; i < rdplus_response.pvfs_dirent_outcount; i++) { if (rdplus_response.attr_array) { PVFS_util_release_sys_attr(&rdplus_response.attr_array[i]); } } free(rdplus_response.attr_array); rdplus_response.attr_array = NULL; } } while(rdplus_response.pvfs_dirent_outcount == pvfs_dirent_incount); if (do_timing) { end = Wtime(); printf("PVFS_sys_readdirplus took %g msecs
", (end - begin)); } if (rdplus_response.pvfs_dirent_outcount) { free(rdplus_response.dirent_array); rdplus_response.dirent_array = NULL; free(rdplus_response.stat_err_array); rdplus_response.stat_err_array = NULL; for (i = 0; i < rdplus_response.pvfs_dirent_outcount; i++) { if (rdplus_response.attr_array) { PVFS_util_release_sys_attr(&rdplus_response.attr_array[i]); } } free(rdplus_response.attr_array); rdplus_response.attr_array = NULL; } if (opts->list_recursive)// { current = head; while(current) { printf("
"); do_list(full_path,current->path,fs_id,opts,entry_buffer); current = current->next; free(head->path); free(head); head = current; } } return 0; }