Magento:左欄フィルタ条件Select Box/Button/Dropdown List on Layered Navigation

6352 ワード

1.ドロップダウン・ボックスSelectBox You have plain text and link to those text in Magento Layered Navigation section.You can easily change the display of Layered Navigation links into a selection box/dropdown list. To do so, you need to edit the following file:
filter.phtml file contains code something like below:
<?php foreach ($this->getItems() as $_item): ?>
        <?php if ($_item->getCount() > 0): ?>
			<a href="<?php echo $this->urlEscape($_item->getUrl()) ?>"><?php echo $_item->getLabel() ?></a>
		<?php else: 
			echo $_item->getLabel() ?>
		<?php endif; ?>
		<?php if ($this->shouldDisplayProductCount()): ?>
			(<?php echo $_item->getCount() ?>)
        <?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

Here is the edit to filter.phtml that will display selection box/dropdown list in layered navigation. You just need to replace the code of your filter.phtml file with the code shown below:
<select name="layered-nav-select" onChange="setLocation(this.value)">
	<option selected="selected" value="#">Please Select</option>
	<?php foreach ($this->getItems() as $_item): ?>				
			<?php if ($_item->getCount() > 0): ?>
				<option value="<?php echo $this->urlEscape($_item->getUrl()) ?>">
					echo $_item->getLabel();
					if ($this->shouldDisplayProductCount()):
						echo '(' . $_item->getCount() . ')';
			<?php else: ?>
				<option value="#">
					echo $_item->getLabel();
					if ($this->shouldDisplayProductCount()):
						echo '(' . $_item->getCount() . ')';
			<?php endif; ?>		
	<?php endforeach ?>

Now, you should be able to view selection list in your layered navigation section in frontend.
<?php foreach ($this->getItems() as $_item): ?>
<?php $_label      = str_replace(array('"',"'",' '), array('','','-'), strtolower($_item->getLabel())) ?>
<?php $_url        = $this->urlEscape($_item->getUrl()) ?>
<?php $_remove_url = $this->urlEscape($_item->getRemoveUrl()) ?>
<?php $_get_attr   = $_item->getFilter()->getRequestVar() ?> 
<?php //echo 'tester:<pre>'; print_r($_item->getFilter()->getResetValue()); echo '</pre>';?> 

    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-size filter-button<?php echo $_item->getMSelected() ? ' active-button' : '' ?>" data-url="<?php echo $_remove_url ?>" data-remove-url="<?php echo $_url ?>">
    	<?php echo $_item->getLabel() ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

<?php foreach ($this->getItems() as $_item): ?>
<?php $_label      = str_replace(array('"',"'",' '), array('','','-'), strtolower($_item->getLabel())) ?>
<?php $_url        = $this->urlEscape($_item->getUrl()) ?>
<?php $_remove_url = $this->urlEscape($_item->getRemoveUrl()) ?>
<?php $_get_attr   = $_item->getFilter()->getRequestVar() ?> 
<?php //echo 'tester:<pre>'; print_r($_item->getFilter()->getResetValue()); echo '</pre>';?> 

          <div class="checkbox"> 
		<input type="checkbox" <?php echo $_item->getMSelected() ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ?> class="filter-button<?php echo $_item->getMSelected() ? ' active-button' : '' ?>" data-url="<?php echo $_url ?>" data-remove-url="<?php echo $_remove_url ?>" data-count="<?php echo $_item->getCount() ?>" value="" /> 
		<label><?php echo $_item->getLabel() ?></label>
<?php endforeach ?>

<?php foreach ($this->getItems() as $_item): ?>
<?php $_label      = str_replace(array('"',"'",' '), array('','','-'), strtolower($_item->getLabel())) ?>
<?php $_url        = $this->urlEscape($_item->getUrl()) ?>
<?php $_remove_url = $this->urlEscape($_item->getRemoveUrl()) ?>
<?php $_get_attr   = $_item->getFilter()->getRequestVar() ?> 
<?php //echo 'tester:<pre>'; print_r($_item->getFilter()->getResetValue()); echo '</pre>';?> 

		class="btn btn-default filter-button btn-color btn-circle-micro<?php echo $_item->getMSelected() ? ' active-button' : '' ?>"
		data-url="<?php echo $_url ?>" 
		data-remove-url="<?php echo $_remove_url ?>" 
		style="background-color:<?php echo $_label ?>;
				<?php if(!in_array($_label, array('white','#fff','#ffffff'))) echo 'border:none;'?>
				<?php if(isset($_GET[$_get_attr]) AND $_GET[$_get_attr]) echo $_item->getMSelected() ? '' : 'display:none;' ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

転入先:Magento:左欄フィルタ条件Select Box/Button/Dropdown List on Layered Navigation