
Chap08. Graph Optimization Problems and Greedy Algorithms

Graph Optimization Problems

Prim's Algorithm

  • 任意の点を始点(最小生成ツリーのルート)
  • として選択する.
  • 反復のたびにedgeを追加し、edgeの別の頂点をツリーに追加します.
  • を選択する.
  • 各頂点の非交差カテゴリ
  • として表示する.
  • ツリー頂点:グラフィックで生成する最小生成ツリーに含まれる
  • Fringe頂点:ツリー頂点の候補として使用できます.すなわち、最小生成ツリーに隣接する頂点
  • .
  • Unsene頂点:ツリーでもエッジポイントでもない
  • Example::The Algorithm in Action

    PrimMST(G,n) // OUTLINE
    	Initialize all vertices as unseen.		// O(n) time
    	Select an arbitrary vertex s to start the tree; reclassify it as tree.
    	Reclassify all vertices adjacent to s as fringe.
    	While there are fringe vertices;		// O(n)번 수행
    		Select an edge of minimum weight between
    			a tree vertex t and a fringe vertex v;	// O(n) time
    		Reclassify v as tree; add edge tv to the tree;
    		Reclassify all unseen vertices adjacent to v as fringe.	// deg(v)
    *min-priority queue
    sorted sequenceunsorted sequenceheapinsert()O(n)O(1)O(lg n)removeMin()O(1)O(n)O(lg n)decreasekey()O(n)O(1)O(lg n)

    Example 1::ソートされていないシーケンスを使用して計算

    PrimMST(G,n) // OUTLINE
    	Initialize all vertices as unseen.		// O(n) time
    	Select an arbitrary vertex s to start the tree; reclassify it as tree.
    	Reclassify all vertices adjacent to s as fringe.
    	While there are fringe vertices;		// O(n)번 수행
    		Select an edge of minimum weight between
    			a tree vertex t and a fringe vertex v;	// O(n) time
    		Reclassify v as tree; add edge tv to the tree;
    		Reclassify all unseen vertices adjacent to v as fringe.	// deg(v)
    O(n2n^2n2) time using the unsorted sequence
    Example 2::heap計算を使用
    PrimMST(G,n) // OUTLINE
    	Initialize all vertices as unseen.		// O(n) time
    	Select an arbitrary vertex s to start the tree; reclassify it as tree.
    	Reclassify all vertices adjacent to s as fringe.
    	While there are fringe vertices;		// O(n)번 삽입, 삭제
    		Select an edge of minimum weight between
    			a tree vertex t and a fringe vertex v;	// O(n) time
    		Reclassify v as tree; add edge tv to the tree;
    		Reclassify all unseen vertices adjacent to v as fringe.	// deg(v)
    O(n2n^2n2) time using the unsorted sequence
    O(mlgn) time using a heap
    mのsizeがO(n 2 n^2 n 2)に近い稠密図である場合,並べ替えられていないシーケンスは有効である.

    Kruskal's Algorithm

    KruskalMST(G,n) // outline
    	R = E // R is remaining edges
    	F = none // F is forest edges
    	while (R is not empty)
    		Remove the lightest (shortest) edge, vw, from R;
           		// cycle이 발생하지 않을 때만 MST 추가
                	// union-find ADT(disjoint set)
    		if (vw does not make a cycle in F)	
    			Add vw to F;
    	return F ;
  • を使用したソート計算
  • KruskalMST(G,n) // outline
    	R = E	// sorting: O(mlgm) time
    	F = none 
    	while (R is not empty)
    		Remove the lightest (shortest) edge, vw, from R;
    		if (vw does not make a cycle in F)	
    			Add vw to F;
    	return F ;
    O(mlgm) time
  • 分-heapを使用して計算
  • にedgeのすべての情報をheapに挿入する
    KruskalMST(G,n) // outline
    	R = E	// m개 edges, O(m) time (bottom-up heap construction)
    	F = none 
    	while (R is not empty)	// O(m) 번
    		Remove the lightest (shortest) edge, vw, from R;	// O(lgm) time
    		if (vw does not make a cycle in F)	
    			Add vw to F;
    	return F ;
    O(mlgm) time
    * m=O(n2n^2n2), O(mlgm) = O(mlgn2n^2n2) = O(2mlgn) = O(mlgn)

    Data Structure for Kruskal's Algorithm

  • find(u):set id(leader)
  • を返す
  • union(u,v):uを含む集合とvを含む集合が異なる場合、unionを1つの集合として、2つのキー値(u,v)の小さい値をset idに設定します.
