Delphi XE 5チュートリアル12:注釈とコンパイラポインタ

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3 Comments and Compiler Directives
Comments are ignored by the compiler, except when they function as separators (delimiting adjacent tokens) or compiler directives.
There are several ways to construct comments:
 { Text between left and right braces is a comment. }

 (* Text between left-parenthesis-plus-asterisk and an

  asterisk-plus-right-parenthesis is also a comment *)

 // Text between double-slash and end of line is a comment.

Comments that are alike cannot be nested. For instance, (*{}*) will. This latter form is useful for commenting out sections of code that also contain comments.
Here are some recommendations about how and when to use the three types of comment characters:
  • Use the double-slash (//) for commenting out      temporary changes made during development. You can use the Code Editor's      convenient CTRL+/(slash) mechanism to quickly insert the double-slash      comment character while you are working.

  • 二重斜線(//)を使用して、開発中に発生した一時的な変化を注釈します.作業中は、コードエディタのショートカットキーCtrl+/(スラッシュ)を使用して、二重スラッシュ注記文字をすばやく挿入できます.
  • Use the parenthesis-star "(*...*)"both      for development comments and for commenting out a block of code that      contains other comments. This comment character permits multiple lines of      source, including other types of comments, to be removed from      consideration by the compiler.

  • カッコ星「(*...*)」を使用すると、開発されたコメントとコメントの両方に削除されたコードブロックが使用され、他のコメントが含まれます.このコメント文字は、コンパイラによって削除されることを考慮して、他のタイプのコメントを含む複数行のソースコードを許可します.
  • Use the braces ({}) for in-source documentation that      you intend to remain with the code.

  • カッコ({})を使用して、ソースドキュメントに保持し続けるコードを注釈します.注記:{}はネストできません.
    A comment that contains a dollar sign ($) immediately after the opening { or (* is a compiler directive. For example,

    tells the compiler not to generate warning messages.