Struts 2ソースコードの浅い分析-Container

public interface Container extends Serializable {

   * Default dependency name.
  String DEFAULT_NAME = "default";

   *  @Inject          
   * @param o 
  void inject(Object o);

  <T> T inject(Class<T> implementation);

   *      bean
  <T> T getInstance(Class<T> type, String name);

   *    bean   
  <T> T getInstance(Class<T> type);
   *     bean    
  Set<String> getInstanceNames(Class<?> type);

   * Sets the scope strategy for the current thread.
  void setScopeStrategy(Scope.Strategy scopeStrategy);

   * Removes the scope strategy for the current thread.
  void removeScopeStrategy();

class ContainerImpl implements Container {

コンテナの作成はContainerBuilder createメソッドで行います
	public Container create(boolean loadSingletons) {
		created = true;
		//factories   bean    
		//ContainerImpl factories  factoryNamesByType
		final ContainerImpl container = new ContainerImpl(new HashMap<Key<?>, InternalFactory<?>>(factories));
		if (loadSingletons) {
			container.callInContext(new ContainerImpl.ContextualCallable<Void>() {
				public Void call(InternalContext context) {
					for (InternalFactory<?> factory : singletonFactories) {
					return null;
		// xml  bean   static  true   false
		//com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.providers.XmlConfigurationProvider#register() line 210
		return container;