Back propagation


多くの教材や講義でbackpropを整理する際にnodeの観点から見るのはもったいない.ではscratchでニューラルネットワークを実現するとback propで詰まります.動的なニューラルネットワークを構築したいです.だからもっと深く掘った.

Basic archetecture

人工ニューラルネットワークは入力値1を受け入れる.Weight(WWW)に乗算し、biasを省略します.2.アクティブ化関数(σ\sigmaσ, 結果値を信号関数でエクスポートします.
f=x⋅Wf=x\cdot Wf=x⋅W
この2つの関数は1つの層を構成し,前の層の結果値を次の層の入力値とし,多層重畳によりニューラルネットワークを形成する.私たちがしなければならないのは、結果値をできるだけ実際の値と等しくする重みを見つけることです.重み付け値をあちこち押して探すことができますが、このように最適な値を探すと、耳を覆って目を閉じて友達を探すようになります.これよりも科学的に近い方法はback propagationとgradient descentである.このときの核心は連鎖法則である.

All we need is Chain rule

∂z∂W=∂z∂f∂f∂W{\partial z\over\partial W}={\partial z\over\partial f}{\partial f\over\partial W}∂W∂z​=∂f∂z​∂W∂f​

Calculating gradient


これにより,複雑な合成関数においても,所望の変化量をうまく捉えることができる.前述したように、各ウェイトが変化すると、費用関数がどのように変化するかを見出します.この角度から見ると、必要なのは∂C∂W 1  ∂C∂W2,  ∂C∂W3{\partial C\over\partial W_1}\\{\partial C\over\partial W_2},\\{\partial C\over\partial W_3}∂W1​∂C​  ∂W2​∂C​,  ∂W 3∂Cのような3種類損失関数の各重み付け値の変化量をグラフに沿ってまとめると以下のようになる.
∂C∂W3=∂C∂z3∂z3∂f3∂f3∂W3=∂Cost⋅∂σ(f3)⋅z2{\partial C\over\partial W_3}={\partial C\over\partial z_3}{\partial z_3\over\partial f_3}{\partial f_3\over\partial W_3}=\partial\text{Cost}\cdot\partial\sigma(f3)\cdot z_2∂W3​∂C​=∂z3​∂C​∂f3​∂z3​​∂W3​∂f3​​=∂Cost⋅∂σ(f3)⋅z2​
∂C∂W2=∂C∂z3∂z3∂f3∂f3∂z2∂z2∂f2∂f2∂W2=∂Cost⋅∂σ(f3)⋅W3⋅∂σ(f2)⋅z1{\partial C\over\partial W_2}={\partial C\over\partial z_3}{\partial z_3\over\partial f_3}{\partial f_3\over\partial z_2}{\partial z_2\over\partial f_2}{\partial f_2\over\partial W2}=\partial\text{Cost}\cdot\partial\sigma(f3)\cdot W_3\cdot\partial\sigma(f2)\cdot z_1∂W2​∂C​=∂z3​∂C​∂f3​∂z3​​∂z2​∂f3​​∂f2​∂z2​​∂W2∂f2​​=∂Cost⋅∂σ(f3)⋅W3​⋅∂σ(f2)⋅z1​
∂C∂W1=∂C∂z3∂z3∂f3∂f3∂z2∂z2∂f2∂f2∂z1∂z1∂f1∂f1∂W1=∂Cost⋅∂σ(f3)⋅W3⋅∂σ(f2)⋅W2⋅∂σ(f1)⋅Input{\partial C\over\partial W_1} = {\partial C\over\partial z_3}{\partial z_3\over\partial f_3}{\partial f_3\over\partial z_2}{\partial z_2\over\partial f_2}{\partial f_2\over\partial z_1}{\partial z_1\over\partial f_1}{\partial f_1\over\partial W1}=\partial\text{Cost}\cdot\partial\sigma(f3)\cdot W_3\cdot\partial\sigma(f2)\cdot W_2\cdot\partial\sigma(f1)\cdot\text{Input}∂W1​∂C​=∂z3​∂C​∂f3​∂z3​​∂z2​∂f3​​∂f2​∂z2​​∂z1​∂f2​​∂f1​∂z1​​∂W1∂f1​​=∂Cost⋅∂σ(f3)⋅W3​⋅∂σ(f2)⋅W2​⋅∂σ(f1)⋅Input
∂C=C′(zn)⊙σ′(fn)\partial C = C'(z_n)\odot\sigma'(f_n)∂C=C′(zn​)⊙σ′(fn​)
δn=wn+1T⋅δn+1⊙σ′(fn)\delta_n = w_{n+1}^T\cdot\delta_{n+1}\odot\sigma'(f_n)δn​=wn+1T​⋅δn+1​⊙σ′(fn​)
ここで、  ⊙\cdot,\\\odot⋅,  ∮この2つの演算はいずれも行列積であり,それぞれ内(点)積,Hadamard積と呼ぶ.現在,この課題では活性化関数を信号とし,パターンに従って整理するとこうなる.
∂C∂W3=2(f3−Gt)⋅z2T{\partial C\over\partial W_3}=2(f_3-Gt)\cdot z_2^T∂W3​∂C​=2(f3​−Gt)⋅z2T​
∂C∂W2=W3T⋅2(f3−Gt)⊙σ(f2)(1−σ(f2))⋅z1T{\partial C\over\partial W_2}= {W_3}^T\cdot2(f_3-Gt)\odot\sigma(f2)(1-\sigma(f2))\cdot z_1^T∂W2​∂C​=W3​T⋅2(f3​−Gt)⊙σ(f2)(1−σ(f2))⋅z1T​
∂C∂W1=W2T⋅{W3T⋅2(f3−Gt)⊙σ(f2)(1−σ(f2)}⊙σ(f1)(1−σ(f1))⋅xT{\partial C\over\partial W_1}= {W_2}^T\cdot\{{W_3}^T\cdot2(f_3-Gt)\odot\sigma(f2)(1-\sigma(f2)\}\odot\sigma(f1)(1-\sigma(f1))\cdot x^T∂W1​∂C​=W2​T⋅{W3​T⋅2(f3​−Gt)⊙σ(f2)(1−σ(f2)}⊙σ(f1)(1−σ(f1))⋅xT
Gradient=local gradient×output of prior layer\text{Gradient}=\text{local gradient}\times\text{output of prior layer}Gradient=local gradient×output of prior layer

Put these all together

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def layer(X: np.array, units: int, activation: str = None):
    X: input matrices of each layer and it decides weight matrix shape.
    units: decides number of nodes in a hidden layer
    activation: decides weight initialization. He, Xaiver and LeCun initialization are available.
    h, w = X.shape
    if activation == 'relu':
        weight = np.random.randn(w, units) * np.sqrt(2 / w)  # He initialization
    elif activation == 'tanh' or activation == 'softmax':
        weight = np.random.randn(w, units) * np.sqrt(1 / w)  # Xavier initialization
    elif activation is None:
        weight = np.random.randn(w, units) * 0.01  # LeCun initialization
    return weight

def relu(X, props: str = 'fwd'):
    X: input matrices.
    props: decides propagate direction e.g. fwd means forward pass and bwd means backward pass.
    if props == 'fwd':
        return np.maximum(0, X)
    elif props == 'bwd':
        return np.greater(0, X).astype(int)
def softmax(X):
    X: input matrices.
    I didn't create derivitives of softmax because when back propagation it's much efficient 
    to calculate it with cross entropy
    score = np.exp(X)
    return score / np.sum(score, axis = 1, keepdims = True)

def cross_entropy(X, Y, props: str = 'fwd'):
    X: input matrices
    Y: label vector
    props: decides propagate direction e.g. fwd means forward pass and bwd means backward pass.
    n = len(X)
    if props == 'fwd':
        likelyhood = -np.log(X[range(n), Y])
        return np.sum(likelyhood) / n
    elif props == 'bwd':
        X[range(n), Y] -= 1
        return X / n

def sse(X, Y, props: str = 'fwd'):
    X: input matrices
    Y: label vector
    props: decides propagate direction e.g. fwd means forward pass and bwd means backward pass.
    if props == 'fwd':
        return 0.5 * np.square(X - Y)
    elif props == 'bwd':
        return X - Y    
def forward(X, w, activation: str = None):
    X: Input matrices that flows into the layer.
    w: weight matrices
    activation: Decides which activation function to use. Relu and softmax are available for now.
    d =
    if activation == 'relu':
        a = relu(d)
    elif activation == 'softmax':
        a = softmax(d)
    elif activation == None:
        a = d
    cache = a, d
    return a, cache

def backward(upstream, cache, w, activation: str = None):
    upstream: gradient value from adjacent layer
    cache: contains intermidiate step values within layers
    activation: Decides which activation function to use. Relu and softmax are available for now.
    c1, c2 = cache
    local =
    if activation == 'relu':
        upstream = local * relu(c2[1], 'bwd')
    elif activation == 'tanh':
        upstream = local * tanh(c2[1], 'bwd')
    elif activation is None:
        upstream = local
    grad = c1[0]
    return grad, upstream

def momentum(weight, grad, cache: dict, lr=1e-3, mu=0.9):
    if len(cache) == 0:
        for layer in range(len(grad)):
            v = -lr * grad[layer]
            weight[layer] = weight[layer] + v
        for layer in range(len(grad)):
            v = mu * cache[layer] - lr * grad[layer]
            cache[layer] = v
            weight[layer] = weight[layer] + v
def fit(x, y, epochs: int, lr: float=1e-2, mu: float=0.9):
    cache = []
    vel = []
    loss = []
    grad = [np.zeros_like(layer) for layer in params]
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        # forward pass
        X, c = forward(x, params[0])
        for layer in range(1, len(params)-1):
            X, c = forward(X, params[layer], 'relu')
        X, c = forward(X, params[-1], 'softmax')

        # loss calculation
        cost = cross_entropy(X, y, 'fwd')

        # backward pass
        upstream = cross_entropy(X, y, 'bwd')
        grad[-1] = cache[-2][0]
        for layer in range(len(grad)-2, 0, -1):
            grad[layer], upstream = backward(upstream, cache[layer-1:layer+1], params[layer+1], 'relu')
        local =[1].T)
        upstream = local * relu(cache[0][1], 'bwd')
        grad[0] =

        # SGD momentum optimizer
        momentum(params, grad, cache = vel, lr=1e-2, mu=0.9)

def predict(X):
    X, _ = forward(x, params[0])
    for layer in range(1, len(params)-1):
        X, _ = forward(X, params[layer], 'relu')
    X, _ = forward(X, params[-1], 'softmax')


  • 論文のようにreluはtanhの収束速度よりずっと速い.
  • 行列微分を学ぶ.
  • 私が設計したニューラルネットワークでmnistを分類したいです.