[Swift] Memory Safety

7590 ワード

Memory Safety


Understanding Conflicting Access to Memory


Conflicting Access to In-Out Parameters

For example:
var stepSize = 1

func increment(_ number: inout Int) { // write access
    number += stepSize // read access

// Error: conflicting accesses to stepSize
numberinoutパラメータなので、関数を呼び出すときはwrite accessリファレンスメモリを使用してください.
function内部では、stepSizeがメモリにアクセスして読み取りアクセスを行うが、write accessなどのメモリ位置を参照するとメモリ競合(競合)が発生する.

Conflicting Access to self in Methods

A mutating method on a structure has write access to self for the duration of the method call. For example, consider a game where each player has a health amount, which decreases when taking damage, and an energy amount, which decreases when using special abilities.
struct Player {
    var name: String
    var health: Int
    var energy: Int

    static let maxHealth = 10
    mutating func restoreHealth() {
        health = Player.maxHealth

func balance(_ x: inout Int, _ y: inout Int) {
    let sum = x + y
    x = sum / 2
    y = sum - x

extension Player {
    mutating func shareHealth(with teammate: inout Player) {
        balance(&teammate.health, &health)

var oscar = Player(name: "Oscar", health: 10, energy: 10)
var maria = Player(name: "Maria", health: 5, energy: 10)
oscar.shareHealth(with: &maria)  // OK
上記の例では、balance関数を呼び出すと、2つのinoutパラメータがwrite accessを使用してメモリを参照しますが、異なる場所のメモリにアクセスするため、競合は発生しません.

oscar.shareHealth(with: &oscar)
// Error: conflicting accesses to oscar


Memory Safety