8743 ワード
def return_a_func(arg1, arg2):
def new_func():
print('arg1 was {}'.format(arg1))
print('arg2 was {}'.format(arg2))
return new_func
my_func = return_a_func(2, 17)
print(my_func.__closure__ is not None)
# Show that there are two variables in the closure
print(len(my_func.__closure__) == 2)
def return_a_func(arg1, arg2):
def new_func():
print('arg1 was {}'.format(arg1))
print('arg2 was {}'.format(arg2))
return new_func
my_func = return_a_func(2, 17)
print(my_func.__closure__ is not None)
print(len(my_func.__closure__) == 2)
# Get the values of the variables in the closure
closure_values = [
my_func.__closure__[i].cell_contents for i in range(2)
print(closure_values == [2, 17])
# Decorate my_function() with the print_args() decorator
def my_function(a, b, c):
print(a + b + c)
my_function(1, 2, 3)
def print_before_and_after(func):
def wrapper(*args):
print('Before {}'.format(func.__name__))
# Call the function being decorated with *args
print('After {}'.format(func.__name__))
# Return the nested function
return wrapper
def multiply(a, b):
print(a * b)
multiply(5, 10)
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