
( OracleのバージョンはOracle 19 c、SQL Serverの検索はSQL Server 2019です.



CREATE TABLE CompareTestTable
     Seq         NUMBER
    ,ColCHAR     CHAR(10)

INSERT INTO CompareTestTable VALUES( 1, 'aaa',  'bbb'  );       -- No space
INSERT INTO CompareTestTable VALUES( 2, 'aaa ', 'bbb ' );       -- A space after a string
INSERT INTO CompareTestTable VALUES( 3, ' aaa', ' bbb' );       -- A space before a string
INSERT INTO CompareTestTable VALUES( 4, ' aaa ', ' bbb ' );     -- Spaces after and before a string
select * from CompareTestTable where ColCHAR = 'aaa';       -- Hit SEQ=1,2 records
select * from CompareTestTable where ColCHAR = 'aaa ';      -- Hit SEQ=1,2 records
select * from CompareTestTable where ColCHAR = ' aaa';      -- Hit SEQ=3,4 records
select * from CompareTestTable where ColCHAR = ' aaa ';     -- Hit SEQ=3,4 records

select * from CompareTestTable where ColVARCHAR = 'bbb';    -- Hit SEQ=1 record
select * from CompareTestTable where ColVARCHAR = 'bbb ';   -- Hit SEQ=2 record
select * from CompareTestTable where ColVARCHAR = ' bbb';   -- Hit SEQ=3 record
select * from CompareTestTable where ColVARCHAR = ' bbb ';  -- Hit SEQ=4 record
しかし、varchar 2の場合、文字列の前後のスペースは無視されるようには見えません.
詳細は次のとおりです,-Oracle%20compares%20two&text=If%20two%20values%20of%20different,the%20values%20are%20considered%20equal .

SQL Server

CREATE TABLE CompareTestTable
     Seq         INT
    ,ColCHAR     CHAR(10)
INSERT INTO CompareTestTable VALUES( 1, 'aaa',  'bbb'  );       -- No space
INSERT INTO CompareTestTable VALUES( 2, 'aaa ', 'bbb ' );       -- A space after a string
INSERT INTO CompareTestTable VALUES( 3, ' aaa', ' bbb' );       -- A space before a string
INSERT INTO CompareTestTable VALUES( 4, ' aaa ', ' bbb ' );     -- Spaces after and before a string
select * from CompareTestTable where ColCHAR = 'aaa';       -- Hit SEQ=1,2 records
select * from CompareTestTable where ColCHAR = 'aaa ';      -- Hit SEQ=1,2 records
select * from CompareTestTable where ColCHAR = ' aaa';      -- Hit SEQ=3,4 records
select * from CompareTestTable where ColCHAR = ' aaa ';     -- Hit SEQ=3,4 records

select * from CompareTestTable where ColVARCHAR = 'bbb';    -- Hit SEQ=1,2 records
select * from CompareTestTable where ColVARCHAR = 'bbb ';   -- Hit SEQ=1,2 records
select * from CompareTestTable where ColVARCHAR = ' bbb';   -- Hit SEQ=3,4 records
select * from CompareTestTable where ColVARCHAR = ' bbb ';  -- Hit SEQ=3,4 records
しかし、Varcharの場合、結果はOracleとSQL Serverの間で異なりますが、文字列の後または前の空白は無視されるようです.
したがって、このようにOracleとSQL Serverの違いによりVarcharを使用するときに注意する必要があります.