164093 ワード
財布管理 アーキテクチャ コード
-コードを実行するにはお金がかかります. 権限管理 ビジネスロジック更新 データ移行 操作
-private 2-2. Lottery DomainとQueueのデザイン
test>lottery.test.js contracts>Lottery.sol
2-4. Lottery Betテスト
test >lottery.test.js test>assertRever.js test >expectEvent.js 2-5. calculate Etherume GAS
gaslimitのように gasPrice
-ETH 手数料=gas*ガス価格 32バイトが新たに貯蔵され、20000ガスを消費>無限に貯蔵できない. 32バイトが既存変数の値を置き換えるときに5000ガスを消費する .既存変数を初期化し、使用しない場合10000ガスは に戻る.
私たちが使用しているbetfunctionでは、1回目の実行には90846 gasが必要ですが、2回目からは75846 gasを減らす必要があります.
2-7. Lottery isMatch関数の実装とテスト
0 b 00001を左に移動させると...0b0000010.
0 b 00001を2に左に移動すると...0b0000100.
0 b 00001を4に左に移動すると...0b000000000.
0 x 00001を1に切り替えると...0 x 00000000 2になります.
0 x 00001を3に切り替えると...0 x 0000008になります.
0 x 00001を4に切り替えると...0x0000010.
0 x 000001を0 x 00000100に変更するには、4を切り替えます.
0 x 0000001を0 x 000000100に変更するには、8を切り替えます.
0 x 0000001を0 x 000001000に変更するには、12を切り替えます.
上記のように test > lottery.test.js
2-8. 分散関数の実装
の他のスマート約定関数を呼び出すこともできます. は深刻な安全問題になる可能性があります. コールインテリジェント会議でない場合は、使用しないほうがいいです. send false に送金
transfer送金、ダメなら取引は失敗します. 最も多く使われているのはです.最も安全です. transferではなくsendまたはcallを使用してethを転送するには、送信前にステータス値から値を減算することが望ましい.
2-9. Testing distribute()
2-2. Lottery DomainとQueueのデザイン
-contracts > Lottery.solを次のように変更します.// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
contract Lottery {
struct BetInfo{
uint256 answerBlockNumber;//우리가 맞추려는 정답의 블록 number
address payable better;//정답을 맞추면 better에게 보내줘야 함. 그래서 payable을 써주ㅕ야 함.
byte challenges;
address public owner;
uint256 private _pot;//팟머니를 만들 곳
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
function getSomeValue() public pure returns (uint value){
return 5;
function getPot() public view returns (uint256 pot) {
return _pot;
-test > lottery.test.jsにコンテンツを追加します.// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
contract Lottery {
struct BetInfo{
uint256 answerBlockNumber;//우리가 맞추려는 정답의 블록 number
address payable better;//정답을 맞추면 better에게 보내줘야 함. 그래서 payable을 써주ㅕ야 함.
byte challenges;
address public owner;
uint256 private _pot;//팟머니를 만들 곳
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
function getSomeValue() public pure returns (uint value){
return 5;
function getPot() public view returns (uint256 pot) {
return _pot;
$ npx truffle test test/lottery.test.js
2-3.Lottery Bet関数の実装
2-3-1. Bet関数の役割
save the bet to the queue
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
contract Lottery {
struct BetInfo{
uint256 answerBlockNumber;//우리가 맞추려는 정답의 블록 number
address payable better;//정답을 맞추면 better에게 보내줘야 함. 그래서 payable을 써주ㅕ야 함.
byte challenges;
address public owner;
uint256 private _pot;//팟머니를 만들 곳
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
function getSomeValue() public pure returns (uint value){
return 5;
function getPot() public view returns (uint256 pot) {
return _pot;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
contract Lottery {
struct BetInfo{
uint256 answerBlockNumber;//우리가 맞추려는 정답의 블록 number
address payable better;//정답을 맞추면 better에게 보내줘야 함. 그래서 payable을 써주ㅕ야 함.
byte challenges;
address public owner;
uint256 private _pot;//팟머니를 만들 곳
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
function getSomeValue() public pure returns (uint value){
return 5;
function getPot() public view returns (uint256 pot) {
return _pot;
2-3-1. Bet関数の役割
save the bet to the queue
const Lottery = artifacts.require("Lottery");
contract('Lottery',function ([deployer,user1,user2]){
let lottery;
console.log('Before each');
lottery = await Lottery.new();//배포해 줄 수 있다.
it ('Basic test',async()=>{
console.log('Basic test');
let owner = await lottery.owner();
// let value = await lottery.getSomeValue();
console.log(`owner ${owner}`);
// console.log(`value ${value}`);
it.only('getPot should return current pot',async()=>{
//mochatest에서 특정 부분만 테스트할 때 only를 써주면 된다.
let pot = await lottery.getPot();
次にgetsomevalueを削除します.// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
contract Lottery {
struct BetInfo{
uint256 answerBlockNumber;//우리가 맞추려는 정답의 블록 number
address payable bettor;//정답을 맞추면 better에게 보내줘야 함. 그래서 payable을 써주ㅕ야 함.
byte challenges;
uint256 constant internal BET_BLOCK_INTERVAL = 3;
uint256 constant internal BET_AMOUNT = 5 * 10 ** 15;
event BET(uint256 index,address bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
uint256 private _tail;
uint256 private _head;
mapping (uint256 =>BetInfo) private _bets;//queue
address public owner;
uint256 private _pot;//팟머니를 만들 곳
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
// function getSomeValue() public pure returns (uint value){
// return 5;
// }
function getPot() public view returns (uint256 pot) {
return _pot;
function getBetInfo(uint256 index)public view returns(uint256 answerBlockNumber, address bettor, byte challenges){
BetInfo memory b = _bets[index];
answerBlockNumber = b.answerBlockNumber;
bettor = b.bettor;
challenges = b.challenges;
function pushBet(byte challenges) internal returns (bool) {
BetInfo memory b;
b.bettor = msg.sender;
b.answerBlockNumber = block.number + BET_BLOCK_INTERVAL;
b.challenges = challenges;
_bets[_tail] = b;
return true;
function popBet(uint256 index) internal returns (bool){
delete _bets[index];
return true;
//딜리트를하면 가스가 환불이 된다. 상태 데이터베이스의 값을 없애겠다는 것임.
//필요하지 않는 값에 대해서는 delete를 해주는 것이 맞다.
* @dev 배팅을 한다. 유저는 0.005eth를 보내야 하고 배팅용 1byte 글자를 보낸다.
*큐에 저장된 배팅 정보는 이후 distribution 에 저장된다.
*@param challenges 유저가 배팅하는 글자
*@return 함수가 잘 수행되었느지 확인하는 bool값
function bet(byte challenges) public payable returns (bool result) {
//1. check the propter ether is sent
require(msg.value == BET_AMOUNT,"Not enough ETH" );
//2. push bet to the queue
require(pushBet(challenges),"Fail to add a new Bet Info");
//3. emit event log
emit BET(_tail - 1, msg.sender, msg.value, challenges, block.number + BET_BLOCK_INTERVAL);
//결과값을 겁ㅁ증해야 하는데 Bet 과 Distribute로 하면 될 듯
//save the bet to the queue
//r값이 틀리면 넣고
正しいかどうかはnpx truffleコンパイルで知ることができます.コンパイル時にbuildフォルダを削除したほうがいいです.2-4. Lottery Betテスト
-test>lottery.test.jsconst Lottery = artifacts.require("Lottery");
contract('Lottery',function ([deployer,user1,user2]){
let lottery;
console.log('Before each');
lottery = await Lottery.new();//배포해 줄 수 있다.
it ('Basic test',async()=>{
console.log('Basic test');
let owner = await lottery.owner();
// let value = await lottery.getSomeValue();
console.log(`owner ${owner}`);
// console.log(`value ${value}`);
// assert.equal(value,5);
// it.only('getPot should return current pot',async()=>{
// //mochatest에서 특정 부분만 테스트할 때 only를 써주면 된다.
// let pot = await lottery.getPot();
// assert.equal(pot,0);
// })
describe('Bet',function () {
it('shold fail when the bet money is not 0.005 ETH', async () => {
//Fail transaction
//스마트 컨트랙트를 만들때는 transaction object이라는 것을 줄 수가 있다.
//transaction object {chainId, value, to from, gas(Limit), gasPrice}
await lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:4000000000000000})
it('should put the bet to the bet queue with 1 bet', async () => {
//check ontract balance ==0.005
//check bet info betinfo에 제대로 들어갔는지 확인해봐야 한다
//check log
ETH不足.describe('Bet',function () {
it('shold fail when the bet money is not 0.005 ETH', async () => {
//Fail transaction
//스마트 컨트랙트를 만들때는 transaction object이라는 것을 줄 수가 있다.
//transaction object {chainId, value, to from, gas(Limit), gasPrice}
await lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:5000000000000000})
この部分describe('Bet'~)を以下のように修正します.あと0.005で成功した.$ npx truffle test test/lottery.test.js
open zeppelin
これは、最も一般的なオープンソースリファレンスライブラリのセットです.const Lottery = artifacts.require("Lottery");
const assertRevert = require('./assertRever')
contract('Lottery',function ([deployer,user1,user2]){
let lottery;
console.log('Before each');
lottery = await Lottery.new();//배포해 줄 수 있다.
it ('Basic test',async()=>{
console.log('Basic test');
let owner = await lottery.owner();
// let value = await lottery.getSomeValue();
console.log(`owner ${owner}`);
// console.log(`value ${value}`);
// assert.equal(value,5);
// it.only('getPot should return current pot',async()=>{
// //mochatest에서 특정 부분만 테스트할 때 only를 써주면 된다.
// let pot = await lottery.getPot();
// assert.equal(pot,0);
// })
describe('Bet',function () {
it('shold fail when the bet money is not 0.005 ETH', async () => {
//Fail transaction
//스마트 컨트랙트를 만들때는 transaction object이라는 것을 줄 수가 있다.
//transaction object {chainId, value, to from, gas(Limit), gasPrice}
await assertRevert(lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:5000000000000000}));
//try catch 문으로 보내서 revert가 들어있으면 제대로 잡았다.
it.only('should put the bet to the bet queue with 1 bet', async () => {
await lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:5000000000000000});
//check ontract balance ==0.005
//check bet info betinfo에 제대로 들어갔는지 확인해봐야 한다
//check log
describe部分はこのように変換すると大きなエラーが発生します.うううdescribe('Bet',function () {
it('shold fail when the bet money is not 0.005 ETH', async () => {
//Fail transaction
//스마트 컨트랙트를 만들때는 transaction object이라는 것을 줄 수가 있다.
//transaction object {chainId, value, to from, gas(Limit), gasPrice}
await assertRevert(lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:4000000000000000}));
//try catch 문으로 보내서 revert가 들어있으면 제대로 잡았다.
it('should put the bet to the bet queue with 1 bet', async () => {
await lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:5000000000000000});
//check ontract balance ==0.005
//check bet info betinfo에 제대로 들어갔는지 확인해봐야 한다
//check log
-test> assertRever.jsmodule.exports = async (promise) => {
try {
await promise;
assert.fail('Expected revert not received');
} catch (error) {
const revertFound = error.message.search('revert') >= 0;
assert(revertFound, `Expected "revert", got ${error} instead`);
required assert差異
-test> lottery.test.js
receingという変数consoleに入れます.ロゴで撮ってみよう it('should put the bet to the bet queue with 1 bet', async () => {
let receipt = await lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:5000000000000000});
//check ontract balance ==0.005
//check bet info betinfo에 제대로 들어갔는지 확인해봐야 한다
//check log
ここからtx hash値の出現が見られ,gasusedによってどれだけのガスが消費されたか,logsによってどのようなアクティビティが実行されたかが見られる.
const Lottery = artifacts.require("Lottery");
contract('Lottery',function ([deployer,user1,user2]){
let lottery;
console.log('Before each');
lottery = await Lottery.new();//배포해 줄 수 있다.
it ('Basic test',async()=>{
console.log('Basic test');
let owner = await lottery.owner();
// let value = await lottery.getSomeValue();
console.log(`owner ${owner}`);
// console.log(`value ${value}`);
// assert.equal(value,5);
// it.only('getPot should return current pot',async()=>{
// //mochatest에서 특정 부분만 테스트할 때 only를 써주면 된다.
// let pot = await lottery.getPot();
// assert.equal(pot,0);
// })
describe('Bet',function () {
it('shold fail when the bet money is not 0.005 ETH', async () => {
//Fail transaction
//스마트 컨트랙트를 만들때는 transaction object이라는 것을 줄 수가 있다.
//transaction object {chainId, value, to from, gas(Limit), gasPrice}
await lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:4000000000000000})
it('should put the bet to the bet queue with 1 bet', async () => {
//check ontract balance ==0.005
//check bet info betinfo에 제대로 들어갔는지 확인해봐야 한다
//check log
describe('Bet',function () {
it('shold fail when the bet money is not 0.005 ETH', async () => {
//Fail transaction
//스마트 컨트랙트를 만들때는 transaction object이라는 것을 줄 수가 있다.
//transaction object {chainId, value, to from, gas(Limit), gasPrice}
await lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:5000000000000000})
const Lottery = artifacts.require("Lottery");
const assertRevert = require('./assertRever')
contract('Lottery',function ([deployer,user1,user2]){
let lottery;
console.log('Before each');
lottery = await Lottery.new();//배포해 줄 수 있다.
it ('Basic test',async()=>{
console.log('Basic test');
let owner = await lottery.owner();
// let value = await lottery.getSomeValue();
console.log(`owner ${owner}`);
// console.log(`value ${value}`);
// assert.equal(value,5);
// it.only('getPot should return current pot',async()=>{
// //mochatest에서 특정 부분만 테스트할 때 only를 써주면 된다.
// let pot = await lottery.getPot();
// assert.equal(pot,0);
// })
describe('Bet',function () {
it('shold fail when the bet money is not 0.005 ETH', async () => {
//Fail transaction
//스마트 컨트랙트를 만들때는 transaction object이라는 것을 줄 수가 있다.
//transaction object {chainId, value, to from, gas(Limit), gasPrice}
await assertRevert(lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:5000000000000000}));
//try catch 문으로 보내서 revert가 들어있으면 제대로 잡았다.
it.only('should put the bet to the bet queue with 1 bet', async () => {
await lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:5000000000000000});
//check ontract balance ==0.005
//check bet info betinfo에 제대로 들어갔는지 확인해봐야 한다
//check log
describe('Bet',function () {
it('shold fail when the bet money is not 0.005 ETH', async () => {
//Fail transaction
//스마트 컨트랙트를 만들때는 transaction object이라는 것을 줄 수가 있다.
//transaction object {chainId, value, to from, gas(Limit), gasPrice}
await assertRevert(lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:4000000000000000}));
//try catch 문으로 보내서 revert가 들어있으면 제대로 잡았다.
it('should put the bet to the bet queue with 1 bet', async () => {
await lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:5000000000000000});
//check ontract balance ==0.005
//check bet info betinfo에 제대로 들어갔는지 확인해봐야 한다
//check log
module.exports = async (promise) => {
try {
await promise;
assert.fail('Expected revert not received');
} catch (error) {
const revertFound = error.message.search('revert') >= 0;
assert(revertFound, `Expected "revert", got ${error} instead`);
it('should put the bet to the bet queue with 1 bet', async () => {
let receipt = await lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:5000000000000000});
//check ontract balance ==0.005
//check bet info betinfo에 제대로 들어갔는지 확인해봐야 한다
//check log
const Lottery = artifacts.require("Lottery");
const assertRevert = require('./assertRever');
const expectEvent = require('./expectEvent')
contract('Lottery',function ([deployer,user1,user2]){
let lottery;
let betAmount = 5 * 10 ** 15;
let bet_block_interval = 3;
console.log('Before each');
lottery = await Lottery.new();//배포해 줄 수 있다.
it ('Basic test',async()=>{
console.log('Basic test');
let owner = await lottery.owner();
// let value = await lottery.getSomeValue();
console.log(`owner ${owner}`);
// console.log(`value ${value}`);
// assert.equal(value,5);
// it.only('getPot should return current pot',async()=>{
// //mochatest에서 특정 부분만 테스트할 때 only를 써주면 된다.
// let pot = await lottery.getPot();
// assert.equal(pot,0);
// })
describe.only('Bet',function () {
it('shold fail when the bet money is not 0.005 ETH', async () => {
//Fail transaction
//스마트 컨트랙트를 만들때는 transaction object이라는 것을 줄 수가 있다.
//transaction object {chainId, value, to from, gas(Limit), gasPrice}
await lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:4000000000000000});
//try catch 문으로 보내서 revert가 들어있으면 제대로 잡았다.
it('should put the bet to the bet queue with 1 bet', async () => {
let receipt = await lottery.bet('0xab',{from :user1, value:betAmount});
let pot= await lottery.getPot();
//check contract balance ==0.005
let contractBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(lottery.address);
//check bet info betinfo에 제대로 들어갔는지 확인해봐야 한다
let currentBlockNumber = await web3.eth.getBlockNumber();//현재 마이닝된 블럭 넘버를 가져온다.
let bet = await lottery.getBetInfo(0);
assert.equal(bet.answerBlockNumber,currentBlockNumber + bet_block_interval);
//check log
// console.log(receipt.logs
await expectEvent.inLogs(receipt.logs,'BET');
module.export = async(promise)=>{
await promise;
assert.fail('Expectee rever not recedived');
const revertFound = error.message.search('revert') >= 0;
assert(revertFound, `Expected "revert", got ${error} instead`);
const assert= require('chai').assert;
//npm i chai
const inLogs = async (logs,eventName)=>{
const event = logs.find(e=>e.event === eventName);
module.exports = {
2-5. calculate Etherume GAS
2-5-2. 関数あたり消費されるGAS数
私たちが使用しているbetfunctionでは、1回目の実行には90846 gasが必要ですが、2回目からは75846 gasを減らす必要があります.
2-6. Distribute機能の設計
2-6-1. Distribute関数の役割
2-6-2. getBlockStatus()
を返却します.enum BlockStatus {Checkable, NotRevealed, BlockLimitPassed};
function getBlockStatus(uint answerBlockNumber) internal view returns (BlockStatus){
if(block.number > answerBlockNumber && block.number < BLOCK_LIMIT + answerBlockNumber) {
return BlockStatus.Checkable;
return BlockStatus.NotRevealed;
if(block.number >= answerBlockNumber + BLOCK_LIMIT) {
return BlockStatus.BlockLimitPassed;
return BlockStatus.BlockLimitPassed;
2-6-3. distribute()
function distribute() public {
uint256 cur;
BetInfo memory b;
BlockStatus currentBlockStatus;
for(cur=_head; cur<_tail; cur++){
b = _bets[cur];
currentBlockStatus = getBlockStatus(b.answerBlockNumber);
//Checkable: block.number > AnswerBlockNumber && block.number < BLOCK_LIMIT + AnswerBlockNumber 1
if(currentBlockStatus == BlockStatus.Checkable){
//if win, bettor gets pot
//if fail, bettor's money goes pot
//if draw, refund bettor's money
//Not Revealed: block.number <= AnswerBlockNumber 2
if(currentBlockStatus == BlockStatus.NotRevealed) {
break;//아직 마이닝이 되지 않았다.
//Block Limit Passed : block.number >= AnswerBlockNumber+ Block_LiMIT 3
if(currentBlockStatus == BlockStatus.BlockLimitPassed){
//emit refund
//Not Revealed
//Block Limit Passed
Enum配列2-7. Lottery isMatch関数の実装とテスト
2-7-1. Lottery isMatch関数の実装
enum BettingResult { Fail, Win,Draw }
*@dev 배팅 글자와 정답을 확인한다.
*@param challenges 배팅 글자
*@param answer 블록해시
*@return 정답 결과
function isMatch(byte challenges, bytes32 answer) public pure returns (BettingResult) {
//challenges 에는 0xab이렇게 들어올 것이다.ㅣ
//answer 0xab...........ff 32byte로 들어올 것이다.ㅣ
byte c1 = challenges;
byte c2 = challenges;
byte a1 = answer[0];
byte a2 = answer[0];
//Get first number
c1 = c1 >> 4;
c1 = c1 << 4;
a1 = a1 >> 4;
a1 = a1 << 4;
//Get Second Number
c2 = c2 << 4;
c2 = c2 >> 4;
a2 = a2 << 4;
a2 = a2 >> 4;
//0xab => 0xb0 =>0x0b;
if(a1 == c1 && a2 == c2) {
return BettingResult.Win;
if(a1 == c1 || a2 == c2) {
return BettingResult.Draw;
return BettingResult.Fail;
0 b 00001を左に移動させると...0b0000010.
0 b 00001を2に左に移動すると...0b0000100.
0 b 00001を4に左に移動すると...0b000000000.
0 x 00001を1に切り替えると...0 x 00000000 2になります.
0 x 00001を3に切り替えると...0 x 0000008になります.
0 x 00001を4に切り替えると...0x0000010.
0 x 000001を0 x 00000100に変更するには、4を切り替えます.
0 x 0000001を0 x 000000100に変更するには、8を切り替えます.
0 x 0000001を0 x 000001000に変更するには、12を切り替えます.
npx truffle compile
2-7-2. テスト
$ web3.eth.getBlockCount()

$ web3.eth.getBlock(372)

$ truffle console
let blockHash = "0xd3b8938e583c758a102be9b53419707f3258044a01c15be194a4a74690eedf82";
it('should be BettingResult',async () =>{
let matchingResult = await lottery.isMatch('0xd3',blockHash);
it('should be BettingResult.Fail',async()=>{
let matchingResult = await lottery.isMatch('0xf2',blockHash);
it('shold be BettingResult.Draw',async()=>{
let matchingResult = await lottery.isMatch('0xd2',blockHash);

2-8. 分散関数の実装
2-8-1. 配備モード、テストモードの設定
2-8-2. ethを転送する方法
2-8-3. これまでのコード
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
contract Lottery {
struct BetInfo{
uint256 answerBlockNumber;//우리가 맞추려는 정답의 블록 number
address payable bettor;//정답을 맞추면 better에게 보내줘야 함. 그래서 payable을 써주ㅕ야 함.
byte challenges;
uint256 constant internal BLOCK_LIMIT = 256;
uint256 constant internal BET_BLOCK_INTERVAL = 3;
uint256 constant internal BET_AMOUNT = 5 * 10 ** 15;
enum BlockStatus {Checkable, NotRevealed, BlockLimitPassed}
uint256 private _tail;
uint256 private _head;
mapping (uint256 => BetInfo) private _bets;//queue
address payable public owner;
uint256 private _pot;//팟머니를 만들 곳
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
// function getSomeValue() public pure returns (uint value){
// return 5;
// }
event BET(uint256 index,address indexed bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
event WIN(uint256 index, address bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, byte answer, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
event FAIL(uint256 index, address bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, byte answer, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
event DRAW(uint256 index, address bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, byte answer, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
event REFUND(uint256 index, address bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
//정답을 알 수 없으니까
function getPot() public view returns (uint256 pot) {
return _pot;
function getBetInfo(uint256 index)public view returns (uint256 answerBlockNumber, address bettor, byte challenges) {
BetInfo memory b = _bets[index];
answerBlockNumber = b.answerBlockNumber;
bettor = b.bettor;
challenges = b.challenges;
function pushBet(byte challenges) internal returns (bool) {
BetInfo memory b;
b.bettor = msg.sender;
b.answerBlockNumber = block.number + BET_BLOCK_INTERVAL;
b.challenges = challenges;
_bets[_tail] = b;
return true;
function popBet(uint256 index) internal returns (bool){
delete _bets[index];
return true;
//딜리트를하면 가스가 환불이 된다. 상태 데이터베이스의 값을 없애겠다는 것임.
//필요하지 않는 값에 대해서는 delete를 해주는 것이 맞다.
* @dev 배팅을 한다. 유저는 0.005eth를 보내야 하고 배팅용 1byte 글자를 보낸다.
*큐에 저장된 배팅 정보는 이후 distribution 에 저장된다.
*@param challenges 유저가 배팅하는 글자
*@return 함수가 잘 수행되었느지 확인하는 bool값
function bet(byte challenges) public payable returns (bool result) {
//1. check the propter ether is sent
require(msg.value == BET_AMOUNT,"Not enough ETH" );
//2. push bet to the queue
require(pushBet(challenges),"Fail to add a new Bet Info");
//3. emit event log
emit BET(_tail - 1, msg.sender, msg.value , challenges, block.number + BET_BLOCK_INTERVAL);
return true;
bool private mode = false;// false:devmod
bytes32 public answerForTest;
//정답을 지정할 수 있게 setterFunction 도 만들어준다.ㅣ
function setAnswerForTest(bytes32 answer) public returns (bool result){
answerForTest = answer;
return true;
function getAnswerBlockHash(uint256 answerBlockNumber) internal view returns (bytes32 answer){
require(msg.sender ==owner, "Only owner can set the answer ");
return mode ? blockhash(answerBlockNumber): answerForTest;
*@dev 배팅 결과값을 확인하고 팟머니를 분배한다.
*정답실패: 팟머니 축적, 정답 맞춤: 팟머니 획득, 한글자 맞춤 or 정답 확인 불가: 배팅 금액만 획득
function distribute() public {
uint256 cur;
uint256 transferAmount; // 이유: 얼마나 보냈는지 찍기 위해서
BetInfo memory b;
BlockStatus currentBlockStatus;
BettingResult currentBettingResult;
for(cur=_head; cur<_tail; cur++){
b = _bets[cur];
currentBlockStatus = getBlockStatus(b.answerBlockNumber);
//Checkable: block.number > AnswerBlockNumber && block.number < BLOCK_LIMIT + AnswerBlockNumber 1
if(currentBlockStatus == BlockStatus.Checkable){
bytes32 answerBlockHash = getAnswerBlockHash(b.answerBlockNumber);
currentBettingResult = isMatch(b.challenges,answerBlockHash);//결과값을 가져옴
//if win, bettor gets pot
if(currentBettingResult == BettingResult.Win){
//transfet pot/수수료를 떼가는 함수 만들자 trnasferAfterPaingFee
transferAfterPayingFee(b.bettor, _pot + BET_AMOUNT);//아직 내가 배팅한 금액은 추가되지 않았기 때문에
//pot = 9
_pot = 0;
//transfer여서 이렇게 쓰는 것임
//emit Win
emit WIN(cur, b.bettor, transferAmount, b.challenges,answerBlockHash[0], b.answerBlockNumber);
//if fail, bettor's money goes pot
if(currentBettingResult == BettingResult.Fail){
//pot = pot + BET_AMOUNT
_pot += BET_AMOUNT;
//emit FAIL
emit FAIL(cur, b.bettor, 0, b.challenges,answerBlockHash[0], b.answerBlockNumber);
//if draw, refund bettor's money
if(currentBettingResult == BettingResult.Draw){
//transfer only BET_AMOUNT
transferAmount = transferAfterPayingFee(b.bettor, BET_AMOUNT);
//emit DRAW
emit DRAW(cur, b.bettor, transferAmount, b.challenges,answerBlockHash[0], b.answerBlockNumber);
//Not Revealed: block.number <= AnswerBlockNumber 2
if(currentBlockStatus == BlockStatus.NotRevealed) {
break;//아직 마이닝이 되지 않았다.
//Block Limit Passed : block.number >= AnswerBlockNumber+ Block_LiMIT 3
if(currentBlockStatus == BlockStatus.BlockLimitPassed){
transferAmount = transferAfterPayingFee(b.bettor, BET_AMOUNT);
//emit refund
emit REFUND(cur, b.bettor, transferAmount, b.challenges, b.answerBlockNumber);
_head = cur;
//Not Revealed
//Block Limit Passed
function transferAfterPayingFee(address payable addr, uint256 amount) internal returns (uint256){
// uint256 fee = amount /100;
uint256 fee = 0;
uint256 amountWithoutFee = amount -fee;
//transfer to addr
//transfer to owner
return amountWithoutFee;
function getBlockStatus(uint answerBlockNumber) internal view returns (BlockStatus){
if(block.number > answerBlockNumber && block.number < BLOCK_LIMIT + answerBlockNumber) {
return BlockStatus.Checkable;
return BlockStatus.NotRevealed;
if(block.number >= answerBlockNumber + BLOCK_LIMIT) {
return BlockStatus.BlockLimitPassed;
return BlockStatus.BlockLimitPassed;
enum BettingResult { Fail, Win,Draw }
*@dev 배팅 글자와 정답을 확인한다.
*@param challenges 배팅 글자
*@param answer 블록해시
*@return 정답 결과
function isMatch(byte challenges, bytes32 answer) public pure returns (BettingResult) {
//challenges 에는 0xab이렇게 들어올 것이다.ㅣ
//answer 0xab...........ff 32byte로 들어올 것이다.ㅣ
byte c1 = challenges;
byte c2 = challenges;
byte a1 = answer[0];
byte a2 = answer[0];
//Get first number
c1 = c1 >> 4;
c1 = c1 << 4;
a1 = a1 >> 4;
a1 = a1 << 4;
//Get Second Number
c2 = c2 << 4;
c2 = c2 >> 4;
a2 = a2 << 4;
a2 = a2 >> 4;
//0xab => 0xb0 =>0x0b;
if(a1 == c1 && a2 == c2) {
return BettingResult.Win;
if(a1 == c1 || a2 == c2) {
return BettingResult.Draw;
return BettingResult.Fail;
$ npx truffle compile

2-9. Testing distribute()
mocha test
evm mineという関数を使用してtruffleでマイニングできます.
間違いを探さなければならない.pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
contract Lottery {
struct BetInfo {
uint256 answerBlockNumber;
address payable bettor;
byte challenges;
uint256 private _tail;
uint256 private _head;
mapping (uint256 => BetInfo) private _bets;
address payable public owner;
uint256 private _pot;
bool private mode = false; // false : use answer for test , true : use real block hash
bytes32 public answerForTest;
uint256 constant internal BLOCK_LIMIT = 256;
uint256 constant internal BET_BLOCK_INTERVAL = 3;
uint256 constant internal BET_AMOUNT = 5 * 10 ** 15;
enum BlockStatus {Checkable, NotRevealed, BlockLimitPassed}
enum BettingResult {Fail, Win, Draw}
event BET(uint256 index, address indexed bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
event WIN(uint256 index, address bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, byte answer, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
event FAIL(uint256 index, address bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, byte answer, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
event DRAW(uint256 index, address bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, byte answer, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
event REFUND(uint256 index, address bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
function getPot() public view returns (uint256 pot) {
return _pot;
* @dev 베팅과 정답 체크를 한다. 유저는 0.005 ETH를 보내야 하고, 베팅용 1 byte 글자를 보낸다.
* 큐에 저장된 베팅 정보는 이후 distribute 함수에서 해결된다.
* @param challenges 유저가 베팅하는 글자
function betAndDistribute(byte challenges) public payable returns (bool result) {
return true;
// 90846 -> 75846
* @dev 베팅을 한다. 유저는 0.005 ETH를 보내야 하고, 베팅용 1 byte 글자를 보낸다.
* 큐에 저장된 베팅 정보는 이후 distribute 함수에서 해결된다.
* @param challenges 유저가 베팅하는 글자
function bet(byte challenges) public payable returns (bool result) {
// Check the proper ether is sent
require(msg.value == BET_AMOUNT, "Not enough ETH");
// Push bet to the queue
require(pushBet(challenges), "Fail to add a new Bet Info");
// Emit event
emit BET(_tail - 1, msg.sender, msg.value, challenges, block.number + BET_BLOCK_INTERVAL);
return true;
* @dev 베팅 결과값을 확인 하고 팟머니를 분배한다.
* 정답 실패 : 팟머니 축척, 정답 맞춤 : 팟머니 획득, 한글자 맞춤 or 정답 확인 불가 : 베팅 금액만 획득
function distribute() public {
// head 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 tail
uint256 cur;
uint256 transferAmount;
BetInfo memory b;
BlockStatus currentBlockStatus;
BettingResult currentBettingResult;
for(cur=_head;cur<_tail;cur++) {
b = _bets[cur];
currentBlockStatus = getBlockStatus(b.answerBlockNumber);
// Checkable : block.number > AnswerBlockNumber && block.number < BLOCK_LIMIT + AnswerBlockNumber 1
if(currentBlockStatus == BlockStatus.Checkable) {
bytes32 answerBlockHash = getAnswerBlockHash(b.answerBlockNumber);
currentBettingResult = isMatch(b.challenges, answerBlockHash);
// if win, bettor gets pot
if(currentBettingResult == BettingResult.Win) {
// transfer pot
transferAmount = transferAfterPayingFee(b.bettor, _pot + BET_AMOUNT);
// pot = 0
_pot = 0;
// emit WIN
emit WIN(cur, b.bettor, transferAmount, b.challenges, answerBlockHash[0], b.answerBlockNumber);
// if fail, bettor's money goes pot
if(currentBettingResult == BettingResult.Fail) {
// pot = pot + BET_AMOUNT
_pot += BET_AMOUNT;
// emit FAIL
emit FAIL(cur, b.bettor, 0, b.challenges, answerBlockHash[0], b.answerBlockNumber);
// if draw, refund bettor's money
if(currentBettingResult == BettingResult.Draw) {
// transfer only BET_AMOUNT
transferAmount = transferAfterPayingFee(b.bettor, BET_AMOUNT);
// emit DRAW
emit DRAW(cur, b.bettor, transferAmount, b.challenges, answerBlockHash[0], b.answerBlockNumber);
// Not Revealed : block.number <= AnswerBlockNumber 2
if(currentBlockStatus == BlockStatus.NotRevealed) {
// Block Limit Passed : block.number >= AnswerBlockNumber + BLOCK_LIMIT 3
if(currentBlockStatus == BlockStatus.BlockLimitPassed) {
// refund
transferAmount = transferAfterPayingFee(b.bettor, BET_AMOUNT);
// emit refund
emit REFUND(cur, b.bettor, transferAmount, b.challenges, b.answerBlockNumber);
_head = cur;
function transferAfterPayingFee(address payable addr, uint256 amount) internal returns (uint256) {
// uint256 fee = amount / 100;
uint256 fee = 0;
uint256 amountWithoutFee = amount - fee;
// transfer to addr
// transfer to owner
return amountWithoutFee;
function setAnswerForTest(bytes32 answer) public returns (bool result) {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can set the answer for test mode");
answerForTest = answer;
return true;
function getAnswerBlockHash(uint256 answerBlockNumber) internal view returns (bytes32 answer) {
return mode ? blockhash(answerBlockNumber) : answerForTest;
* @dev 베팅글자와 정답을 확인한다.
* @param challenges 베팅 글자
* @param answer 블락해쉬
* @return 정답결과
function isMatch(byte challenges, bytes32 answer) public pure returns (BettingResult) {
// challenges 0xab
// answer 0xab......ff 32 bytes
byte c1 = challenges;
byte c2 = challenges;
byte a1 = answer[0];
byte a2 = answer[0];
// Get first number
c1 = c1 >> 4; // 0xab -> 0x0a
c1 = c1 << 4; // 0x0a -> 0xa0
a1 = a1 >> 4;
a1 = a1 << 4;
// Get Second number
c2 = c2 << 4; // 0xab -> 0xb0
c2 = c2 >> 4; // 0xb0 -> 0x0b
a2 = a2 << 4;
a2 = a2 >> 4;
if(a1 == c1 && a2 == c2) {
return BettingResult.Win;
if(a1 == c1 || a2 == c2) {
return BettingResult.Draw;
return BettingResult.Fail;
function getBlockStatus(uint256 answerBlockNumber) internal view returns (BlockStatus) {
if(block.number > answerBlockNumber && block.number < BLOCK_LIMIT + answerBlockNumber) {
return BlockStatus.Checkable;
if(block.number <= answerBlockNumber) {
return BlockStatus.NotRevealed;
if(block.number >= answerBlockNumber + BLOCK_LIMIT) {
return BlockStatus.BlockLimitPassed;
return BlockStatus.BlockLimitPassed;
function getBetInfo(uint256 index) public view returns (uint256 answerBlockNumber, address bettor, byte challenges) {
BetInfo memory b = _bets[index];
answerBlockNumber = b.answerBlockNumber;
bettor = b.bettor;
challenges = b.challenges;
function pushBet(byte challenges) internal returns (bool) {
BetInfo memory b;
b.bettor = msg.sender; // 20 byte
b.answerBlockNumber = block.number + BET_BLOCK_INTERVAL; // 32byte 20000 gas
b.challenges = challenges; // byte // 20000 gas
_bets[_tail] = b;
_tail++; // 32byte 값 변화 // 20000 gas -> 5000 gas
return true;
function popBet(uint256 index) internal returns (bool) {
delete _bets[index];
return true;
describe('Distribute',function () {
describe('When the answer is checkable', function () {
it.only('should give the user the pot when the answer matches',async ()=>{
await lottery.setAnswerForTest('0xd3b8938e583c758a102be9b53419707f3258044a01c15be194a4a74690eedf82',{from:deployer});
await lottery.betAndDistribute('0xef',{from:user2,value:betAmount});
await lottery.betAndDistribute('0xef',{from:user2,value:betAmount});
await lottery.betAndDistribute('0xd3',{from:user1,value:betAmount});
await lottery.betAndDistribute('0xef',{from:user2,value:betAmount});
await lottery.betAndDistribute('0xef',{from:user2,value:betAmount});
await lottery.betAndDistribute('0xef',{from:user2,value:betAmount});
let potBefore = await lottery.getPot();//0.01ETH
// console.log(`value :`,potBefore.toString())
let user1BalanceBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(user1);
await lottery.betAndDistribute('0xef',{from:user2,value:betAmount});//이 때 user1에게 pot이 간다.ㅣ
let potAfter = await lottery.getPot();//0
let user1BalanceAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(user1);
//pot의 변화량 확인
assert.equal(potBefore.toString(), new web3.utils.BN('10000000000000000').toString());
assert.equal(potAfter.toString(), new web3.utils.BN('0').toString());
user1BalanceBefore = new web3.utils.BN(user1BalanceBefore);
assert.equal(user1BalanceBefore.add(potBefore).add(betAmountBN).toString(), new web3.utils.BN(user1BalanceAfter).toString());
} )
describe('When the answer is not revealed(Not Minded',function (){
describe('When the answer is not revealed(Block limit is passed',function (){
この問題について(二重Dappの作成), 我々は、より多くの情報をここで見つけました
Collection and Share based on the CC Protocol
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
contract Lottery {
struct BetInfo {
uint256 answerBlockNumber;
address payable bettor;
byte challenges;
uint256 private _tail;
uint256 private _head;
mapping (uint256 => BetInfo) private _bets;
address payable public owner;
uint256 private _pot;
bool private mode = false; // false : use answer for test , true : use real block hash
bytes32 public answerForTest;
uint256 constant internal BLOCK_LIMIT = 256;
uint256 constant internal BET_BLOCK_INTERVAL = 3;
uint256 constant internal BET_AMOUNT = 5 * 10 ** 15;
enum BlockStatus {Checkable, NotRevealed, BlockLimitPassed}
enum BettingResult {Fail, Win, Draw}
event BET(uint256 index, address indexed bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
event WIN(uint256 index, address bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, byte answer, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
event FAIL(uint256 index, address bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, byte answer, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
event DRAW(uint256 index, address bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, byte answer, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
event REFUND(uint256 index, address bettor, uint256 amount, byte challenges, uint256 answerBlockNumber);
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
function getPot() public view returns (uint256 pot) {
return _pot;
* @dev 베팅과 정답 체크를 한다. 유저는 0.005 ETH를 보내야 하고, 베팅용 1 byte 글자를 보낸다.
* 큐에 저장된 베팅 정보는 이후 distribute 함수에서 해결된다.
* @param challenges 유저가 베팅하는 글자
function betAndDistribute(byte challenges) public payable returns (bool result) {
return true;
// 90846 -> 75846
* @dev 베팅을 한다. 유저는 0.005 ETH를 보내야 하고, 베팅용 1 byte 글자를 보낸다.
* 큐에 저장된 베팅 정보는 이후 distribute 함수에서 해결된다.
* @param challenges 유저가 베팅하는 글자
function bet(byte challenges) public payable returns (bool result) {
// Check the proper ether is sent
require(msg.value == BET_AMOUNT, "Not enough ETH");
// Push bet to the queue
require(pushBet(challenges), "Fail to add a new Bet Info");
// Emit event
emit BET(_tail - 1, msg.sender, msg.value, challenges, block.number + BET_BLOCK_INTERVAL);
return true;
* @dev 베팅 결과값을 확인 하고 팟머니를 분배한다.
* 정답 실패 : 팟머니 축척, 정답 맞춤 : 팟머니 획득, 한글자 맞춤 or 정답 확인 불가 : 베팅 금액만 획득
function distribute() public {
// head 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 tail
uint256 cur;
uint256 transferAmount;
BetInfo memory b;
BlockStatus currentBlockStatus;
BettingResult currentBettingResult;
for(cur=_head;cur<_tail;cur++) {
b = _bets[cur];
currentBlockStatus = getBlockStatus(b.answerBlockNumber);
// Checkable : block.number > AnswerBlockNumber && block.number < BLOCK_LIMIT + AnswerBlockNumber 1
if(currentBlockStatus == BlockStatus.Checkable) {
bytes32 answerBlockHash = getAnswerBlockHash(b.answerBlockNumber);
currentBettingResult = isMatch(b.challenges, answerBlockHash);
// if win, bettor gets pot
if(currentBettingResult == BettingResult.Win) {
// transfer pot
transferAmount = transferAfterPayingFee(b.bettor, _pot + BET_AMOUNT);
// pot = 0
_pot = 0;
// emit WIN
emit WIN(cur, b.bettor, transferAmount, b.challenges, answerBlockHash[0], b.answerBlockNumber);
// if fail, bettor's money goes pot
if(currentBettingResult == BettingResult.Fail) {
// pot = pot + BET_AMOUNT
_pot += BET_AMOUNT;
// emit FAIL
emit FAIL(cur, b.bettor, 0, b.challenges, answerBlockHash[0], b.answerBlockNumber);
// if draw, refund bettor's money
if(currentBettingResult == BettingResult.Draw) {
// transfer only BET_AMOUNT
transferAmount = transferAfterPayingFee(b.bettor, BET_AMOUNT);
// emit DRAW
emit DRAW(cur, b.bettor, transferAmount, b.challenges, answerBlockHash[0], b.answerBlockNumber);
// Not Revealed : block.number <= AnswerBlockNumber 2
if(currentBlockStatus == BlockStatus.NotRevealed) {
// Block Limit Passed : block.number >= AnswerBlockNumber + BLOCK_LIMIT 3
if(currentBlockStatus == BlockStatus.BlockLimitPassed) {
// refund
transferAmount = transferAfterPayingFee(b.bettor, BET_AMOUNT);
// emit refund
emit REFUND(cur, b.bettor, transferAmount, b.challenges, b.answerBlockNumber);
_head = cur;
function transferAfterPayingFee(address payable addr, uint256 amount) internal returns (uint256) {
// uint256 fee = amount / 100;
uint256 fee = 0;
uint256 amountWithoutFee = amount - fee;
// transfer to addr
// transfer to owner
return amountWithoutFee;
function setAnswerForTest(bytes32 answer) public returns (bool result) {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can set the answer for test mode");
answerForTest = answer;
return true;
function getAnswerBlockHash(uint256 answerBlockNumber) internal view returns (bytes32 answer) {
return mode ? blockhash(answerBlockNumber) : answerForTest;
* @dev 베팅글자와 정답을 확인한다.
* @param challenges 베팅 글자
* @param answer 블락해쉬
* @return 정답결과
function isMatch(byte challenges, bytes32 answer) public pure returns (BettingResult) {
// challenges 0xab
// answer 0xab......ff 32 bytes
byte c1 = challenges;
byte c2 = challenges;
byte a1 = answer[0];
byte a2 = answer[0];
// Get first number
c1 = c1 >> 4; // 0xab -> 0x0a
c1 = c1 << 4; // 0x0a -> 0xa0
a1 = a1 >> 4;
a1 = a1 << 4;
// Get Second number
c2 = c2 << 4; // 0xab -> 0xb0
c2 = c2 >> 4; // 0xb0 -> 0x0b
a2 = a2 << 4;
a2 = a2 >> 4;
if(a1 == c1 && a2 == c2) {
return BettingResult.Win;
if(a1 == c1 || a2 == c2) {
return BettingResult.Draw;
return BettingResult.Fail;
function getBlockStatus(uint256 answerBlockNumber) internal view returns (BlockStatus) {
if(block.number > answerBlockNumber && block.number < BLOCK_LIMIT + answerBlockNumber) {
return BlockStatus.Checkable;
if(block.number <= answerBlockNumber) {
return BlockStatus.NotRevealed;
if(block.number >= answerBlockNumber + BLOCK_LIMIT) {
return BlockStatus.BlockLimitPassed;
return BlockStatus.BlockLimitPassed;
function getBetInfo(uint256 index) public view returns (uint256 answerBlockNumber, address bettor, byte challenges) {
BetInfo memory b = _bets[index];
answerBlockNumber = b.answerBlockNumber;
bettor = b.bettor;
challenges = b.challenges;
function pushBet(byte challenges) internal returns (bool) {
BetInfo memory b;
b.bettor = msg.sender; // 20 byte
b.answerBlockNumber = block.number + BET_BLOCK_INTERVAL; // 32byte 20000 gas
b.challenges = challenges; // byte // 20000 gas
_bets[_tail] = b;
_tail++; // 32byte 값 변화 // 20000 gas -> 5000 gas
return true;
function popBet(uint256 index) internal returns (bool) {
delete _bets[index];
return true;
describe('Distribute',function () {
describe('When the answer is checkable', function () {
it.only('should give the user the pot when the answer matches',async ()=>{
await lottery.setAnswerForTest('0xd3b8938e583c758a102be9b53419707f3258044a01c15be194a4a74690eedf82',{from:deployer});
await lottery.betAndDistribute('0xef',{from:user2,value:betAmount});
await lottery.betAndDistribute('0xef',{from:user2,value:betAmount});
await lottery.betAndDistribute('0xd3',{from:user1,value:betAmount});
await lottery.betAndDistribute('0xef',{from:user2,value:betAmount});
await lottery.betAndDistribute('0xef',{from:user2,value:betAmount});
await lottery.betAndDistribute('0xef',{from:user2,value:betAmount});
let potBefore = await lottery.getPot();//0.01ETH
// console.log(`value :`,potBefore.toString())
let user1BalanceBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(user1);
await lottery.betAndDistribute('0xef',{from:user2,value:betAmount});//이 때 user1에게 pot이 간다.ㅣ
let potAfter = await lottery.getPot();//0
let user1BalanceAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(user1);
//pot의 변화량 확인
assert.equal(potBefore.toString(), new web3.utils.BN('10000000000000000').toString());
assert.equal(potAfter.toString(), new web3.utils.BN('0').toString());
user1BalanceBefore = new web3.utils.BN(user1BalanceBefore);
assert.equal(user1BalanceBefore.add(potBefore).add(betAmountBN).toString(), new web3.utils.BN(user1BalanceAfter).toString());
} )
describe('When the answer is not revealed(Not Minded',function (){
describe('When the answer is not revealed(Block limit is passed',function (){
この問題について(二重Dappの作成), 我々は、より多くの情報をここで見つけました https://velog.io/@nara7875/2강テキストは自由に共有またはコピーできます。ただし、このドキュメントのURLは参考URLとして残しておいてください。
Collection and Share based on the CC Protocol