

  • Online Chess Next Step
  • AI repo on Github

  • Online Chess Next Step

    Next Chess Move

    AI repo on Github

    Sunfish Sunfish is a simple, but strong chess engine, written in Python
    def play_against_redbud_ai(s):
        searcher = Searcher()
        pos = Position(initial, 0, (True,True), (True,True), 0, 0)
        is_init = True
        checkmate = False
        while True:
            if checkmate:
                msg = s.recvline()
                if msg.startswith('you win'):
                    return True
                msg = ''
            msg = msg + s.recvuntil('input your move(like e2e4):
    ) chess = msg[0:16*8].split('
    )[0:8] blank_line = (' '*9 + '
    ) * 2 pos_str = blank_line + ''.join([(' ' + line.replace(' ', '') + '
    ) for line in chess]) + blank_line # assert(len(pos_str) == 120) print(pos_str) found_move = False if is_init: is_init = False found_move = True else: for move in pos.gen_moves(): tmpp = pos.move(move) if tmpp.board == pos_str: print('AI move: %s' % render(119-move[0])+render(119-move[1])) pos = pos.move(move) found_move = True break if not found_move: print('cannot find ai"s move return false') # We query the user until she enters a (pseudo) legal move. move = None # Fire up the engine to look for a move. move, score = searcher.search(pos, secs=1.5) if score == MATE_UPPER: checkmate = True print("Checkmate!") # The black player moves from a rotated position, so we have to # 'back rotate' the move before printing it. line = render(move[0]) + render(move[1]) print(line) s.send(line+chr(0x0a)) pos = pos.move(move) return True def main(): win_cnt = 0 s = remote("misc.thuctf2018.game.redbud.info", 4004) data = s.recvuntil('Give me xxxx:') inputs = re.findall("sha256\(xxxx\+(.*)\) ==(.*)", data)[0] suffix = inputs[0] digest = inputs[1] result = PoW(suffix, digest) print("PoW done") s.sendline(result) s.recvuntil('Press enter key to continue:
    ) while win_cnt < 20: s.recvuntil('game starts
    ) if play_against_redbud_ai(s): print(win_cnt+1, " I Win!") win_cnt += 1 s.interactive()