
2781 ワード

#define JSON_DIR "/home/zozo/test/"
void read_json_file()
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    cJSON *json;
    char *out;
    char *buf;
    char filterfile_str[] = "jsonfile";
    char json_str[] = "json";
    char *namep = NULL, *typep = NULL; // namep:     typep:    

    DIR *dp;
    struct dirent *filename;
    char file_path[200] = {0};

    dp = opendir(JSON_DIR);
    if (!dp)
        fprintf(stderr, "open directory error
"); return; } while (filename = readdir(dp)) { // jsonfile json namep = strstr(filename->d_name, filterfile_str); if (namep == NULL) { continue; } typep = strstr(filename->d_name, json_str); if (typep == NULL) // json { namep = NULL; continue; } if (namep == filename->d_name) // jsonfile { printf("filename:%-10s\td_info:%ld\t", filename->d_name, filename->d_ino); // strcpy(file_path, JSON_DIR); strcat(file_path, filename->d_name); printf("file_path:%s
", file_path); if (NULL != (fp = fopen(file_path, "rb"))) // { fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); long len = ftell(fp); // fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); if (len < 0) { printf("invalid path
"); } // , 1 '\0' buf = (char *)malloc(len + 1); if (buf == NULL) { printf("No enough memory."); exit(0); } // buf int nread = fread(buf, len, 1, fp); if (!nread) { printf("Failed to read the config file."); } // fclose(fp); // buf[len] = '\0'; // end of string*/ printf("len:%d
", len); json = cJSON_Parse(buf); // json if (json == NULL) { free(buf); printf("Failed to parse the json file
"); continue; } free(buf); out = cJSON_Print(json); printf("read json:%s
", out); // json // } } } closedir(dp); }