


元:Functional-JavaScript-Introducing-Programming-Underscore-js-Michael Fogus
Historically, func‐ tional programming has centered around building functions that work to achieve higher-level behaviors and work on very simple data constructs.
highlevel behaviorとは,技術的に高次関数を考えるとよいようである.配列を用いて行うことができる様々な抽象演算は、例(map、filter、reduce)として用いることができる.他の関数の助けで動作を完了します.別の関数をパラメータとして受け入れて動作を完了する構造は,関数を値として使用する概念が必要であり,これが第2章の主なテーマである.
const predicate = ({
  lessThan(a, b) {
    return a < b;
  // ...

const comparator = (predicate) => (x) => (y) => {
  if (predicate(x, y)) {
    return 1;
  if (predicate(y, x)) {
    return -1;
  return 0;

[1, 2, 3].sort(comparator);
The point of a collection-centric view, as advocated by Underscore and functional pro‐ gramming in general, is to establish a consistent processing idiom so that we can reuse a comprehensive set of functions.
It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures.
programming occurs when you write code to do something and metaprogramming occurs when you write code that changes the way that something is interpreted.
function point2D(x, y) {
  this._x = x;
  this._y = y;

// 1. 생성자로 사용하는 경우, 새로만들어지는 객체가 this 로 바인딩.
new point2D(1, 2);

// 2. call, apply 등을 활용하여 this 를 동적으로 지정.
function point3D(x, y, z) {
  point2D.apply(this, x, y);
  this._z = z;

new point3D(1, 2, 3); // point3D 가 생성자로 사용되었을때, 새로 만들어진 객체가 point2D 의 this 로 바인딩되도록 메타 프로그래밍을 활용.



  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linker_(computing )
  • entryからdependencyへの反復プロセス.
    Linkers can take objects from a collection called a library or runtime library. Most linkers do not include the whole library in the output; they include only the files[clarification needed] that are referenced by other object files or libraries. Library linking may thus be an iterative process, with some referenced modules requiring additional modules to be linked, and so on. Libraries exist for diverse purposes, and one or more system libraries are usually linked in by default.
    As the compiler has no information on the layout of objects in the final output, it cannot take advantage of shorter or more efficient instructions that place a requirement on the address of another object.
  • https://hacks.mozilla.org/2018/03/es-modules-a-cartoon-deep-dive/
  • For ES modules, this happens in three steps.
  • Construction — find, download, and parse all of the files into module records.
  • Instantiation —find boxes in memory to place all of the exported values in (but don’t fill them in with values yet). Then make both exports and imports point to those boxes in memory. This is called linking.
  • Evaluation —run the code to fill in the boxes with the variables’ actual values.
  • なぜこの3つの過程に分割されたのでしょうか.ブラウザがネットワーク環境でリンクを実行するプロセスを考慮すると、これは理解できます.
    blocking the main thread like this(依存性に従う解釈とインスタンス化)は、アプリケーションのモジュールの使用を遅くし、使用できません.This is one of the reasons that the ES module spec splits the algorithm into multiple phases. Splitting out construction into its own phase allows browsers to fetch files and build up their understanding of the module graph before getting down to the synchronous work of instantiating.
    CommonJS can do things differently because loading files from the filesystem takes much less time than downloading across the Internet. This means Node can block the main thread while it loads the file. And since the file is already loaded, it makes sense to just instantiate and evaluate (which aren’t separate phases in CommonJS). This also means that you’re walking down the whole tree, loading, instantiating, and evaluating any dependencies before you return the module instance.


    Stop using margin

        <Header />
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