MySQL - Logical Operators : !=(Not Equal), NOT LIKE

Udemy-Theフラッグシップ版MySQL Bootcamp:Go from SQL Beginner to Expertレッスンまとめ

!= (Not Equal)

Q. Select all books NOT published in 2017
-- Not Equal을 쓰지 않은 검색결과
mysql> SELECT title, released_year FROM books;
| title                                               | released_year |
| The Namesake                                        |          2003 |
| Norse Mythology                                     |          2016 |
| Interpreter of Maladies                             |          1996 |
| A Hologram for the King: A Novel                    |          2012 |
| The Circle                                          |          2013 |
| The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay           |          2000 |
| Just Kids                                           |          2010 |
| A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius           |          2001 |
| Coraline                                            |          2003 |
| What We Talk About When We Talk About Love: Stories |          1981 |
| Where I'm Calling From: Selected Stories            |          1989 |
| White Noise                                         |          1985 |
| Cannery Row                                         |          1945 |
| Oblivion: Stories                                   |          2004 |
| Consider the Lobster                                |          2005 |
| 10% Happier                                         |          2014 |
| fake_book                                           |          2001 |
| Lincoln In The Bardo                                |          2017 |
18 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- Not Equal을 쓴 검색결과
mysql> SELECT title, released_year FROM books WHERE released_year != 2017;
| title                                               | released_year |
| The Namesake                                        |          2003 |
| Norse Mythology                                     |          2016 |
| Interpreter of Maladies                             |          1996 |
| A Hologram for the King: A Novel                    |          2012 |
| The Circle                                          |          2013 |
| The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay           |          2000 |
| Just Kids                                           |          2010 |
| A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius           |          2001 |
| Coraline                                            |          2003 |
| What We Talk About When We Talk About Love: Stories |          1981 |
| Where I'm Calling From: Selected Stories            |          1989 |
| White Noise                                         |          1985 |
| Cannery Row                                         |          1945 |
| Oblivion: Stories                                   |          2004 |
| Consider the Lobster                                |          2005 |
| 10% Happier                                         |          2014 |
| fake_book                                           |          2001 |
17 rows in set (0.00 sec) lnameを印刷する「Harris」ではない人
-- 먼저 작가들의 전체 이름
mysql> SELECT author_lname FROM books;
| author_lname   |
| Lahiri         |
| Gaiman         |
| Lahiri         |
| Eggers         |
| Eggers         |
| Chabon         |
| Smith          |
| Eggers         |
| Gaiman         |
| Carver         |
| Carver         |
| DeLillo        |
| Steinbeck      |
| Foster Wallace |
| Foster Wallace |
| Harris         |
| Harris         |
| Saunders       |
18 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- Harris를 뺀 사람들의 이름
mysql> SELECT author_lname FROM books WHERE author_lname != 'Harris';
| author_lname   |
| Lahiri         |
| Gaiman         |
| Lahiri         |
| Eggers         |
| Eggers         |
| Chabon         |
| Smith          |
| Eggers         |
| Gaiman         |
| Carver         |
| Carver         |
| DeLillo        |
| Steinbeck      |
| Foster Wallace |
| Foster Wallace |
| Saunders       |
16 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  • LIKEの反対.とりあえずLIKEの使用をもう一度見て
  • mysql> SELECT title FROM books WHERE title LIKE '%w%';
    | title                                               |
    | A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius           |
    | What We Talk About When We Talk About Love: Stories |
    | Where I'm Calling From: Selected Stories            |
    | White Noise                                         |
    | Cannery Row                                         |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • NOT LIKEの使用を見てみましょう

  • mysql> SELECT title FROM books WHERE title NOT LIKE '%w%';
    | title                                     |
    | The Namesake                              |
    | Norse Mythology                           |
    | Interpreter of Maladies                   |
    | A Hologram for the King: A Novel          |
    | The Circle                                |
    | The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay |
    | Just Kids                                 |
    | Coraline                                  |
    | Oblivion: Stories                         |
    | Consider the Lobster                      |
    | 10% Happier                               |
    | fake_book                                 |
    | Lincoln In The Bardo                      |
    13 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    これにより、LIKEとは逆の出力の結果が見られる.ここで、NOT LIKEはNOT EQUALとは異なり、NOTではなくNOTであることに注意すべきもちろん、「!」ワイルドカードも使えます.
    mysql> SELECT title FROM books WHERE title LIKE '_________';
    | title     |
    | Just Kids |
    | fake_book |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> SELECT title FROM books WHERE title NOT LIKE '_________';
    | title                                               |
    | The Namesake                                        |
    | Norse Mythology                                     |
    | Interpreter of Maladies                             |
    | A Hologram for the King: A Novel                    |
    | The Circle                                          |
    | The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay           |
    | A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius           |
    | Coraline                                            |
    | What We Talk About When We Talk About Love: Stories |
    | Where I'm Calling From: Selected Stories            |
    | White Noise                                         |
    | Cannery Row                                         |
    | Oblivion: Stories                                   |
    | Consider the Lobster                                |
    | 10% Happier                                         |
    | Lincoln In The Bardo                                |
    16 rows in set (0.00 sec)