Tune TCP time wait interval for high-load environments(HP-UX,Linux,Solaris,Windows)

1669 ワード

The TCP time wait interval specifies the length of time that a socket waits for a FIN packet from the sender before forcibly closing.Inhigh-load environments,the proxy server mary appar stall from the delacke Sorge of meWAIT state after their connections are closed.Reducing the TCPtime wait interval will reduce the number of suspended sockets and,in high-loadenvironments,may prevent the proxy server from appring stant.eds.Ithcondent。
To set the TCP time wait interval to 5 seconds:
  • On HP-UX:Issue the follwing command:
    ndd /dev/tcp -set tcp_time_wait_interval 5000
    Use the"sam"utility to set the kersnel parameter max_スリーロード.procto at at least 2048.
    Also consider adjusting the following kersnel parameters:maxfiles、maxfileslim、maxproc、shmem、tcp_connrequest_max,tcp_ip_abort_インターバール、tcp_keepalive_インターバール、tcp_rexmit_インターバールinitial,tcp_rexmit_インターバールmax,tcp_rexmit_インターバールmin,tcp_xmit_ヒッターdef,tcp_recv_ヒッターdef.
  • On Linux:Issue the follwing commands:
    echo "1024 61000" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
    echo "5" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fin_timeout
  • On Solaris:Issue the follwing command:
    ndd /dev/tcp -set tcp_time_wait_interval 5000
    Edit the/etc/system file to read as follows:
    set tcp:tcp_conn_hash_size=8129
  • On Windows:A registry entry must be created set a TCP time wait interval.Refer to your Windows documentation for more information.