Detect retina displays with javascript

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I've been trying a way to detect a device's DPI for mobile design. While I haven't yet, I did at least find a way to detect whether the user is using a retina display. So without ado, here's how:
var retina = window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? true : false;

Now the variable  retina  will be set to  true  if the user has a retina display. A simple  if statement can be used anywhere to execute code based on the user's display.
if (retina) {
    // the user has a retina display
else {
    // the user has a non-retina display


A good is exam ple is if I have a 100x100 image (or video), the above code will tell me to upscale the image to 200x200 for it to look crisp on an iPhone 4 without forcing all users to unnecessarily download a 200x200 image. Especially given bandwidth is a major concern for mobile users.
if (retina) {
    var html = '<img src="my-high-res-image.jpg">';
else {
    var html = '<img src="my-low-res-image.jpg">';