JavaScriptでコール()、apply ()およびbind ()の理解


  • すべての関数this 自動的にプロパティ
  • 文脈this は、ドットの前から呼び出される関数です.例えば、
  • 'use strict'
    let userA = {
     age: 9,
     getAge() {
    // here context of getAge is object userA
    userA.getAge() // 9
    // or
    let userB = {
     age: 19
    function getAge() {
    // here context of getAge is object userB
    userB.getAge = getAge
    userB.getAge() // 19
    'use strict'
    let car = {
      manufacturer: 'Mahindra',
      model: 'XUV500',
      featureArray: ['Sunroof', 'ABS', '4WD'],
      carInfo() {
        const info = `${this.manufacturer} ${this.model} have these features: `
        const features = this.featureArray.reduce(function (string, feature, i) {
          if (i === this.featureArray.length - 1) {
            return `${string} and ${feature}.`
          return `${string} ${feature},`
        }, '')
        console.log(info + features)


    これは.featureArray of this 12行目は
     if (i === this.featureArray.length - 1) {}
    エラーに応じてthis.featureArray が定義されていない.
    'use strict'
    let car = {
      manufacturer: 'Mahindra',
      model: 'XUV500',
      featureArray: ['Sunroof', 'ABS', '4WD'],
      carInfo() {
        const info = `${this.manufacturer} ${this.model} have these features: `
        //                👇here this is referenced to car object
        const features = this.featureArray.reduce(function (string, feature, i) {
          console.log(this) // undefined
          //        👇here reference of this is unknown
          if (i === this.featureArray.length - 1) {
            return `${string} and ${feature}.`
          return `${string} ${feature},`
        }, '')
        console.log(info + features)
    参考文献this 無名関数が通過するので.reduce のコンテキストを取得しませんuser .
    最初にハックでこの問題を解決しましょうthis :
    'use strict'
    let car = {
      manufacturer: 'Mahindra',
      model: 'XUV500',
      featureArray: ['Sunroof', 'ABS', '4WD'],
      carInfo() {
        const info = `${this.manufacturer} ${this.model} have these features: `
        let savedReference = this
        const features = this.featureArray.reduce(function (string, feature, i) {
          if (i === savedReference.featureArray.length - 1) {
            return `${string} and ${feature}.`
          return `${string} ${feature},`
        }, '')
        console.log(info + features)
    car.carInfo() // Mahindra XUV500 have these features:  Sunroof, ABS, and 4WD.

    この記事の後半ではbind ()を使ってこれを修正します

    JavaScriptで利用できるbind ()メソッドについて学びましょう

    The bind() method creates a new function that, when called, has this keyword set to the provided value.

    'use strict'
    let kid = {
      Name: 'Rob',
      Age: 6,
    function sayHi() {
      console.log('👋 Hello, I am ' + this.Name)
    ここでエラーがスローされます.TypeError :未定義のプロパティ' name 'を読み込むことはできません
    SayHi ()がコンテキストなしで呼び出されるためです.this が参照されていない.
    では文脈を修正しましょうthis を返します.bind()
    'use strict'
    let kid = {
      Name: 'Rob',
      Age: 6,
    function sayHi() {
      console.log('👋 Hello, I am ' + this.Name)
    let logHi = sayHi.bind(kid) // creates new object and binds kid. 'this' of sayHi = kid now
    logHi() // 👋 Hello, I am Rob


    'use strict'
    let car = {
      manufacturer: 'Mahindra',
      model: 'XUV500',
      featureArray: ['Sunroof', 'ABS', '4WD'],
      carInfo() {
        const info = `${this.manufacturer} ${this.model} have these features: `
        const features = this.featureArray.reduce(
          function (string, feature, i) {
            if (i === this.featureArray.length - 1) {
              return `${string} and ${feature}.`
            return `${string} ${feature},`
            // 👇here we have bind the this object which is referenced to object car
        console.log(info + features)
    car.carInfo() //Mahindra XUV500 have these features:  Sunroof, ABS, and 4WD.

    ここでbind ()を行いました。call ()とapply ()を理解しましょう。


    Every function has a method call that allows invoking the function specifying the context (this) and arguments the function will be invoked with

    'use strict'
    let kid = {
      Name: 'Rob',
      Age: 6,
    function sayHi() {
      console.log('👋 Hello, I am ' + this.Name)
    } // 👋 Hello, I am Rob
    'use strict'
    let kid = {
      Name: 'Rob',
      Age: 6,
    function sayHi(place, number) {
      console.log(`👋 Hello, I am ${this.Name}, I live in ${place} and I have ${number} dogs`)
    }, 'Montreal', 2) // 👋 Hello, I am Rob, I live in Montreal and I have 2 dogs
    見ましょうapply() 作品

    call() and apply() are exact same thing. The only difference between how they work is that call() expects all arguments to be passed in individually, whereas apply() expects an array of all of our arguments.

    'use strict'
    let kid = {
      Name: 'Rob',
      Age: 6,
    function sayHi(place, number) {
      console.log(`👋 Hello, I am ${this.Name}, I live in ${place} and I have ${number} dogs`)
    sayHi.apply(kid, ['Montreal', 2]) // 👋 Hello, I am Rob, I live in Montreal and I have 2 dogs
    この記事があなたに理解してくれたことを願っていますcall() , bind() , and apply() .
    お気軽に提案を与えるか、または私にメッセージを撮影し、それをチェックアウト私のチェックアウトWebsite .