
週間のニュースレターとしてご利用いただけますwww.iainfreestone.com あなたが問題を逃すことを確実にするために.

1 . github cli





gh はコマンドラインにある.それはあなたが既に働いている場所の隣に端末にプル要求、問題、および他のGiTub概念をもたらしますgit とコード.

github cliはgithubでホストされているリポジトリに利用可能です.COMとGitHubエンタープライズサーバー2.20 +、MacOS、Windows、およびLinux上でインストールする.


See the manual セットアップと使用方法のために.


何かを感じている場合、またはいくつかの機能が不足している場合は、チェックアウトしてくださいcontributing page . そこにあなたのフィードバックを共有するための指示を見つけるローカルツールを構築し、プロジェクトにプル要求を提出する.



ghHomebrew , MacPorts , Conda , とからダウンロード可能なバイナリとしてreleases page .


アップグレードbrew install gh brew upgrade gh


アップグレードsudo port install gh sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade
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2 .ノードHTTPプロキシ


HTTPパーティー / ノードHTTPプロキシ



node-http-proxy HTTPプログラマブルプロキシライブラリをサポートしています


  • Installation
  • Upgrading from 0.8.x ?
  • Core Concept

  • Use Cases
  • Setup a basic stand-alone proxy server
  • Setup a stand-alone proxy server with custom server logic
  • Setup a stand-alone proxy server with proxy request header re-writing
  • Modify a response from a proxied server
  • Setup a stand-alone proxy server with latency
  • Using HTTPS
  • Proxying WebSockets
  • Options
  • Listening for proxy events
  • Shutdown

  • Miscellaneous
  • Test
  • ProxyTable API
  • Logo
  • Contributing and Issues
  • License
  • インストール

    npm install http-proxy --saveBack to top


    Back to top


    新しいプロキシを呼び出すことによって作成されますcreateProxyServer パス
    options 引数としてオブジェクトvalid properties are available here )
    var httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
    var proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer(


    While there are some existing resources to help front end developers in preparing for interviews, they aren't as abundant as materials for a software engineer interview. Among the existing resources, probably the most helpful question bank would be Front-end Developer Interview Questions. Unfortunately, I couldn't find many complete and satisfactory answers to these questions online, hence here is my attempt at answering them.

    楊春 / フロントエンド

    🕸 有名なH 5 BP「フロントエンド仕事インタビュー質問」へのBullshit答え


    Credits: Illustration by @yangheng



    Unlike typical software engineer job interviews, front-end job interviews have less emphasis on algorithms and have more questions on intricate knowledge and expertise about the domain — HTML, CSS, JavaScript, just to name a few areas.

    While there are some existing resources to help front end developers in preparing for interviews, they aren't as abundant as materials for a software engineer interview. Among the existing resources, probably the most helpful question bank would be Front-end Developer Interview Questions. Unfortunately, I couldn't find many complete and satisfactory answers to these questions online, hence here is my attempt at answering them. Being an open source repository, the project can live on with the support of the community as the state of web evolves.



    Go from zero…

    4 .プロット

    A small (< 30 KB min), fast chart for time series, lines, areas, ohlc & bars

    ライオニア / アップロード

    📈 時間、線、地域、Ohlcとバーのための小さな、速いチャート

    📈 μプロット

    A small (~40 KB min), fast chart for time series, lines, areas, ohlc & bars (MIT Licensed)


    μPlot is a fast, memory-efficient Canvas 2D-based chart for plotting time series, lines, areas, ohlc & bars; from a cold start it can create an interactive chart containing 150,000 data points in 135ms, scaling linearly at ~25,000 pts/ms. In addition to fast initial render, the zooming and cursor performance is by far the best of any similar charting lib; at ~40 KB, it's likely the smallest and fastest time series plotter that doesn't make use of context-limited WebGL shaders or WASM, both of which have much higher startup cost and code size.


    However, if you need 60fps performance with massive streaming datasets, uPlot can only get you so far WebGL should still be the tool of choice for applications like…


    Extensible enterprise-level front-end application framework. Umi has built-in routing, building, deployment, testing, and so on. It only requires one dependency to get started. Umi also provides an integrated preset for React with rich functionaries.

    UIJS / 海

    🌋 プラグイン可能なエンタープライズレベルはアプリケーションフレームワークを反応させる。

    English | 简体中文

    🍙 Extensible enterprise-level front-end application framework.

    Please consider following this project's author, sorrycc, and consider starring the project to show your ❤️ and support.


    • 🎉 Extensible, Umi implements the complete lifecycle and makes it extensible, and Umi's internal functions are all plugins. Umi also support plugins and presets.
    • 📦 Out of the Box, Umi has built-in routing, building, deployment, testing, and so on. It only requires one dependency to get started. Umi also provides an integrated preset for React with rich functionaries.
    • 🐠 Enterprise, It has been verified by 3000+ projects in Ant Financial and projects of Alibaba, Youku, Netease, Fliggy, KouBei and other companies.
    • 🚀 Self Development, Including micro frontend library, component packaging, documentation tools, request library, hooks library, data flow, etc.
    • 🌴 Perfect Routing, Supports both configuration routing and convention routing, while with functional completeness, such as…

    6 .モーション

    An open source and production-ready motion library for React on the web.

    フレーマー / モーション




    Framer Motion is an open source, production-ready library that's designed for all creative developers.

    It looks like this:

    <motion.div animate={{ x: 0 }} />

    It does all this:

    • Spring animations
    • Simple keyframes syntax
    • Gestures (drag/tap/hover)
    • Layout and shared layout animations
    • SVG paths
    • Exit animations
    • Server-side rendering
    • Variants for orchestrating animations across components
    • CSS variables

    ...and a whole lot more.



    npm install framer-motion
    import { motion } from "framer-motion"
    export const MyComponent = ({ isVisible }) => (
        <motion.div animate={{ opacity: isVisible ? 1 : 0 }} />


    Check out our documentation for guides and a full API reference.

    Or checkout our examples for inspiration.


    Want to contribute to Framer…


    This sample shows how to create a customer and subscribe them to a plan with Stripe Billing. You can find step by step directions in the billing overview documentation page.

    ストライプサンプル / 募集事例



    This sample shows how to create a customer and subscribe them to a plan with Stripe Billing. For the official documentation for Stripe billing checkout the overview.

    Checkout Fixed-price-subscriptions with Elements Usage-based-subscriptions with Elements Per-seat-subscriptions with Elements
    Demo checkout.stripe.dev
    Define prices in: CLI, Dashboard, or API Create a price with the Stripe: CLI, Dashboard, or API.
    Charge users a fixed price on a recurring basis Create a subscription with a fixed price recurring monthly/yearly/etc.
    Charge users per seat on a recurring basis. Create a subscription that charges based on the amount of seats used.
    Charge customers based on their usage. Create a metered subscriptions so you can charge customers based on their usage.
    Apple Pay & Google Pay support Built in, no extra code needed
    Coupon support for subscriptions


    Laravel Fortify is a frontend agnostic authentication backend for Laravel. Fortify powers the registration, authentication, and two-factor authentication features of Laravel Jetstream.

    ラーラベル / 強化する



    Laravel Fortify is a frontend agnostic authentication backend for Laravel. Fortify powers the registration, authentication, and two-factor authentication features of Laravel Jetstream.


    Documentation for Fortify can be found on the Laravel website.


    Thank you for considering contributing to Fortify! You can read the contribution guide here.


    In order to ensure that the Laravel community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.


    Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.


    Laravel Fortify is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


    Generate massive amounts of fake data in the browser and node.js

    マラーク / フェーカー.js


    フェーカー.js -大量の偽データをブラウザとノードで生成します。js




    Don't have a local development setup ready?

    Try our hosted version of Faker at https://fakercloud.com/api




        <script src = "faker.js" type = "text/javascript"></script>
          var randomName = faker.name.findName(); // Caitlyn Kerluke
          var randomEmail = faker.internet.email(); // Rusty@arne.info
          var randomCard = faker.helpers.createCard(); // random contact card containing many properties


        var faker = require('faker');
        var randomName = faker.name.findName(); // Rowan Nikolaus
        var randomEmail = faker.internet.email(); // Kassandra.Haley@erich.biz
        var randomCard = faker.helpers.createCard

    10 . F * CK JavaScriptとは

    A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples. JavaScript is a great language. It has a simple syntax, large ecosystem and, what is most important, a great community. At the same time, we all know that JavaScript is quite a funny language with tricky parts. Some of them can quickly turn our everyday job into hell, and some of them can make us laugh out loud.

    デニソドバン / 原子力機構

    🤪 面白いとトリッキーなJavaScriptの例のリスト

    何がF * CK JavaScriptですか?

    A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples

    JavaScript is a great language. It has a simple syntax, large ecosystem and, what is most important, a great community.

    At the same time, we all know that JavaScript is quite a funny language with tricky parts. Some of them can quickly turn our everyday job into hell, and some of them can make us laugh out loud.

    The original idea for WTFJS belongs to . This list is highly inspired by his talk :


    You can install this handbook using npm. Just run:

    $ npm install -g wtfjs
    あなたは走ることができるはずですwtfjs 現在コマンドラインで.これは、選択したマニュアルを開きます$PAGER . それ以外の場合は、ここで読んでください.


    View on GitHub
    週間のニュースレターとしてご利用いただけますwww.iainfreestone.com あなたが問題を逃すことを確実にするために.