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   1: <h3>Bird FAQ - click the questions to show the answers</h3>

   2: <dl id="faq">

   3:     <dt>What shouldn't I do to the bird?</dt>

   4:     <dd>Never use oils or lotions which contain oils on your bird. They gunk up the feathers,

   5:     and ruin their insulating properties. This means a chilled bird. Never wait out a cat bite--those

   6:     require immediate veterinary attention--a bird can die within two days because a cat's mouth is so

   7:     filthy and full of bacteria. Don't bother with over-the-counter medication. It really doesn't work,

   8:     and in some cases, may upset the delicate bacterial balance in the bird's body, or even worsen the

   9:     situation. Never try to treat a fracture at home.</dd>


  11:     <dt>My bird is healthy. I don't need to go to a vet, do I?</dt>

  12:     <dd>Schedule a "well-bird" checkup. Prevention is the best medicine. Even though the bird might appear outwardly healthy, it may have a low-grade infection or something not so readily apparent. Your bird's health and your peace of mind will be worth it.</dd>


  14:     <dt>My bird's leg is being rubbed raw by the leg band. Can I take it off?</dt>

  15:     <dd>No. Don't attempt this, especially if the leg is broken or swollen. The vet will be able

  16:     to remove the band, and deal with whatever injury maybe lurking under the banded area.</dd>


  18:     <dt>How do I pull a broken blood feather?</dt>

  19:     <dd>This is probably the most common mishap. The remedy is simple--yank! It's most easily done

  20:     with two people. One to restrain the bird and the other to pull the feather. Use pliers, or a

  21:     hemostat. Tweezers won't work on primaries. Make certain that the wing bones are firmly supported

  22:     or you can break the wing. Clamp onto the feather and give a sharp tug in the direction of the

  23:     feather. The feather will come out. Next, apply gentle, direct pressure to the follicle where the

  24:     feather was to stop the bleeding. Dab some styptic powder on it, as it will help stop the bleeding

  25:     as well. Let the bird rest. Ask your vet or breeder to demonstrate exactly how to pull a blood

  26:     feather if you're apprehensive about doing it.</dd>

  27: </dl>

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