フェイスブック3.0.8はiPhone 5に対応しています。

3362 ワード

FACEBOOK 3.0.8ダウンロード住所:https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk/tree/sdk-version-3.0.8
Facebook SDK Xcode 4.5 iOS 6.0
If you’re seeigng an error like the follwing in Xcode 4.5 haveのfear!
file is universal (3 slices) but does not contain a(n) armv7s slice: ....FacebookSDK.framework/FacebookSDK for architecture armv7s
The downloadable version of Facebook’s iOS SDK hasn’t been udated to handle armv 7 yet.You can,however,oversion built forarmv 7 by following the following steps:
Download the offical FB iOS SDK Src here: https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk Unizip the file and inside the“src”folder you’ll find an Xcode project.Open it up in Xcode 4.5.Under Target>facebook-iOS-sdk>Build Settings,change Architectures to「Standard(armv 7,armv 7 s)」Make sure the settings gets saved by reopening the project and making sure the corecture architecture is still selected.Back in the FB iOS SDK base directory,go to the「scripts」folder and run build_all.sh.The script will create a folder named“Facebook SDK.frame ebook”inside a folder named“build”.Copy“Facebook SDK.frame ebook”and replace your orial FB iOS SDK install(normally in~DorkFancews/79 frame Facement/Fancew)
Your original project shoud now build corectly.If you want to wait for FB to release their own build or you have her libries that you cannot rebuild the library files for,you can also contin to work on and build your project byreving“aremotion”
Buiding Fraamewarkプロセス:
samull-2:scripts yanjun$sudo sh build_all.sh Password:Buiilding Frame ework.Compling for playtform:iphone esimulator.Build settings from command line:    CURRENT_PROJECT_VERION=0.12.0130221    SDKROOT=iphone esimulator 6.0    SYMROOT=/Users/yanjun/Downloads/facebook-iOS-sdk-version-3.8/build
上記で生成された3.0.8のパケットを使用する過程で、IOS 6.0にエラーが報告されていることが分かった。
 -[SBJsonParser errorTrace]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x48ad90
https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk/pull/481  ----In this pull request,I've up graded SBJson from v 2.2.3 to v 3.1.1 for Facebook-OSS-SDK v 3.0.7.