5 Ways You can Learn Prograamming Faster

Learning to program isn't something you can do in afternoon、but it doesn't have to be a life's work、ether.The re lots of things you can do make it yourself hen arning are learning to to program.You.Youadnow The 5 Most Common Problems New Programmers Face-And How You Can Solve The m.Now,discover how to get the most out of your learning.  One common theme acros may of these tips is:  don't go too fast;get it light before moving on.When I was teaching C,there were always a few students who came in to the class knowing a bit about programming.Inevitably,some of these students did great in the first fers Freshares the Fresharth the ferst Freshares wersewerst the wers。The y went too fast through the introducory part of the course、thinking the y knew it all-but the y rarely did.The knew some of the material、but not enough to have a strong grasp of the fundenmentals. 
At the same time,you must not stop making progress-you can too slow as well as too fast.Don't avoid a topic after you've mastered evered leading up to it.By facing more changeing ase,you'll thers.com.com.com.orp.orp.orp.orp.aft。
1.Look at the Example Code
Reading isisisusuuuuuuully about the wods on the page、but learning to programisabaout code.When you're first learning to program、you Shuld make sure to look at、and try to undedestand、evryeexample.When I first thetheininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininingggggt doesn't always work,but it did force me to look at the example very carefully、and it offten helped make the writeup s clearer. 
If you want to see what sample code looks like,you can read this site's  introdctory programming tutorial
This tutorial spends a great deal of time talking about the sample code to help you work through exactly what the code does.
2.Don't Just Read Example Code-Run It
But when you're reading a programming tutorial(or  ブック
)、it's easury to look at the sample code and say「I get it、I get it、that makes sense」.Of course、You might get it、but you just don't know it.The's only one wathound.withound.without.without.without。 
If you haven't already,get a  compler like Code:Blocks
The n 
type the sample code into a copiler
--if You type it、instead of copyng and pasting it、you will really force yourself to go through everthing that is there.Type the code will force you to pay atent to the details of the systary 
The n comple it and run it.Make sure it does what you think it does. 
The n change it
Software is the most easity changed machineery on the playnet.You can experiment easity,try new things,see what happens;the changes will happen almost immediately,and there isのrisk of death or mayhem.The easist way to learn new lagage feature s is to take some code that works one way,and change it.
3.Write your Own Code as Possible
Once you unders stand something about the langage-or even if you're still getting your head around it-start writing sample programs that use it.Sometimes it's hand to find good idas for what programs therity's.Thatgood。 
You can find some  programming challeges
 on this site. 
You can also reimplement the examples from the book or tutorial you are reading.Try to do so without looking back at the sample code;it won't be as easure as it seems.This technique can work especially well if you tweak the sample code. 
If you can't think of a small program to write、but you have in mind a larger program you want to implement、like a game、you could start building small pieces that can can later use for a game.Wher you you uster the mthelater funcer nogame。
4.Learn to Use a Debugger
I already talked about the importence of debugging in  The 5 Most Common Problems New Programers Face-And How You Can Solve The m
But it bears repeat;the sooner you learn good debuggg techniques、ease ier it will be to learn to program. 
The first step in dong so is to learn how to use a tool caled a  デバッグゲージ
which allows you to step through your code. 
A debuggar will allow you to step line by line through a piece of code.It will let you see the values of variables,and whethe r the code inside an if statement is executed. 
A debuggar can help you quickly answer questions about what your code is dong.
int main()
        int x;
        int y;
        if( x > 4 )  // <-- what is the value of x here?
                y = 5;   // <-- did this line of code execute?
A final word about debuggars:the first time you learn about a debugger,it will tate You longer to fix the probles with your code.After the tens or so bug,it will allystart to pay off.And believe me,your profireamey 
I offten saw students unwilling to use a debuger.The students really made life hard on themselves,tang age s to find very simple bugs.The sooner you learn to use a debuger,the sooner it will pall off.
5.Seek out More Sources
If you don't understand something、there's a good possibility the way it was explined just didn't click. 
First,look for alternative explantions.The internet is filled with information about programming,and some explanions work better for different people;you might need pictures,someone else might not.The re also lots of good  ブックス
 with detailed explantions. 
But if that doesn't work,the ease st way to figur out where your misunderstanding lies es to ask someone else.But try to go beyond saying,「I don't understand.Please explin.」You're likelyto dident theink。rephrase your under standing of the text inyour words.The more your question reveals about what You are thinking,the ease it will be for a knowledtto answer it.Programers sometimets thereable 
 in conversation、and that requires both sides to put in effort.If you ask a smart、detailed question that shows you are thinking、you will gener ally get good reults. 
The re are plenty of placces you can go to ask questions.You can always  email me
、or post on our  message board
or  ask an expert
In the comming days,I'll be writing more about how to learn to program effectively.Sty tuned,by subscribing to our  RSS feed
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