Boot Multiple ISO from USB via Groub 2 using Linux

Boot ISO Files directlyffrom USB using Gub 2 from Liux.Here is one way to create a Multibot USB Flalash Drive Drive fffrom a running Ubuntu(I used the Live CD).You may evuuuuuuuuuuuuudlargFFlargFFlargFlargFFlashshshshshshshDrive FFFlalalalalalame Drive Drive Drive ReReReReReReReReReReReReRetrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrme to test them.Contact me to submit working Bootable Linux ISO grb.cfg entries for inclusion.
I.Format your USB Flash Drive to use a Single Partation:
  • Open a terminal and type sudo su
  • Type fdisk -l(and note which device is your USB Drive)
  • Type fdisk /dev/sdx (replecng x with your actual usb device)
  • Type d(to delete the existing partition)
  • Type n(to create a new partition)
  • Type p(for primation)
  • Type 1(to create the first partition)
  • Press Enter(to use the first cylinder)
  • Press Enter again(to use the default value as the last cylinder)
  • Type a(for active)
  • Type 1(to mark the first partition active「bootble」)
  • Type w(to write the changes and close fdisk)
  • II.Create a Fat 32 Filesystem on the USB Flash Drive:
  • Type umount /dev/sdx 1(to unmount the mounted partition)
  • Type mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n MULTIBOOT /dev/sdx 1(to format the partion as fat 32)
  • III.Install Groub 2 on the USB Flash Drive:
  • Type mkdir /media/MULTIBOOT(to create a directory for the mountpoint)
  • Type mount /dev/sdx 1 /media/MULTIBOOT(to mount the USB)
  • Type grub-install --force --no-floppy --root-directory=/media/MULTIBOOT /dev/sdx (to install Groub 2)
  • Type cd /media/MULTIBOOT/boot/grub(to change directory)
  • Type wget get the grub.cfg file)
  • IV.Test to make sure your USB Device Boots into Groub 2:
    Reboot your Computer,and enter your BIOS or Boot Menu.Set the Boot border to boot from the USB Device.Save your changes and Reboot.If all goes well,you shou shoud be presented with a Grob 2 Boot Men.
    V.Adding the Bootable ISO files:
  • Type cd /media/MULTIBOOT(assiuming USB is still mounted here)
  • Follows the instructions for the ISO Distro you would like to add below.Simply click to expand the instructions.
  • Type wget "" -O ubuntu.isoOr rename your existing ISO untu.iso and copy it to the USB device
    Type wget -O linuxmint10.isoOr rename your existing ISO linuxmint 10.iso and copy it to the USB device
    Type wget "" -O dban.isoOr rename your existing ISO dban.iso and copy it to the USB device
    Type wget "" -O tinycore.isoOr rename your exisit ISO inting.iso and copy it to your USB device
    Typewget memtest86+-4.10.zipTypecp memtest86+-4.10.bin memtest86+.binOr extract the contens of your memtest 86+zip.Rename the bin to memtest 86+bin and copy it to your USB device
    Adding an Unlisted ISO:To try ISO Files that are not yet listed、use the existing menu entry examples in /boot/grub/grub.cfg and apped any options normally found in the distring slation x.cfg fine the"apped the the line"
    Please inform me of entries you get to work and I will add them to the list,so that others may benefit as well.