Why MySQL replication is better than mysql binlogs for recovery

1826 ワード

この記事の転載は以下の通りです http://www.xaprb.com/blog/2010/09/04/why-mysql-replication-is-better-than-mysqlbinlog-for-recovery/
You have a backup,and you have the binary logs between that backup and now.You need to point-in-time recovery(PITR)for some reason.What do?The tradtional answer is"restore the backup and then use mysqlbinlog s to apply the binary logs."But there’s a much better way to it.
The better way is to set up a server instance with no data、and load the binary logs logs into it.I call thisa“binlogserver.”The n restore your backup and start the server ver ver asa replication ssssslalalalalalalalalalalalalalareplicication sssssssssssssssssssssslalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala
Why is this betterBecause replication is a more tetested way of apaplying binary logs to a server.The rereultsare are muce e morekelyto be coret,in my opinion.Plus,replication isisis and conveveinntinto use.You.You cado can niconconconconststststininininine.You.You.You.You.You.You.You cado can niniconconconconconconconcontrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtre.You.You.You.You.You.You.You nininiststststststststststso on.
Replication also has the ability to corectly reproduce more types of changes than mysql binlogs does.Try this with statement-based replication:
insert into tbl(col) values(connection_id());
That’ll work just fine through replication、because the SQL thread on the slaave will change its connection ID to match the original.It won’t work through mysql bilogs.
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Posted on Sat,Sep 4,2010.Apple 300 Word.