
ERPNext 無料の/オープンソースのERPソフトウェアは、今日の市場で利用可能です.彼らのクラウドの提供の横には、前提にEPNEXNを使用する可能性があります.しかし、インストール手順は全く明確ではありません.私は個人的に何度もインストールをしなければならない.「ああこれは物事の仕組みです.これは私が遅すぎるからではない.ここでは、どのようにEPNEXTを適切にインストールする方法についての詳細な手順です.


ErpNetはFrappe Frameworkを使用してPythonで開発されますFrappe 本稿では)ErpNextとFrappeは、多くのコミュニティ支持者と同じ会社から来ます.MidadbはDBMSに使用されていますので、詳細については前に次のようにします.

  • Python : Frappeの上にfrappeとerpnextを実装するプログラミング言語.

  • MariaDB : DBMS、データの格納と管理に使用されます.

  • Frappe : Pythonをベースにしたソフトウェアフレームワークです.

  • Bench : Frappeアプリのためのマルチテナント展開を管理するためのCLIプログラム

  • Node.js : JavaScriptエンジン、フロントエンド目的のためにフラッペによって使用されます.

  • yarn : ノードのパッケージマネージャ.js

  • Git : バージョン管理システム、ベンチCLIで使用されます.
  • インフラストラクチャソフトウェアのインストールと設定


    私の使用Miniconda 分布参照installation instructions minicondaのインストール方法について.インストール後、環境を作成します.
    $ conda create -n py39-erpnext python=3.9
    $ conda activate py39-erpnext
    $ python                                                                                 Python 3.9.6 (default, Jul 30 2021, 16:35:19) 
    [GCC 7.5.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.


    マリアブでゲットhttps://mariadb.org/download/ , インストール手順を使用してインストールhttps://mariadb.com/kb/en/binary-packages/ そして、その設定を変更します(通常、my . cnfを編集する必要があります)ほとんどのLinuxディストリビューションでは、このファイルを/etc/mysql/my.cnf ):
    collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci
    innodb_file_format = Barracuda
    命令を使用してMariADBサーバプロセスを実行するhttps://mariadb.com/kb/en/starting-and-stopping-mariadb-automatically/ .
    mysqladmin -u root password 'root'
    注意: root用のrootとしてrootを使います.
    $ mysql -u root -p
    Enter password: 
    Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MariaDB connection id is 90
    Server version: 10.5.12-MariaDB-1 Debian 11
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
    MariaDB [(none)]> 


    あなたはフラッペについて読むことができますhttps://github.com/frappe/frappe . 一方、これは後で使用しているerpnextと共にインストールされますbench .


    詳しい情報があれば、ここでソースコードを見てください.https://github.com/frappe/bench . ベンチをインストールする手順はたくさんありますが、最も簡単です.
    $ pip install bench
    <some screen dump>
    $ pip list | grep bench                                                                   
    frappe-bench                      5.5.0
    $ bench --help                                                                           WARN: Command not being executed in bench directory
    Usage:  [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
      --help     Show this message and exit.
      backup                   Backup single site
      backup-all-sites         Backup all sites in current bench
      clear-command-cache      Clears Frappe Framework cached commands
      config                   Change bench configuration
      disable-production       Disables production environment for the bench.
      download-translations    Download latest translations
      exclude-app              Exclude app from updating
      find                     Finds benches recursively from location
      generate-command-cache   Caches Frappe Framework commands
      get-app                  Clone an app from the internet or filesystem and...
      include-app              Include app for updating
      init                     Initialize a new bench instance in the specified...
      install                  Install system dependencies for setting up
      migrate-env              Migrate Virtual Environment to desired Python...
      new-app                  Create a new Frappe application under apps folder
      pip                      For pip help use `bench pip help [COMMAND]` or...
      prepare-beta-release     Prepare major beta release from develop branch
      release                  Release a Frappe app (internal to the Frappe...
      remote-reset-url         Reset app remote url to frappe official
      remote-set-url           Set app remote url
      remote-urls              Show apps remote url
      remove-app               Completely remove app from bench and re-build...
      renew-lets-encrypt       Sets Up latest cron and Renew Lets Encrypt...
      restart                  Restart supervisor processes or systemd units
      retry-upgrade            Retry a failed upgrade
      set-mariadb-host         Set MariaDB host for bench
      set-nginx-port           Set NGINX port for site
      set-redis-cache-host     Set Redis cache host for bench
      set-redis-queue-host     Set Redis queue host for bench
      set-redis-socketio-host  Set Redis socketio host for bench
      set-ssl-certificate      Set SSL certificate path for site
      set-ssl-key              Set SSL certificate private key path for site
      set-url-root             Set URL root for site
      setup                    Setup command group for enabling setting up a...
      src                      Prints bench source folder path, which can be...
      start                    Start Frappe development processes
      switch-to-branch         Switch all apps to specified branch, or specify...
      switch-to-develop        Switch frappe and erpnext to develop branch
      update                   Performs an update operation on current bench.


    参照installation instructions . バージョン14を使用します.X . X .

    ノードの後.JSのインストールnode and npm . このコマンドを使用して糸をインストールします
    $ npm install -g yarn


    通常、Linuxのディストリビューションではデフォルトでgitがインストールされています.LinuxボックスがGitを持っていないとか、MacOSやWindowsを使っているかもしれませんinstallation instructions for Git .


    $ bench init --frappe-branch version-13 myERPNext
    $ bench init --frappe-branch version-13 myERPNext
    $ /home/bpdp/software/python-dev-tools/miniconda39/envs/py39-erpnext/bin/virtualenv -q env -p python3
    Getting frappe
    $ git clone https://github.com/frappe/frappe.git --branch version-13 --depth 1 --origin upstream
    Kloning ke 'frappe'...
    remote: Enumerating objects: 2914, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (2914/2914), done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2746/2746), done.
    remote: Total 2914 (delta 404), reused 1006 (delta 96), pack-reused 0
    Menerima objek: 100% (2914/2914), 16.04 MiB | 1.16 MiB/s, done.
    Menguraikan delta: 100% (404/404), done.
    Installing frappe
    $ myERPNext/env/bin/python -m pip install -q -U -e myERPNext/apps/frappe 
    WARNING: You are using pip version 21.2.2; however, version 21.2.3 is available.
    You should consider upgrading via the '/home/bpdp/kerjaan/erpnext/myERPNext/env/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
    $ yarn install
    yarn install v1.22.11
    warning ../../../../../../package.json: No license field
    [1/4] Resolving packages...
    [2/4] Fetching packages...
    [3/4] Linking dependencies...
    warning " > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "[email protected] - 3".
    warning " > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "popper.js@^1.16.0".
    warning Workspaces can only be enabled in private projects.
    [4/4] Building fresh packages...
    $ yarn run snyk-protect
    yarn run v1.22.11
    warning ../../../../../../package.json: No license field
    $ snyk protect
    Successfully applied Snyk patches
    Done in 11.34s.
    Done in 239.98s.
    Updating node packages...
    Installing node dependencies for frappe
    $ yarn install
    yarn install v1.22.11
    warning ../../../../../../package.json: No license field
    [1/4] Resolving packages...
    success Already up-to-date.
    $ yarn run snyk-protect
    yarn run v1.22.11
    warning ../../../../../../package.json: No license field
    $ snyk protect
    Successfully applied Snyk patches
    Done in 9.18s.
    Done in 9.87s.
    $ bench build
    An Error occurred while downloading assets...
    ✔ Application Assets Linked                                                                                                 
    yarn run v1.22.11
    warning ../../../../../../package.json: No license field
    $ FRAPPE_ENV=production node rollup/build.js
    Production mode
    ✔ Built js/moment-bundle.min.js
    ✔ Built js/libs.min.js
    Building frappe assets...
    ✔ Built js/checkout.min.js
    ✔ Built js/dialog.min.js
    ✔ Built js/web_form.min.js
    ✔ Built js/user_profile_controller.min.js
    ✔ Built js/list.min.js
    ✔ Built js/chat.js
    ✔ Built js/bootstrap-4-web.min.js
    ✔ Built js/frappe-recorder.min.js
    ✔ Built js/barcode_scanner.min.js
    ✔ Built js/frappe-web.min.js
    ✔ Built css/report.min.css
    ✔ Built css-rtl/report.min.css
    ✔ Built css/frappe-chat-web.css
    ✔ Built css/web_form.css
    ✔ Built css-rtl/frappe-chat-web.css
    ✔ Built css-rtl/web_form.css
    ✔ Built js/data_import_tools.min.js
    ✔ Built js/report.min.js
    ✔ Built css/printview.css
    ✔ Built css/email.css
    ✔ Built css/login.css
    ✔ Built css/frappe-web-b4.css
    ✔ Built js/desk.min.js
    ✔ Built js/control.min.js
    ✔ Built css/desk.min.css
    ✔ Built css-rtl/frappe-web-b4.css
    ✔ Built css-rtl/email.css
    ✔ Built css-rtl/login.css
    ✔ Built css-rtl/printview.css
    ✔ Built css-rtl/desk.min.css
    ✔ Built js/form.min.js
    ✨  Done in 47.395s
    Done in 48.40s.
    SUCCESS: Bench myERPNext initialized

    NOTE: The term bench/Bench usually denotes two things: directory and CLI. Starting now, we will call bench/Bench directory as bench/Bench and bench/Bench CLI as bench/Bench CLI.



    $ cat /etc/hosts   localhost   dellvuan    dellvuan   myerpnext   myerpnext
    # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
    ::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
    ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
    ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
    $ ping myerpnext
    PING myerpnext ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from dellvuan ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.052 ms
    64 bytes from dellvuan ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.031 ms
    --- myerpnext ping statistics ---
    2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1021ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.031/0.041/0.052/0.010 ms
    $ bench new-site --db-name myerpnextdb myerpnext
    MySQL root password: 
    Installing frappe...
    Updating DocTypes for frappe        : [========================================] 100%
    Updating country info               : [========================================] 100%
    Set Administrator password: 
    Re-enter Administrator password: 
    *** Scheduler is disabled ***
    我々が使用しないならば--db-name その後、ベンチCLIはランダムに生成された名前を使用します.管理者のパスワードに答える必要があります.パスワードの注意を取る、我々は後でこれを必要とするつもりです.


    $ bench get-app --branch version-13 erpnext
    $ bench get-app --branch version-13 erpnext                              
    Getting erpnext
    $ git clone https://github.com/frappe/erpnext --branch version-13 --depth 1 --origin upstream
    Kloning ke 'erpnext'...
    remote: Enumerating objects: 7214, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (7214/7214), done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5935/5935), done.
    remote: Total 7214 (delta 2009), reused 3218 (delta 999), pack-reused 0
    Menerima objek: 100% (7214/7214), 18.22 MiB | 650.00 KiB/s, done.
    Menguraikan delta: 100% (2009/2009), done.
    Updating files: 100% (6777/6777), done.
    Installing erpnext
    $ ./env/bin/python -m pip install -q -U -e ./apps/erpnext 
    WARNING: You are using pip version 21.2.2; however, version 21.2.3 is available.
    You should consider upgrading via the '/home/bpdp/kerjaan/erpnext/myERPNext/env/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
    $ yarn install
    yarn install v1.22.11
    warning ../../../../../../package.json: No license field
    [1/4] Resolving packages...
    [2/4] Fetching packages...
    [3/4] Linking dependencies...
    warning Workspaces can only be enabled in private projects.
    [4/4] Building fresh packages...
    $ yarn run snyk-protect
    yarn run v1.22.11
    warning ../../../../../../package.json: No license field
    $ snyk protect
    Successfully applied Snyk patches
    Done in 3.90s.
    Done in 89.54s.
    $ bench build --app erpnext
    ✔ Application Assets Linked                                                                                                 
    yarn run v1.22.11
    warning ../../../../../../package.json: No license field
    $ FRAPPE_ENV=production node rollup/build.js --app erpnext
    Production mode
    ✔ Built js/moment-bundle.min.js
    ✔ Built js/libs.min.js
    Building erpnext assets...
    ✔ Built js/erpnext-web.min.js
    ✔ Built js/bank-reconciliation-tool.min.js
    ✔ Built js/item-dashboard.min.js
    ✔ Built js/point-of-sale.min.js
    ✔ Built js/erpnext.min.js
    ✔ Built css/erpnext-web.css
    ✔ Built css/erpnext.css
    ✔ Built css/marketplace.css
    ✔ Built css-rtl/erpnext-web.css
    ✔ Built css-rtl/marketplace.css
    ✔ Built css-rtl/erpnext.css
    ✔ Built js/marketplace.min.js
    ✨  Done in 9.535s
    Done in 10.40s.


    $ bench --site myerpnext install-app erpnext                             (py39-erpnext) 
    Installing erpnext...
    Updating DocTypes for erpnext       : [========================================] 100%
    Updating customizations for Address
    Updating customizations for Contact


    私たちはChの生産環境のためのセットアップフラッペ、特に特定のユーザーのためのベンチCLIを使用します.ここで、私のユーザ名はBPDPですので、ユーザBPDPの設定を行います.ベンチCLIを使用してプロダクション環境を設定するには、コマンドがシステム設定を変更するためにsudoを使用する必要があります.使用sudo for miniconda 配布は、ちょっと少しトリッキーですsudo 通常、コマンドを見つけることができませんminiconda だってminiconda がインストールされます.したがって、フルパスを使用する必要があります.
    $ sudo /home/bpdp/software/python-dev-tools/miniconda39/envs/py39-erpnext/bin/bench setup production bpdp


    $ bench start
    16:31:26 web.1            |  * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
    16:31:56 watch.1          | Rebuilding bank-reconciliation-tool.min.js
    16:31:56 watch.1          | Rebuilding erpnext.css
    16:31:56 watch.1          | Rebuilding marketplace.css
    16:31:56 watch.1          | Rebuilding erpnext-web.css

    NOTE: The screendump above display the port which is accessible using browser where ERPNext serves.


    ブラウザの使用http://myerpnext:8001/ , ログイン画面が表示されます








