1467 ワード
Thanos Dust Effect
Click the Gauntlet button, and display animation to make a snap, and play audio file; Select half heros by random, the random method is to resort members array; Make selected item to dust 3.1 use html2canvas library to convert dom to a canvas image 3.2 split the canvas images into many pieces by pixel, 3.3 create a container which has the same size and position as the converted dom 3.4 appendChild to the container with the pieces 3.5 rotate random degrees and translate random pixel for each piece, which shows the dust animation 3.6 set converted dom item to be invisible and finish the SNAP action
Reverse time to bring heros back by adjusting the visibility of converted dom items
Why use a nodejs express server?
A static html file will show errors with "Unable to get image data from canvas because the canvas has been tainted by cross-origin data", even if I set allowTaint to be true.
Thanos Dust Effect
Effects Demo
As Thanos making a snap with the Infinite Gauntlet, half the heros vanish to dust. As using the time stone, people come back.
The procedures:
arr.sort(function() {
return 0.5 - Math.random();
function generateFrames()
Why use a nodejs express server?
A static html file will show errors with "Unable to get image data from canvas because the canvas has been tainted by cross-origin data", even if I set allowTaint to be true.