<!-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Copyright 2001 Chordiant Software.  All Rights Reserved.
//  File:
//	Auther:				Ryan Carroll
//	Created:			13/11/2001
//  Description:  Implements a manager for user session settings.
//	Changes log:
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- -->

<PUBLIC:COMPONENT tagname="sessionmanager" lightWeight="true">

<!-- Public Properties -->    

<!-- Public Methods -->    
<METHOD   NAME="setSessionSetting"				/>
<METHOD   NAME="getSessionSetting"				/>
<METHOD   NAME="removeSessionSetting"				/>
<METHOD   NAME="clearSessionSettings"			/>
<METHOD   NAME="getAllSessionSettings"			/>

<!-- Public Events -->    
<EVENT    NAME="onError"  						ID="error"		  />
<EVENT    NAME="onSessionSettingChanged" 			ID="sessionSettingChanged" />

<!-- Private Event Listeners -->
<ATTACH   EVENT="ondocumentready" HANDLER="setDefaults" />
// { start - performance fix
<ATTACH   EVENT="ondetach"          HANDLER="cleanUp"       />
// } end - performance fix



//  Global Variables
var sessionSettings = new Array();

// { start - performance fix
// Detach event handlers. This should always be done for event handlers that was attached with the attachEvent method.
function cleanUp() {
  if (window)
    window.detachEvent("onbeforeunload", cleanUp);
	sessionSettings = null;
// } end - performance fix

function sessionSettingObject(sSessionSettingName, sSessionSettingValue)
	this.sessionSettingName = sSessionSettingName;
	this.sessionSettingValue = sSessionSettingValue;

//	Methods Section																										        // 

//  Public Methods

//  Function:       setSessionSetting
//  Description:    
//  Arguments:      none
//  Returns:        nothing

function setSessionSetting( sSessionSettingName, sSessionSettingValue ) {
	var oSessionSetting;
	var oEvent;

	try {
    	for(var i=0; i < sessionSettings.length; i++){
    		if(sessionSettings[i].sessionSettingName == sSessionSettingName){
    			oSessionSetting = sessionSettings[i];
    			oSessionSetting.sessionSettingValue = sSessionSettingValue;
    	if(oSessionSetting == null){
    		oSessionSetting = new sessionSettingObject(sSessionSettingName, sSessionSettingValue);
    		sessionSettings[sessionSettings.length] = oSessionSetting;
    	oEvent = createEventObject();
        oEvent.setAttribute("sessionSettingData", oSessionSetting);;
	} catch(e) {
	} finally {
		oSessionSetting = null;
		oEvent = null;
		sSessionSettingName = null;
		sSessionSettingValue = null;

//  Function:       getSessionSetting
//  Description:    
//  Arguments:      none
//  Returns:        nothing

function getSessionSetting( sSessionSettingName ) {
	try {
    	for(var i=0; i < sessionSettings.length; i++){
    		if(sessionSettings[i].sessionSettingName == sSessionSettingName){
    			return sessionSettings[i].sessionSettingValue;
    	return null;
	} catch(e) {
		return null;
	} finally {
		sSessionSettingName = null;

//  Function:       removeSessionSetting
//  Description:    
//  Arguments:      none
//  Returns:        nothing

function removeSessionSetting(sSessionSettingName) {
	var oRemovedSessionSetting;

	try {
    	for(var i=0; i < sessionSettings.length; i++){
    		if(sessionSettings[i].sessionSettingName == sSessionSettingName){
    			oRemovedSessionSetting = sessionSettings.splice(i,1);
    			return oRemovedSessionSetting;
    	return null;
	} catch(e) {
		return null;
	} finally {
	  	oRemovedSessionSetting = null;
		sSessionSettingName = null;

//  Function:       clearSessionSettings
//  Description:    
//  Arguments:      none
//  Returns:        nothing

function clearSessionSettings() {
	var oRemovedSessionSettings;

	try {
		oRemovedSessionSettings = sessionSettings.splice(0,sessionSettings.length);
	} catch(e) {
	} finally {
	  	oRemovedSessionSettings = null;

//  Function:       getAllSessionSettings
//  Description:    
//  Arguments:      none
//  Returns:        nothing

function getAllSessionSettings() {
	var oAllSessionSettings;
	try {	
    	oAllSessionSettings = new Array;
    	for(var i=0; i < sessionSettings.length; i++){
    		oAllSessionSettings[oAllSessionSettings.length] = sessionSettings[i]; 
    	return oAllSessionSettings;
	} catch(e) {
		return null;
	} finally {
	  	oAllSessionSettings = null;

//  Private Methods

//  Function:       setDefaults
//  Description:    Called during the initialization of the behavior.  Sets
//                  the required default settings, and attaches the 
//                  onpropertychange event (not done in the header to prevent 
//                  firing the event during initialization).
//  Arguments:      none
//  Returns:        nothing

function setDefaults()
	if( != "print") {
		//  Attach the onpropertychange event
		attachEvent("onpropertychange", doPropChange);
// { start - performance fix
  window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", cleanUp);				
// } end - performance fix

//  Function:       doPropChange
//  Description:    Runs on the onpropertychange event and calls the necessary
//                  functions to correctly handle the property that was just
//                  changed.
//  Arguments:      none
//  Returns:        nothing

function doPropChange()
 	var propertyName;
 	try {
         propertyName = window.event.propertyName;
         //  Handle CSS property changes by calling necessary functions, setting
         //  variables, and/or setting styles
         if (propertyName.substring(0,5) == "style")
     	   // Handle Style changes
            // switch(propertyName)
            // {
            //     case "style.zIndex"             :
            //         break;                
            // }
             //  Detach the onpropertychange event to prevent it from firing while
             //  the changes are handled
             detachEvent("onpropertychange", doPropChange);
             // Handle Property changes
                 //case "leftBoundary" :
                 //		leftBoundary = parseInt(leftBoundary);
                 //		setLeftBoundary(leftBoundary);
                 //    break;
                 default :
                     returnError(propertyName + " not a valid property");
             //  Re-attach the onpropertychange event
             attachEvent("onpropertychange", doPropChange);
	} catch(e) {
	} finally {
	  	propertyName = null;

//  Function:       returnError
//  Description:    Fires the error event, along with a descriptive text
//                  message.
//  Arguments:      sMsg - descriptive text message
//  Returns:        nothing

function returnError(sMsg)
	var oEvent;
 	try {
        oEvent = createEventObject();
        oEvent.setAttribute("error", sMsg);;
	} finally {
	  	oEvent = null;
		sMsg = null;