Configuration Part(1)

2834 ワード


Global asax

Common Events :

Application Start

Initializesome resource of application

Application End

Clean upresource

Application Error

Go tounexpected error Page

Application Dispose

Clean up

Session Start

Userspecific data initialize

Session End

Userspecific data finalize

Machine Config

<MachineKeyvalidationKey = “specific Value” Decryption Key=”specific Value” />

· Validation key is using for encryptview state
· for web Garden and web farm ,need toset as specific value, for saving view state value during post back.

Web Config

Configuration can be inheritance

For Http://localhost/A/B/C/MyPage.aspx
IIS will apply :
MachineConfig -> web Config -> A folder Web Config -> B Folder Web Config->C folder Web Config


When wantto set more than 1 group of settings for different path , can use location tag
<Locationpath=”” >put this path specific settings</location>

Section class

Create a Section Class

ClassOrderService : ConfigurationSection {


Publicstring Available{get;set;}





<sectionname=”OrderService” />



<OrderServiceavailable = “true” …other attributes/>




OrderServicesection = (OrderService)ConfigurationManager.GetSection(“OrderService”);

varavailable = section.Available;

For Nested Configuration




<sectionname=”OrderService” />







Create Section Class

ClassOrderService :ConfigurationSection {


PublicLocation location{get;set;} 


ClassLocation : ConfigurationElement{



Use :

Lbl.Text =section.location.ComputerName ;

Configuration section canbe encrypted


Web SiteAdministration tool
VS->Website-> Config